Can I breastfeed in public places?
The issue of breastfeeding is very relevant for young mothers. Feeding a baby in public places causes a lot of discussion in society.
Not that it is prohibited by law. People put some taboos on him.
Society has been divided into two camps: those who do not see breastfeeding, wherever it occurs, as anything reprehensible, and those who regard feeding as an intimate process that is not intended for human eyes.
Breastfeeding a newborn has not bypassed this problem and world celebrities who, like mere mortals, have children. And that's how they decided it for themselves.
Do you think there is something inappropriate about breastfeeding?
Not that it is prohibited by law. People put some taboos on him.
Society has been divided into two camps: those who do not see breastfeeding, wherever it occurs, as anything reprehensible, and those who regard feeding as an intimate process that is not intended for human eyes.

Breastfeeding a newborn has not bypassed this problem and world celebrities who, like mere mortals, have children. And that's how they decided it for themselves.
- Sasha Zvereva The Russian singer believes breastfeeding In public, the new reality of modern society: “You can’t just sit at home!” You just don’t have to put the process on display, everything needs a reasonable measure. If a mother is sane and self-respecting, she will not bare her breasts in plain sight.”
“Breastfeeding must take place in a secluded place. I try to retire, hide in a shawl or hide behind someone close to me. You can always find a way to make the process invisible and comfortable for both mother and baby, and for others.” - Natalia Vodianova Top model and mother-of-five: "I'm involved myself and invite you to creatively support the campaign against bigotry about breastfeeding."
515163 - Tutta Larsen TV presenter, raising three children: Personally, I am an ardent fighter for breastfeeding for at least a year and feed my children in public places. There are always ways to either hide or hide.”
“For example, I have a special apron that hangs around the neck, covers the baby, and he can eat comfortably. In one way or another, many mothers want to lead an active lifestyle even after having a child.” - Olivia Wilde. The actress posted a photo of her son's feeding process in a cafe and added a story to it: "Otis ordered a milkshake." Luckily, I had something to offer him. And then he did a little business on my dress. Good boy.
- Pink The singer did not sit on maternity leave, worked and led an active lifestyle, but at the same time did not leave her baby for a moment: It is so strange for me to see people who are ardent opponents of breastfeeding. It's a kid who needs to eat. I feed my baby in public. Is it better to listen to him screaming with hunger?
911. - Elena Kuletskaya The model is also against prohibitions and considers breastfeeding Outside the home, the natural process is: I am against radical restrictions. If you want to go somewhere and you need to feed the child, then, of course, you need to do it.”
I, for example, in such cases, looked for a secluded corner, covered with a wide shawl, so as not to shock others. - Carolina Kurkova For the model, the joy of motherhood is inherent in feeding: Nature conceived everything so wisely and long before we appeared that I believe that there is nothing better for a baby than the milk of his mother. This is not an easy process, but I urge you not to abandon it! It was hard at first, but I enjoy every step of this amazing journey.
Do you think there is something inappropriate about breastfeeding?