What else to read? or top 100 writers and 100 best books of XIX-XX centuries.

"Hooray! Book boom! The number of authors and books reached fantastic proportions. Maybe something to read? "With such thoughts take the first book, and then the second, third ... Something like, something no good. Then before you realize that to read any book takes time and often considerable. The number of books, we can say, infinite, and life - alas, on the contrary. Yeah ... Poor read all the books. So, we must not read everything. What? That's right - only the best. Here then there slozhnossti: "What is good and what is bad?". But there is one little subtlety that makes it easier to search for an answer to this question. Any book before you have someone read. In the worst case - only the author and, at best - millions and millions. But the number of people who read a particular book is not always about the quality of the book. Especially the tastes of a wide variety of people. So, you should choose to start people on whose opinion you can rely on.
That's how it all began. The result is a list below. This is the result of generalization about 20 rankings, the opinions of various authorities, lists the winners of various awards (including the Nobel). Of course, these rankings do not say that all the works to be read and biographies of all authors should be studied from cover to cover. Moreover, that the basis of this list are mostly Anglo-American rating with the bank, which is natural in the English-language literature. However, the result is curious and look at it, it seems worth it.
100 of the best writers of XIX-XX centuries.
1. Faulkner, William (1897-1962) U.Folkner
2. Joyce, James (1882-1941) Dzh.Dzhoys
3. Dickens, Charles (1812-1870) Ch.Dikkens
4. James, Henry (1843-1916) G.Dzheyms
5. Woolf, Virginia (1882-1941) V.Vulf
6. Hemingway, Ernest (1899-1961) Ernest Hemingway
7. Dostoevsky, Fyodor (1821-1881) Dostoyevsky
8. Beckett, Samuel (1906-1989) Samuel Beckett
9. Mann, Thomas (1875-1955) T. Mann
10. Orwell, George (1903-1950) Dzh.Oruell
11. Conrad, Joseph (1857-1924) Dzh.Konrad
12. Kafka, Franz (1883-1924) Kafka
13. Steinbeck, John (1902-1968) Dzh.Steynbek
14. Tolstoy, Leo (1828-1910) Tolstoy
15. Lawrence, D.H. (1885-1930) DH Lawrence
16. Nabokov, Vladimir (1899-1977) Vl.Nabokov
17. Sartre, Jean-Paul (1905-1980) Jean-Paul Sartre
18. Camus, Albert (1913-1960) Camus
19. Bellow, Saul (1915-) S.Bellou
20. Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr (1918-) Solzhenitsyn
21. Twain, Mark (1835-1910) M.Tven
22. Mill, John Stuart (1806-1873) Dzh.S.Mill
23. Morrison, Toni (1931-) T.Morrison
24. Roth, Philip (1963-) F.Rot
25. Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803-1882) R.Emerson
26. Ibsen, Henrik (1828-1906) H. Ibsen
27. Marquez, Gabriel Garcia (1928-) G.Markes
28. Eliot, TS (1888-1965) TS Eliot
29. Freud, Sigmund (1865-1939) Freud
30. Melville, Herman (1819-1891) G.Melvill
31. Forster, E.M. (1879-1970) EM Forster
32. James, William (1842-1910) U.Dzheyms
33. Shaw, George Bernard (1856-1950) Dzh.B.Shou
34. Yeats, William Butler (1865-1939) U.B.Yets
35. Fitzgerald, F. Scott (1896-1940) F.S.Fittszherald
36. Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844-1900) Nietzsche
37. Wharton, Edith (1862-1937) E.Uorton
38. Rand, Ayn (1905-) E.Rend
39. Cather, Willa (1873-1947) V.Kater
40. Huxley, Aldous (1894-1963) Huxley
41. Eliot, George (1819-1880) Dzh.Eliot
42. Hardy, Thomas (1840-1928) T.Hardi
43. Flaubert, Gustave (1821-1880) Flaubert
44. Whitman, Walt (1819-1892) U.Uitmen
45. Salinger, J.D. (1919) Dzh.D.Selindzher
46. Stein, Gertrude (1874-1946) G.Shteyn
47. Calvino, Italo (1923-1985) I.Kalvino
48. Borges, Jorge Luis (1899-1986) H.L.Borhes
49. Rilke, Rainer Maria (1875-1926) RMRilke
50. Styron, William (1925-) U.Stayron
51. Singer, Isaac Bashevis (1904-1991) I.B.Zinger
52. Baldwin, James (1924-1987) Dzh.Bolduin
53. Updike, John (1932-) Dzh.Apdayk
54. Russell, Bertrand (1872-1970) B.Rassell
55. Thoreau, Henry David (1817-1862) G.D.Toro
56. Kipling, Rudyard (1865-1936) R. Kipling
57. Dewey, John (1859-1952) Dzh.Dyui
58. Waugh, Evelyn (1903-1966) I.Vo
59. Ellison, Ralph (1914-1994) R.Ellison
60. Welty, Eudora (1909-) E.Uelti
61. Whitehead, Alfred North (1861-1947) Whitehead
62. Proust, Marcel (1871-1922) Proust
63. Hawthorne, Nathaniel (1804-1864) N.Gotorn
64. McCarthy, Cormac (1933-) K.Makkarti
65. Lewis, Sinclair (1885-1951) S.Lyuis
66. O'Neill, Eugene (1888-1953) Yu.O'Nil
67. Wright, Richard (1945-) R.Rayt
68. DeLillo, Don (1936-) D.Delillo
69. Capote, Truman (1924-1984) T.Kapote
70. Adams, Henry (1838-1918) G.Adams
71. Bergson, Henri (1859-1941) G.Bergson
72. Einstein, Albert (1879-1955) Einstein
73. Chekhov, Anton (1860-1904) Anton Chekhov
74. Turgenev, Ivan (1818-1883) Turgenev
75. Neruda, Pablo (1904-1973) P.Neruda
76. Wolfe, Tom (19 (?) -) T.Vulf
77. Warren, Robert Penn (1905-1989) R.P.Uorren
78. Pound, Ezra (1885-1972) E.Paund
79. Brecht, Bertolt (1898-1956) B. Brecht
80. Cheever, John (1912-1982) Dzh.Chiver
81. Mailer, Norman (1923-) N.Mayler
82. O'Connor, Flannery (1925-1964) F.O'Konnor
83. Chesterton, G.K. (1874-1936) GK Chesterton
84. Pynchon, Thomas (1937-) T.Pinchon
85. Carson, Rachel (1907-1964) R.Karson
86. Achebe, Chinua (1930-) Ch.Achebe
87. Golding, William (1911-1993) William Golding
88. Maritain, Jacques (1882-1973) Zh.Mariten
89. Robbe-Grillet, Alain (1922-) A.Rob-Grillet
90. Paz, Octavio (1914-1998) O.Pas
91. Ionesco, Eugene (1909-1994) E.Ionesko
92. Malraux, Andre (1901-1976) A.Malro
93. Montale, Eugenio (1896-1981) E.Montale
94. Pessoa, Fernando (1888-1935) F.Pesoa
95. Pirandello, Luigi (1867-1936) L.Pirandello
96. Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850-1894) RL Stevenson
97. Strindberg, August (1849-1912) A.Strindberg
98. Rushdie, Salman (1947-) S.Rushdi
99. Carroll, Lewis (1832-1898) L.Keroll
100. Malamud, Bernard (1914-1986) B.Malamud
101. Hamsun, Knut (1859-1952) K.Gamsun
102. Bradbury, Ray (1950-) R. Bradbury
103. Naipaul, V.S. (1932) V.S.Naypol
104. Lee, Harper (19 (?) -) H.Li
105. Gordimer, Nadine (1923-) N.Gordimer
100 best books of the XIX-XX centuries.
