At what age should the child be weaned from the breast?

About unconditional benefits of breastfeeding for the baby has long been known: it strengthens the immune system, protects against allergies, has a positive effect on metabolism. However, before many breastfeeding mothers sooner or later the question arises: how long to breastfeed a baby? There are many different opinions and studies. There are mothers who practice GV up to 10 years.


For example, British Amy Hardcastle is breastfeeding her son, who is already 5 years old. Editorial "Site" She will tell you why she calls on social networks to abandon the accepted standards, as well as how much it costs to practice GV.

Weaning from breastfeeding “Is the baby too big?” often hears 27-year-old Amy. She is proud to breastfeed her 5-year-old son and does not hesitate to post photos of this process on social networks, urging young mothers to abandon all prejudices.

When her son was born, Amy hesitated to publicly breastfeed her newborn and even wanted to wean him at 6 months, however, by joining a breastfeeding support group, she realized how beneficial it was for the baby.

Check out the post on Instagram.

Haven't done this in public for a while?? I swear this is like 2 minutes since I said we were basically done? I'm glad we got an opportunity to snap a picture though, this will probably be our last breastfeeding pic? #breastfeeding #breastfeedingjourney #brelfie #etendedbreastfeeding #naturaltermbreastfeeding #selfweaning #celebratebreastfeeding #liquidgold #breastfeedinga4yrold #stillbreastfeeding

Dope, extensions Amy Hardcastle (@amy_.winter) 29 Tra 2018 p.m. at 10:04 PDT

The girl wants to breastfeed her son until he refuses: “What I’m trying to explain is that just because something isn’t culturally normal doesn’t mean it’s wrong. GV has a special meaning as long as the body produces milk to nourish my baby. I plan to stop GW when he wants to. This is not a problem for me.”

Check out the post on Instagram.

I am overwhelmed with all the love and support and comments and messages that I received after yesterday's picture, and here's some more of that honesty I promised? I've had this for over 2 years, you can tell by my teeny hair that this wasn't long after I shaved my head and Ale took this gorgeous picture of my nursing Ma in the bath. I always wanted to post it, but I was too scared. I used to share articles full of breastfeeding photos just like this, people will pay for photo shoots like this, or standing naked in a river and it's incredible and powerful and beautiful but I thought if I put this out and said 'hey this was my idea and I asked for this to be taken' that it made me vain. So I'm posting this for 2 reasons, 1 because I am incredibly proud of myself, considering I almost had to stop breastfeeding at 4 weeks and I want to normalise seeing toddlers nursing (because milk never stops being good for them and natural term weaning is normal and natural, don't argue with me just because you're not used to it, research what I'm saying and then get back to me ??) • And the other reason is to free from people ?Thank you to that has sent me and feel brave love.

Dope, extensions Amy Hardcastle (@amy_.winter) 30 Lip 2018 p about 4:03 PDT

Her goal is to convey to other mothers that it is normal to breastfeed adult babies. Note that there are many women with this position. 36-year-old Miira Dawson wants to feed her daughter up to 10 years, and she also has a younger son, whom she also wants to breastfeed. She is sure that such a decision has a beneficial effect not only on immunity, but also on intelligence.

DepositPhotos is another example of a protracted breastfeeding Adele and Metta Allen family. Parents say their children have never been to a doctor’s office. They also do not attend school, as mom and dad prefer to teach them at home. Their eldest son is over five years old, but this does not prevent him from enjoying his mother’s milk. The boy's mother is convinced that the child should give up his breast.

London resident Denis Samptor has been breastfeeding her daughter for 7 years. WHO experts have nothing against such a decision of mothers. Optimal breastfeeding is considered to be 1.5-2 years. Experts recommend breastfeeding your baby for 6 months. Next, adding lure, another 12 months. But to refuse sooner or later depends on the physiological characteristics of the mother and child.

Women also advocate that without oblique glances to breastfeed children in public places.

Tell us in the comments how much you think you need to breastfeed your baby. Share this article with your friends on social media!

Photo by depositphotos preview.


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