Delicious kefir fasting days
Today I want to introduce You with the opportunity to relieve your body by eating healthy and affordable product – yogurt. I want to stress that this is not a mono diet, which dictates to use the same product for a certain period. It's a little break for our digestive system to be discharged in one day. After reading today's article, I hope you understand what this method is attractive and affordable. After a fasting day may not be exclusively on yogurt. But the results can bring the most tangible.
Fasting day on yogurt. Use.
What is his popularity and benefit?
Kefir discharge day. Results. Health benefits.
Now the points about the benefits that we receive by practicing kefir fasting days:
Yogurt good for the body, it is even called "enemy" of fat. So that this unloading is not just beneficial for the General state of the organism, but is likely to lead to a loss of 1-1,5 kg.
If we are talking about the beneficial effects of yogurt, it is necessary to note that a cleanse will help to cleanse the bowel, biliary tract, liver. It is useful to practice them for those who suffer from hypertension, atherosclerosis.
The day yogurt, improve the complexion, give cheerfulness and ease, will bring a burst of energy and the ability to change your attitude to the daily diet.
Kefir discharge day. Harm. Contraindications
Harm. Despite the obvious benefits of this product is as yogurt, it can adversely affect the health of a certain group of people. So, the fasting day on kefir, can bring harm. For example, it is not recommended to practice this method to women during the "critical days" when the body is weakened natural physiological process. I do not advise to unload the yogurt and adolescents, as in the period of active growth such abstinence can have a negative impact.
Contraindications. The main contraindication to kefir fasting days is a full or partial intolerance to dairy products, as well as diagnoses such as gastritis, stomach ulcers or other serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Like any other ways of unloading days, kefir is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.
Fasting day on yogurt. The basic rules, how to spend it.
1. Main consumed during the day, the product – yogurt. It is desirable that it had a minimal shelf life. As for fat content, preferably 1% kefir. If desired, alternate methods of fat-free yogurt and kefir (1%-2,5% fat) with bifidoflora. The estimated amount of yogurt a day 1-1,5 litres. If that's not enough, you can slightly increase the recommended amount, e.g., up to two liters.
2. If you decided to try not pure kefir a day, and combine this drink with other diet products, pay attention to the total calories of all the food that I plan to take during the day. The usual rate of consumption in humans is 1400 kcal. So during the fasting day on kefir it is necessary to reduce by half to 700 kcal.
3. Completely eliminate salt and sugar that day. If you really want something to sweeten it – replace the sugar with honey.
4. Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids – suitable herbal teas, broth hips, mineral water without gas.
The kefir fasting days.
1. Yogurt and kefir.
Advance purchase required amount of yogurt (1-1,5 liters) and start unloading the morning with a glass of low-fat yogurt. Later in the day, at intervals of about 3-4 hours, also drink a glass of yogurt. There are approximately 6 glasses of yogurt (200 ml). You can alternate low-fat yogurt with bifidokefir. Liquid (herbal teas, mineral water) is not forbidden and even encouraged.
2. Kefir – curd fasting day. Drink kefir and add cheese.
This version brings some variety and allows for additional consumption of 300-400 grams of cottage cheese (low fat) per day. You can combine curd with a teaspoon of honey and handful fresh berries. Ie one day we can eat 400 grams of cottage cheese and drink 1 liter of yogurt.
An exemplary scheme is as follows:
Drink kefir and add to it the vegetables or fruits. Another variation on the theme of the beautiful combination of yogurt diet product. Of course, practicing the unloading of better in the summer when both fruits and vegetables are good and affordable.
Kefir and cucumber fasting day.
For example, in the heat of summer will go unloading on yogurt and cucumbers. During the day, except for a liter of kefir can be consumed to pounds of fresh cucumbers. Moreover, your imagination may not be shy and suggest different combinations: cucumber salad, flavored yogurt, or combine cucumbers, greens and a little low fat cottage cheese or cheese, it is not forbidden and season cucumber salad with a spoon of vegetable oil. All the meals spread, so that between them was a three-hour break, and alternate volume – yogurt with cucumbers and just a Cup of yogurt.
If a cucumber as a vegetable Supplement seems to you boring option – talk to the owl menu vegetable celery, carrots, cabbage, bell peppers. How to eat vegetables is up to you. You can eat raw, you can cook light soup or stewed (without oil), or even better – cook for a couple.
As things stand, and with fruit – stock up on apples, peaches, plums, your favorite berries. Exclude only bananas and grapes. Make fruit salad, tucking them in with yogurt, or grind the berries in a blender, getting a delicious cocktail.