1. Joyce, James. «Ulysses» Dzh.Dzhoys. "Ulysses»
2. Ellison, Ralph. «Invisible Man» R.Ellison. «Invisible»
3. Steinbeck, John. «The Grapes of Wrath» Dzh.Steynbek. "The Grapes of Wrath»
4. Proust, Marcel. «Remembrance of Things Past» Proust. "In Search of Lost Time»
5. Orwell, George. «Nineteen Eighty-Four» Dzh.Oruell. "1984»
6. Faulkner, William. «The Sound And The Fury» U.Folkner. "Sound and the Fury»
7. Nabokov, Vladimir. «Lolita» Vl.Nabokov. «Lolita»
8. Morrison, Toni. «Beloved» T.Morrison. "Beloved»
9. Marquez, Gabriel Garcia. «One Hundred Years of Solitude» G.Markes. "Hundred Years of Solitude»
10. Achebe, Chinua. «Things Fall Apart» Ch.Achebe. "And it's destruction»
11. Fitzgerald, F. Scott. «The Great Gatsby» F.Fittszherald. "The Great Gatsby»
12. Capote, Truman. «In Cold Blood» T.Kapote. "Murder»
13. Huxley, Aldous. «Brave New World» Huxley. "Brave New World»
14. Salinger, JD ... «The Catcher In The Rye» Dzh.D.Selindzher. "Catcher in the Rye»
15. Woolf, Virginia. «To the Lighthouse» V.Vulf. "To the Lighthouse»
16. Lee, Harper. «To Kill A Mockingbird» H.Li. "To Kill a Mockingbird»
17. Flaubert, Gustave. «Madame Bovary» Flaubert. "Madame Bovary»
18. Twain, Mark. «The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn» M.Tven. "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn»
19. Lawrence, DH ... «Sons And Lovers» DH Lawrence. "Sons and Lovers»
20. Mann, Thomas. «The Magic Mountain» T. Mann. "The Magic Mountain»
21. Joyce, James. «A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man» Dzh.Dzhoys. "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man»
