Child 2 months—development and recommendations

Second month of baby's life is significant in that at this time there is active growth in all directions, ending the period of adaptation to the "extrauterine" of life, and the child is no longer considered a newborn.
What can the child
1. At this time he possessed a smile that usually gives at the sight of him hunched over parents. 2. There is a significant development of visual functions. The child may have to focus your eyes on the subject of 5-15 seconds. Also able to walk with his eyes moving objects.
3. Language development proceeds in initial preverbal period. The baby may make a variety of sounds focalizarea the following: "AGU", "UBA", "AU", "WA", "Abu", "Bubu", "Gugu";
4. In a sitting position the child can (somewhat hesitantly) to keep my head straight, lying on his stomach, raises his head approximately 45°. Also turns his head in the direction from which emanate the sounds.
5. Responds to fellowship with him considerable excitement, and to calm down it can not only breastfeeding, but at the sight of any person or providing for a parent hands.
6. The child's hands, clenched in fists gradually open up. The movements of extremities start to become more coordinated.
7. Also at this time, the child is already able to roll from a side to the back.
8. Crying and the child begins to acquire a social sense. This physiological response means any request or call.
9. In two months, the child can try to reach a handle to any object nearby, but if these things are very close, the child may knock on them by their tiny hands.
10. All free from sleep while the baby is in motion, it is still poorly controlled. The child tries to taste. Without exception, all babies love to mouth any came to hand items. This method of learning most familiar to the child, because he is familiar with it even since stay in the womb. To worry about it not worth it (if the parents care about the cleanliness of the room in which it is located), because the baby's saliva strong enough to guard it, because it has extremely enzyme activity.
Also one of the favorite activities of the baby becomes sucking. The child begins to understand the difference in taste between own handle or a blanket and the mother's breast or bottle of milk. During breastfeeding a baby can help yourself with the handles, keeping their mother's breast, and slightly podziava her. Child nutrition
During normal development of the child on the second month of life begins to consume at least 800-1000 ml of milk per day, that leaves about 100-150 ml per feeding. At this time, the optimal number of feedings per day is considered six times. The intervals between sessions of feeding will be about 3-3. 5 hours, and night break from 23.30.-00.30 to 6.00-7.00. On the 2nd month of life the children have become quite curious and start often distracted while eating, and this in turn can be perceived by young parents as if the child eats or the baby is no appetite for any unknown reasons. Try feeding choose a quiet place where baby nothing will distract from the meal and talk to the baby or hum some nursery rhymes when he eats. This will help to focus exclusively on baby food.
During this period the growth of the baby becomes more intense with each passing day, accordingly, his appetite is getting bigger, which leads to the increase breast milk of the mother. But for some reason this process may fail, the consequence will be a deficit of nutrients in a child.
One of the most common reasons for reduced lactation is improper nutrition nursing mom. Therefore, to increase milk production you need to take responsibility for this issue and properly adjust your diet. In the nutrition nursing mum must be present proteins (recommended daily use of cheese (about 100 g), dairy products, lean meat (150-200 g), milk. Walnuts and honey also contribute to a significant increase lactation, but they can be used in small doses and in the absence of the mother's allergic reactions to these products, and baby diathesis.
This is not to fall into the other extreme and eat "for two". Standard power mode is sure enough. Not every hour you need to force yourself to drink hot tea with condensed milk (which, by the way, pediatricians do not recommend the use of nursing mothers), lunch diet to include the full plates of the first and second dishes. Variety – your main principle. In this case, remember that in this period of time infant is exposed to intestinal colic and foods to your diet, begin to gradually introduce to determine the reaction of the tummy of the baby on a particular product. Not be amiss now keeping a food diary where you write down everything ate for Breakfast, lunch, dinner and all snacks.
The mode of the day. Usually by the second month of life the child already gets used to sleep and eat at regular intervals. At night, the baby begins to sleep longer and stronger (7 to 9 hours), which contributes to its well-being during waking hours, and total daily sleep time decreases to 16-18 hours.
Every NAP baby takes about 1.5-2 hours, and the number is about 3-4 sessions. For various reasons the baby may confuse day with night, and in this case, the mode of the day brings a lot of inconvenience for parents. In such circumstances, it was necessary to normalize the mode, otherwise it can have a negative impact on its development.
