The Foundation of life. Installation of 8 thousand books from Thomas Ehgartner

Despite the presence of many other sources of information, that books are still the main Foundation of our lives, giving us a clear idea of what is good and what is bad, how to behave in certain situations, and in General ideas about life outside of the house. Here is fundamental books and decided to emphasize the installation Meaning Minus Truth Conditions artist Thomas Hengartner (Thomas Ehgartner).

Books now you can not only read! In our time they have become the material from which contemporary artists create their work. As examples of such creativity can lead book plug Literature VS Traffic from Luzinterruptus, an Igloo of books by Miler Lagos (Lagos Miler), a tower of books about Abraham Lincoln or installation Meaning Minus Truth Conditions from Thomas Hangartner. That's the past, and will be discussed in this article.

Meaning Minus Truth Conditions is an installation that tells the audience about the greatest role of books in our life. After all, for most of the inhabitants of the Earth is the reading became the basis for the creation of their world, it told them about his life, opened new horizons, teach you to dream, to dream and to achieve their goals despite any obstacles.
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