22. Camus, Albert. «The Stranger» Camus. "Outsider»
23. Warren, Robert Penn. «All The King's Men» R.P.Uorren. "All the King's Men»
24. Tolstoy, Leo. «Anna Karenina» Leo Tolstoy. "Anna Karenina»
25. Styron, William. «Sophie's Choice» U.Stayron. "Sophie chooses»
26. Carson, Rachel. «Silent Spring» R.Karson. "Silent Spring»
27. Dostoevsky, Fyodor. «Crime and Punishment» Dostoyevsky. "Crime and Punishment»
28. James, William. «The Varieties of Religious Experience» U.Dzheyms. "Varieties of Religious Experience»
29. Dostoevsky, Fyodor. «The Brothers Karamazov» Dostoyevsky. "The Brothers Karamazov»
30. Eliot, George. «Middlemarch» Dzh.Eliot. "Middlemarch»
31. Kafka, Franz. «The Trial» Kafka. "Castle»
32. Faulkner, William. «As I Lay Dying» U.Folkner. "On his deathbed»
33. DeLillo, Don. «White Noise» D.Delillo. "White Noise»
34. Thoreau, Henry David. «Walden» G.D.Toro. "Walden»
35. Wright, Richard. «Native Son» R.Rayt. "Son of America»
36. Wharton, Edith. «The Age of Innocence» E.Uorton. "The Age of Innocence»
37. Rushdie, Salman. «Midnight's Children» S.Rushdi. "Midnight's Children»
38. Hemingway, Ernest. «A Farewell To Arms» Ernest Hemingway. "A Farewell to Arms!»
39. Heller, Joseph. «Catch-22" Dzh.Heller. "Catch-22»
40. Mitchell, Margaret. «Gone With The Wind» M.Mitchel. "Gone with the Wind»
41. Adams, Henry. «The Education of Henry Adams» G.Adams. "Education of Henry Adams»
42. Kipling, Rudyard. «Kim» R. Kipling. "Kim»
43. Forster, E.M. «A Passage To India» EM Forster. "A Passage to India»
44. Orwell, George. «Animal Farm» Dzh.Oruell. "Animal Farm»
45. Hemingway, Ernest. «The Sun Also Rises» Ernest Hemingway. "The Sun Also Rises»
46. Lowry, Malcolm. «Under The Volcano» M.Lauri. "Under the Volcano»
47. Bronte, Emily. «Wuthering Heights» E.Bronte. "Wuthering Heights»
48. Conrad, Joseph. «Lord Jim» Dzh.Konrad. "Lord Jim»
49. Whitman, Walt. «Leaves of Grass» U.Uitmen. "Leaves of Grass»
50. Beckett, Samuel. «Waiting for Godot» Samuel Beckett. "Waiting for Godot»
51. Faulkner, William. «Light In August» U.Folkner. "Light in August»
52. Walker, Alice. «The Color Purple» E.Uolker. "The Color Purple»
53. Dostoevsky, Fyodor. «The Idiot» Dostoyevsky. "Idiot»
54. James, Henry. «The Ambassadors» G.Dzheyms. "Ambassadors»
55. Kerouac, Jack. «On The Road» Dzh.Keruak. "On the road»
56. Kuhn, Thomas. «The Structure of Scientific Revolutions» Kuhn. "Structure of Scientific Revolutions»
57. Freud, Sigmund. «The Interpretation of Dreams» Freud. "The Interpretation of Dreams»
58. Bellow, Saul. «The Adventures of Augie March» S.Bellou. "The Adventures of Augie March»
59. Burroughs, William S. «Naked Lunch» U.Berrouz. "Naked Lunch»
60. Tolkien, J.R.R. «The Lord of the Rings» JRR Tolkien. "Lord of the Rings»
61. Melville, Herman. «Moby Dick» G.Melvill. "Moby Dick»
62. Mill, John Stuart. «On Liberty» Dzh.S.Mill. "Freedom»
63. Tolstoy, Leo. «War and Peace» Leo Tolstoy. "War and Peace»
64. Faulkner, William. «Absalom, Absalom!» U.Folkner. "Absalom, Absalom!»
65. Keynes, John Maynard. «The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money» Dzh.M.Keyns. "The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money»
66. Beauvoir, Simone de. «The Second Sex» S.de Buvuar. "Second Sex»