4. Oats, kefir discharge day. Yogurt plus oatmeal
This option is very useful to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract due to the properties of oatmeal. In the evening soak 3-4 tablespoons of oatmeal in cold boiled water. In the morning, eat the prepared mixture (can be flavored with honey or berries), sipped a Cup of yogurt. During the day drink kefir and eat apples. For dinner a Cup of herbal tea with lemon and a couple of crackers. And, of course, a constant glass of kefir before bedtime
5. Yogurt plus...
Specifically put the ellipsis, so that you understand what to combine yogurt to be consumed within the fasting day (and not only) possible with many foods: fish, juices, watermelon, potatoes. For example, for those who are very much afraid of hungry, fit yogurt-protein day. When during the day in addition to the yogurt, you can eat up to half a kilo of boiled fish or chicken breast.
Kefir-chocolate fasting day.
This day will surely enjoy the sweet tooth. Because he rules during the day you can drink two cups of cocoa (and coffee) without sugar, and at lunch, even eat a small chocolate bar! 60 grams is enough. Morning Cup of coffee, cocoa or hot chocolate, then for lunch a Cup of yogurt, lunch — a small bar of chocolate with hot tea or a glass of rose, in the afternoon – a Cup of cocoa dinner – a Cup of tea or rosehip with a small amount of chocolate (pull yourself together, just a little!) and at night – a glass of buttermilk.
Here are recipes for rapid recovery. After analyzing them, it can be concluded that a fasting day is not so terrible. It is important not to exaggerate your feelings and not wait for attacks of hunger. Then the body's "switch" on a fasting day is much more likely and easier.
What else is important to say? On the periodicity. Doctors recommend practicing kefir fasting days no more than once in 7-10 days. Thus, You will not have to suffer from long-term mono-diets. And thus to achieve a very good result, thanks to short-term unloading.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: irinazaytseva.ru/razgruzochnyj-den-na-kefire.html
Fasting day on yogurt. Use.

What is his popularity and benefit?
- Yogurt is one of the most popular healthy foods. Everyone knows about its useful properties, as well as the fact that he is actively involved in the process of weight loss even celebrities. About kefir diet Larisa Dolina heard everything. But if you stand the whole course of this milk diet is really difficult, then "run", practicing fasting days on kefir, quite capable.
- Attractive the option first of all, the fact that the yogurt – available and inexpensive product. You can find it in any store, and no need to pre-cook provides an opportunity to practice unloading, while at work, on the road, outdoors, etc. Minimum cost and maximum convenience.
- The second advantage of yogurt as the main product for handling the day in its universality. After all, "unload" yogurt does not mean all day to eat it. Yogurt can be combined with other dietary products, which if desired, you can Supplement your diet. The main thing – to observe a measure, as you'll read further from the article.
Kefir discharge day. Results. Health benefits.
Now the points about the benefits that we receive by practicing kefir fasting days:
Yogurt good for the body, it is even called "enemy" of fat. So that this unloading is not just beneficial for the General state of the organism, but is likely to lead to a loss of 1-1,5 kg.
If we are talking about the beneficial effects of yogurt, it is necessary to note that a cleanse will help to cleanse the bowel, biliary tract, liver. It is useful to practice them for those who suffer from hypertension, atherosclerosis.
The day yogurt, improve the complexion, give cheerfulness and ease, will bring a burst of energy and the ability to change your attitude to the daily diet.
Kefir discharge day. Harm. Contraindications
Harm. Despite the obvious benefits of this product is as yogurt, it can adversely affect the health of a certain group of people. So, the fasting day on kefir, can bring harm. For example, it is not recommended to practice this method to women during the "critical days" when the body is weakened natural physiological process. I do not advise to unload the yogurt and adolescents, as in the period of active growth such abstinence can have a negative impact.
Contraindications. The main contraindication to kefir fasting days is a full or partial intolerance to dairy products, as well as diagnoses such as gastritis, stomach ulcers or other serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Like any other ways of unloading days, kefir is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.
Fasting day on yogurt. The basic rules, how to spend it.
1. Main consumed during the day, the product – yogurt. It is desirable that it had a minimal shelf life. As for fat content, preferably 1% kefir. If desired, alternate methods of fat-free yogurt and kefir (1%-2,5% fat) with bifidoflora. The estimated amount of yogurt a day 1-1,5 litres. If that's not enough, you can slightly increase the recommended amount, e.g., up to two liters.
2. If you decided to try not pure kefir a day, and combine this drink with other diet products, pay attention to the total calories of all the food that I plan to take during the day. The usual rate of consumption in humans is 1400 kcal. So during the fasting day on kefir it is necessary to reduce by half to 700 kcal.
