The orbiting Hubble telescope at Vselennoy"
24 April 1990 to orbit the Earth was launched from the orbital telescope "Hubble" has made in almost a quarter century of its existence, many great discoveries, we shed light on the Universe, its history and mystery. Today we will talk about this became our time of the legendary space Observatory, its history, and also about some of the important discoveries made with its help.
The idea of placing a telescope in Earth orbit, where his work will be nothing to interfere, appeared in the interwar years in the work of German engineer Hermann Oberth, but the theoretical justification for this put forward in 1946, the American astrophysicist Lehman Spitzer. It so captured the idea that he devoted to its implementation a large part soakaway career.
The first orbiting telescope was launched by Britain in 1962, and the United States of America in 1966. The success of these devices finally convinced the world scientific community to the necessity of a large space Observatory that can see even into the very depths of the Universe.
Work on the project, which eventually became the Hubble space telescope began in 1970, but a long time the funding was not sufficient for the successful implementation of ideas. There have been periods when the American government does suspend financial flows.
The suspension ended in 1978, when the U.S. Congress allocated for the creation of orbital laboratory $ 36 million. Then active work began on the design and construction of the facility, which is connected to many research centers and technological companies, only thirty-two institutions around the world.
It was originally planned to bring the telescope into orbit in 1983, then these terms was moved in 1986. But the disaster of the space Shuttle Challenger on 28 January 1986 forced once again to revise the launch date of the object. As a result of "Hubble" was launched into Space on 24 April 1990 on the Shuttle "discovery".
In the nineties of the twentieth century, Hubble has become one of the most famous and mentioned in the press of man-made objects. Photos taken of this orbital Observatory, and published on the front pages and covers not only scientific and scientific-popular magazines, but also a regular press, including the tabloid press.
Discoveries made with Hubble, significantly turned and expanded the human view of the Universe and continue to do so until now. Telescope photographed and sent to Earth more than a million high-resolution images allow us to look into the depths of the Universe where it is impossible to get otherwise.
One of the first occasions the media to talk about the telescope "Hubble" have its images of the comet the shoemaker-levy 9, which in July 1994 collided with Jupiter. About a year before falling in the observation of this object orbiting Observatory recorded its division into several dozen pieces, which then fell during the week on the surface of the giant planet.
The size of the "Hubble" (mirror diameter – 2.4 meters) allows him to undertake research in various fields of astronomy and astrophysics. For example, it was taken pictures of exoplanets (planets outside the Solar system), to observe the agony of old stars and the birth of a new find of mysterious black holes, investigate the history of the Universe, and to test current scientific theories, confirming or refuting them.
Despite the launch and other orbital telescopes "Hubble" continues to be the main tool astrologers of our time, constantly providing them with new information from the most remote corners of the Universe. But over time, the operation of Hubble started to experience problems. For example, in the first week of operation of the telescope was that the main mirror there is a defect, not allowing to achieve the desired image sharpness. So I had right in orbit to install the object the system optical correction consisting of two external mirrors.
To repair and upgrade the orbital Observatory "Hubble" was conducted four expeditions to it, in which the telescope was installed new hardware –cameras, mirrors, solar panels and other devices that improve the system and expand the scope of action of the Observatory.
After the last modernization that occurred in 2009, it was decided that the Hubble will remain in orbit until 2014, when it will be replaced by the new space Observatory, the James Webb". But it is now known that the lifetime of the object will continue at least until 2018, and even 2020.
Source: brainswork.ru