67. Agee, James, and Walker Evans. «Let Us Now Praise Famous Men» Dzh.Edzhi, E.Uolker. "Let us praise famous»
68. Nabokov, Vladimir. «Pale Fire» Vladimir Nabokov. "Pale Fire»
69. Joyce, James. «Dubliners» Dzh.Dzhoys. "Dubliners»
70. Forster, E.M. «Howard's End» EM Forster. "Howards End»
71. Percy, Walker. «The Moviegoer» U.Persi. "The Moviegoer»
72. Hurston, Zora Neale. «Their Eyes Were Watching God» Z.Harston. "Their Eyes Were Watching God»
73. Morrison, Toni. «Song of Solomon» T.Morrison. "Song of Solomon»
74. Hemingway, Ernest. «For Whom the Bell Tolls» Ernest Hemingway. "For Whom the Bell Tolls»
75. Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr. «The Gulag Archipelago» Solzhenitsyn. "The Gulag Archipelago»
76. Camus, Albert. «The Plague» Camus. "Plague»
77. Woolf, Virginia. Mrs. «Dalloway» V.Vulf. "Mrs Dalloway»
78. Turgenev, Ivan. «Fathers and Sons» Turgenev. "Fathers and Sons»
79. Pynchon, Thomas. «Gravity's Rainbow» T.Pinchon. "Rainbow gravity»
80. Irving, John. «The World According to Garp» Dzh.Irving. "The world of Garp»
81. Malamud, Bernard. «The Fixer» B.Malamud. "Assistant»
82. Proulx, E. Annie. «The Shipping News» A.Prul. "Navigation News»
83. Roth, Philip. «Portnoy's Complaint» F.Rot. "The case of Portnoy»
84. Vonnegut, Kurt. «Slaughterhouse Five» K.Vonnegut. "Slaughterhouse-Five»
85. Lawrence, D.H. «Women In Love» DH Lawrence. "Women in Love»
86. McCullers, Carson. «The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter» K.Makkallers. "Heart - Lonely Hunter»
87. Conrad, Joseph. «Heart Of Darkness» Dzh.Konrad. "Heart of Darkness»
88. Borges, Jorge Luis. «Fictions» H.L.Borhes. "Stories»
89. Malraux, Andre. «Man's Fate» A.Malro. "The purpose of man»
90. Miller, Henry. «Tropic Of Cancer» G.Miller. "Tropic of Cancer»
91. Rand, Ayn. «The Fountainhead» A.Rend. "Source»
92. Agee, James. «A Death in the Family» George. Edgy. "Death in the Family»
93. Welty, Eudora. «Collected Stories» Yu.Uelti. "Stories»
94. Carroll, Lewis. «Alice's Adventures in Wonderland» L.Keroll. "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland»
95. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. «Essays» R.U.Emerson. "Essays»
96. Waugh, Evelyn. «Brideshead Revisited» I.Vo. "Return to Brideshead Revisited»
97. Rand, Ayn. «Atlas Shrugged» A.Rend. "Atlant rspravil shoulders»
98. Marx, Karl. «Capital» Marx. "Capital»
99. McCarthy, Cormac. «All the Pretty Horses» K.Makkarti. "The horses, horses ...»
100. Melville, Herman. «Billy Budd» G.Melvill. "Billy Budd, Fort sailor Mars»
101. Tocqueville, Alexis De. «Democracy in America» A.Tokvil. "Democracy in America»
102. Kesey, Ken. «One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest» K.Kizi. "Over the Cuckoo's Nest»
103. Orwell, George. «Homage to Catalonia» Dzh.Oruell. "Homage to Catalonia»
104. Burgess, Anthony. «A Clockwork Orange» E.Berdzhess. "A Clockwork Orange»
105. Cather, Willa. «My Antonia» V.Kater. "My Antonia»
106. Kennedy, William. «Ironweed» U.Kennedi. "Iron weeds»
107. Ondaatje, Michael. «The English Patient» M.Ondatzhi. "The English Patient»
108. Byatt, A.S. «Possession» A.S.Bayett. "Obsession»
109. Joyce, James. «Finnegans Wake» Dzh.Dzhoys. "Finnegans Wake"