Unique pictures of telescope "Hubble"

Edwin Hubble – an American astronomer, through which the world learned that the universe stretches farther than our milky Way galaxy. Scientist during his research activities have made many discoveries in astronomy and constructed an automatic Observatory, which was put in orbit in 1990. A telescope called "Hubble" in honor of its Creator. For several years every year in the run up to Christmas a series of photographs, which capture the most important astronomical discoveries.

This year Hubble Space Telescope Advent Calendar included pictures of many cosmic phenomena. One of them is a picture which shows a pair of "overlapping" each other galaxies. They are actually separated by tens of millions of light years, which is about ten times greater than the distance between our Milky Way and the neighboring Andromeda galaxy. The image shows that galaxy are relatively quiet and have a different trajectory.

Even in a single shot – the so-called "red rectangle". This is a cosmic phenomenon known as a protoplanetary nebula. The star, located in the center resembles the Sun, but at the end of its "life". Hot white dwarf causes the glow effect from the surrounding gases. Unusual rectangle is at a distance of 2300 light years from Earth in the constellation of the Unicorn.

On the following photos the telescope captured the birth process of a new star, accompanied by powerful explosions and giant planet Jupiter, which passes along the planet-satellite IO. Black spot on Jupiter is the shadow of the satellite, which moves at a speed of about 17 kilometers per second.

Like the flashes of comets, which we can observe from Earth shown in the following photos of the new stars also have the luminous "tails". These "tails" — nothing like the dense interstellar gas.
Source: /users/276
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