If the baby sleeps during the day for quite a long time, try to Wake him every 3-4 hours, and at night try not to give him plenty of time to Wake up. To do so you need for several days and, of course, in this matter, parents should gain a maximum of patience. In day mode baby must be a walk in the fresh air. The first time it can be output by 30-40 minutes and each week increase the time of the festivities to one and a half hours. If the temperature of the outside air not less than 12°, it is recommended to walk the baby three times a day. Also, before you walk, pay attention to the strength of the wind.
Another point in the daily routine of the child must be evening swim, which is preferably carried out for about 10 minutes before bedtime. Pay attention on temperature when bathing, the best option here is water temperature — 37°, temperature – 24-26° above zero. Every morning after rising the crumbs recommended him a variety of invigorating massages and light exercises. Pat hands and legs of the baby in the direction of the wrist to the shoulder, from foot to the groin respectively. Turn baby on his tummy and a light touch stroke his back. After that, turn him on his tummy and gently palms his tummy in a circular motion. Educational games and activities. As the above procedure, in the routine two-month child must enter the various educational classes. This activity should be aimed at improving the coordination of its movements, as well as greater development of visual, motor and auditory functions. • Development of view. To improve the visual function of the baby, you can offer him one game. Take not too bright the toy and slowly move it in different directions before the eyes of a child. Please note that the distance from the crumbs of this subject should be between 30-35cm. The baby will focus on the toy and see with your eyes and this exercise will actively develop its visual functions. You can also use all sorts of patterns or pictures (black and white, colored), which attach within the field of view of the child.
• Development of motor skills and grasping reflex. Cook of any material (fabric, wood, plastic) small balls, which should vary in color and size. Then turn invest in the child's hand these balls, giving him the opportunity to seize them. After some time, tie your balls with a thread and immerse them carefully in the palm of the baby. After the child grabbed a round object, pull lightly on the thread. Such actions will encourage the child to attempt to firmly grab the ball and hold on to it.
The development of motor skills. To improve motor reflexes have already with 2 months to gradually practicing light physical exercises that strengthen the muscles of the arms, neck, back. Turn baby on his tummy somewhere on the bed or changing table. Sit with the child and actively calling by name, show him some bright toy. Baby will start to show an interest in what is happening, and to better consider a toy will try as possible to pull his little head. It can also produce other method. Put the baby on my stomach and smiling and talking, get him to show interest in your face, that he will begin to inspect, pulling the head.
• Development of hearing. There are many different methods for the development of hearing in infants. Some of these devices are small bells, which must bind to the socks baby. These bells will gently ring the moment when the child will move his leg. You can also enable babies to classical music, to sing funny songs or read nursery rhymes.
Recommendations for care and hygiene.2 month of life a baby's skin is still quite sensitive and delicate. So around the 6-8 week on the body of the baby may start to see a slight rash or slight redness in places (behind ears, neck, knee and elbow, gluteal crease), where due to the formation of natural folds, there is increased sweating. This happens due to lack of work, sweat and sebaceous glands. To avoid unpleasant skin irritation, you need to follow a few simple rules for the care of the baby:
• Spend time hygienic measures.
• Ensure that the child is not overheated.
• Dress your baby according to the current weather conditions.
To eliminate the redness must be carefully and thoroughly washed place of irritation warm, clean water, and then use the cream, which should handle the skin. Very popular baby powders, the main functions of which is drying of the skin. Also on the body of the baby can cause unpleasant flakes (gneiss). To get rid of them you must handle the skin with baby oil, and then pictures of scales with a cotton swab. Upon completion of these procedures, be sure to redeem the kid.
In this age of nail growth in a child occurs quite rapidly, so parents need to follow this process, and after each bathing the baby, carefully inspect the fingers as the hands and feet.
Spend hardening of the child's body. The best method of hardening for the two month old baby is regular air baths. To organize such an tempering, enough after bathing the child is not to hurry with his swaddle and let him lie down with no clothes on for some time (10 minutes). Ensure that the temperature of the air in the room was more than 20°. With each new week the time of the air baths can be increased several minutes, and the temperature of the room gradually lower, staying at around 17-18° above zero.
Source: natural-medicine.ru