How to make a compress to treat cough
I read this recipe in the herbal pharmacy. It was he who helped cure me. bronchitis. Before that, I spent two weeks in hospital. After the first application of the remedy, the restless cough that had haunted me all day, finally subsided, and I was able to sleep normally.
What to do when coughing Some hard workers refuse bed rest, carrying a cold on their feet. But, as they say, from a cold to bronchitis - one step. If cough does not go away longAlong with traditional methods of treatment, folk remedies can be used.
Today,It's easy.! will tell you how to cure a cough with warming compresses. Such procedures improve blood circulation and facilitate the process of sputum discharge. Everything you need for treatment is in almost every home. Just remember that compresses with vodka or alcohol are prohibited for children!
Cough compresses
Before. How to treat a severe cough warming compresses, read the list of contraindications. These include: fever, the presence of skin injuries and wounds. Do not put a compress on the heart area! It is better not to use compresses for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, dermatitis, allergic reactions to one or more components of the compress.
Any cough compresses are prohibited for children under one year and pregnant women. When taking antibiotics, it is better to refrain from warming-up. It should be remembered that the main thing in the treatment of a cold is rest and the consumption of sufficient fluids. For an adult, 2-3 liters per day is optimal.
DepositPhotos Be sure to see a doctor if the cough persists for a long time. Sometimes this symptom indicates a heart cough, which appears against the background of pathology of the heart and blood vessels and requires urgent treatment.
Coughing in children It can be a symptom not only of respiratory diseases. UWebsiteThere is a comprehensive information guide for parents on cough-related issues. Be sure to familiarize yourself so as not to buy useless medicines.
How do you deal with it? cough? We would be happy to hear your recommendations. Let diseases bypass your loved ones, always stay healthy!
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What to do when coughing Some hard workers refuse bed rest, carrying a cold on their feet. But, as they say, from a cold to bronchitis - one step. If cough does not go away longAlong with traditional methods of treatment, folk remedies can be used.
Today,It's easy.! will tell you how to cure a cough with warming compresses. Such procedures improve blood circulation and facilitate the process of sputum discharge. Everything you need for treatment is in almost every home. Just remember that compresses with vodka or alcohol are prohibited for children!
Cough compresses
- Alcohol compress for severe cough
Take 2 tbsp of anyone. fat And paint it in a water bath. To fat add 3-4 cloves of crushed garlic, 1 tsp. mustard powder, 1 tsp. alcohol. Stir well and transfer the resulting mixture to a light fabric.
Put a compress on the chest (on the heart area is impossible), and cover with parchment paper from above. Wrap your chest with a warm handkerchief. Do this compress exclusively for the night. - Cough cake honey
Melt in a water bath 1 tbsp of honey. Add to the honey 1 tbsp. l. heated vinegar, 1 tbsp. l. dry mustard and 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil. In the resulting mixture add flour so that you can make a cake. Roll the flatbread 1 cm thick and wrap in a paper napkin or one layer of gauze.
With a patch, attach the cake to your chest, avoiding the heart area. Cover the top with parchment paper or food film. Tightly wrap your chest with a woolen scarf. Apply the cake for at least 3 hours, and better tonight. - Potato cough compress
Boil in a uniform 2 kg of potatoes and break without removing the skin. Then add 1 tbsp vegetable oil, 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp salt, 1 tbsp dry mustard and 0.5 tsp 70% acetic acid. The resulting mixture is wrapped in a dense tissue or 4-5 layers of gauze and applied to the back on the lung area. Cover it with a blanket and hold it until it gets cold. Do the procedure before going to bed every day until the cough stops.
Before. How to treat a severe cough warming compresses, read the list of contraindications. These include: fever, the presence of skin injuries and wounds. Do not put a compress on the heart area! It is better not to use compresses for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, dermatitis, allergic reactions to one or more components of the compress.
Any cough compresses are prohibited for children under one year and pregnant women. When taking antibiotics, it is better to refrain from warming-up. It should be remembered that the main thing in the treatment of a cold is rest and the consumption of sufficient fluids. For an adult, 2-3 liters per day is optimal.
DepositPhotos Be sure to see a doctor if the cough persists for a long time. Sometimes this symptom indicates a heart cough, which appears against the background of pathology of the heart and blood vessels and requires urgent treatment.
Coughing in children It can be a symptom not only of respiratory diseases. UWebsiteThere is a comprehensive information guide for parents on cough-related issues. Be sure to familiarize yourself so as not to buy useless medicines.
How do you deal with it? cough? We would be happy to hear your recommendations. Let diseases bypass your loved ones, always stay healthy!
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