3. Completely eliminate salt and sugar that day. If you really want something to sweeten it – replace the sugar with honey.
4. Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids – suitable herbal teas, broth hips, mineral water without gas.
The kefir fasting days.
1. Yogurt and kefir.
Advance purchase required amount of yogurt (1-1,5 liters) and start unloading the morning with a glass of low-fat yogurt. Later in the day, at intervals of about 3-4 hours, also drink a glass of yogurt. There are approximately 6 glasses of yogurt (200 ml). You can alternate low-fat yogurt with bifidokefir. Liquid (herbal teas, mineral water) is not forbidden and even encouraged.
2. Kefir – curd fasting day. Drink kefir and add cheese.
This version brings some variety and allows for additional consumption of 300-400 grams of cottage cheese (low fat) per day. You can combine curd with a teaspoon of honey and handful fresh berries. Ie one day we can eat 400 grams of cottage cheese and drink 1 liter of yogurt.
An exemplary scheme is as follows:
- For Breakfast eat two to three tablespoons of curd, optionally seasoned with a teaspoon of honey. Wash down with a glass of low-fat yogurt.
- In an hour again drink kefir (you can take the option of bifidoflora).
- For lunch, again serving of cottage cheese (about 100g) and yogurt (200 ml).
- In the afternoon – a Cup of yogurt.
- Dinner – familiar serving of cottage cheese and yogurt.
- And we end our fasting day a triumphant glass of kefir before bedtime.
Drink kefir and add to it the vegetables or fruits. Another variation on the theme of the beautiful combination of yogurt diet product. Of course, practicing the unloading of better in the summer when both fruits and vegetables are good and affordable.

Kefir and cucumber fasting day.
For example, in the heat of summer will go unloading on yogurt and cucumbers. During the day, except for a liter of kefir can be consumed to pounds of fresh cucumbers. Moreover, your imagination may not be shy and suggest different combinations: cucumber salad, flavored yogurt, or combine cucumbers, greens and a little low fat cottage cheese or cheese, it is not forbidden and season cucumber salad with a spoon of vegetable oil. All the meals spread, so that between them was a three-hour break, and alternate volume – yogurt with cucumbers and just a Cup of yogurt.
If a cucumber as a vegetable Supplement seems to you boring option – talk to the owl menu vegetable celery, carrots, cabbage, bell peppers. How to eat vegetables is up to you. You can eat raw, you can cook light soup or stewed (without oil), or even better – cook for a couple.
As things stand, and with fruit – stock up on apples, peaches, plums, your favorite berries. Exclude only bananas and grapes. Make fruit salad, tucking them in with yogurt, or grind the berries in a blender, getting a delicious cocktail.
4. Oats, kefir discharge day. Yogurt plus oatmeal
This option is very useful to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract due to the properties of oatmeal. In the evening soak 3-4 tablespoons of oatmeal in cold boiled water. In the morning, eat the prepared mixture (can be flavored with honey or berries), sipped a Cup of yogurt. During the day drink kefir and eat apples. For dinner a Cup of herbal tea with lemon and a couple of crackers. And, of course, a constant glass of kefir before bedtime
5. Yogurt plus...
Specifically put the ellipsis, so that you understand what to combine yogurt to be consumed within the fasting day (and not only) possible with many foods: fish, juices, watermelon, potatoes. For example, for those who are very much afraid of hungry, fit yogurt-protein day. When during the day in addition to the yogurt, you can eat up to half a kilo of boiled fish or chicken breast.
Kefir-chocolate fasting day.
This day will surely enjoy the sweet tooth. Because he rules during the day you can drink two cups of cocoa (and coffee) without sugar, and at lunch, even eat a small chocolate bar! 60 grams is enough. Morning Cup of coffee, cocoa or hot chocolate, then for lunch a Cup of yogurt, lunch — a small bar of chocolate with hot tea or a glass of rose, in the afternoon – a Cup of cocoa dinner – a Cup of tea or rosehip with a small amount of chocolate (pull yourself together, just a little!) and at night – a glass of buttermilk.
Here are recipes for rapid recovery. After analyzing them, it can be concluded that a fasting day is not so terrible. It is important not to exaggerate your feelings and not wait for attacks of hunger. Then the body's "switch" on a fasting day is much more likely and easier.
What else is important to say? On the periodicity. Doctors recommend practicing kefir fasting days no more than once in 7-10 days. Thus, You will not have to suffer from long-term mono-diets. And thus to achieve a very good result, thanks to short-term unloading.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: irinazaytseva.ru/razgruzochnyj-den-na-kefire.html
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