Black radish: hypertension, arthritis, balding, and not only
Black radish is an extraordinarily useful plant that anciently familiar to us as the nurse of the human body, widely used in folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.
Homeland radish is Asia. Since ancient times it is diluted as a vegetable. In the wild as of today, the radish is not known. Now the black radish is cultivated in Europe, North America, Australia and in temperate climates of Asia. The best soil for growing black radish is humus, a deep, somewhat moist soil.
It is known that in Ancient Egypt during the construction of the pyramids workers-the Egyptians used black radish to maintain health, body tone and health. Today, the radish is used as food and for medical, healing purposes.
Radish varieties differ among themselves in shape and color of roots. The black radish is considered the most useful and effective.
The composition of black radish
Black radish is not a leader among vegetables in terms of vitamins and minerals, however, its composition is balanced just perfectly — it has a little of everything. A unique combination, which includes minerals, essential oils, vitamins, and much more make black radish current drug.
Black radish contains proteins, carbohydrates in the form of sucrose and fructose, fats, provitamin a (carotene), retinol (vitamin a), vitamin B9, K, s, trace elements – iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, zinc. Most beneficial the black radish fresh. In 100 g of radish contains almost 2 g of protein, 0.2 g fat, 6.7 g carbohydrates, 2.1 g dietary fiber (cellulose) and organic acids, water, starch, ash, and mono - and disaccharides.
Useful properties of black radish
Vitamins b and C, which are part of the black radish, are needed for the human body to function properly.
Ascorbic acid, which is the black radish contains large amounts, contributes to recovery from diseases of the liver, gall bladder, bronchial asthma, restore the body after diseases.
Vitamin B1 in black radish is necessary for young children for growth, helps fat metabolism, cardiovascular and nervous system.
Use black radish
Healing properties of black radish
Miraculous healing and medicinal effect of radish is achieved by potassium saltswhich are easily digested and healthy. The potassium salt is removed from the body with urine toxic products of metabolism and excess fluid in the tissues, contribute to the regulation of water-salt metabolism. But the contents of potassium, the radish is a recognized leader.
In addition, in black radish a lot of useful organic substances, enzymes and volatile. It is a natural antibiotic, which contributes to the high content of glycosides, which are antimicrobial substances.
Another indispensable wealth of black radish – the substance is lysozyme. Its important property is the suppression of growth of bacteria, fungi, protozoa.
Harm black radish
Recommendation gastroenterologists is the introduction of a black radish in the diet gradually, observing some care to see how the body will react to this product. In large quantities it should not immediately eat.
Contraindications to the use of black radish
The black radish has the effects on mucous membranes, because there are cases where its use may be contraindicated. It is not necessary to include in your diet radish, if the person:
In addition, a person may be suffering individual intolerance to radish.
The recipe of the juice of black radish
Black radish is cut and put in juicer or rubbed on a grater, then wring out well. The treatment begins with a 50 g per day on an empty stomach. After a few days gradually increase the dose to 200 g of juice per day (preferably in 4 doses); thereafter her dose again gradually reduced to 50 g per day.
The black radish juice is used for bronchitis, coughs, colds and hoarseness, diseases of the gallbladder and liver, bronchi and heart, in rheumatism. Fresh radish juice is used topically for sciatica, neuralgia, myositis.
The recipe of the juice of black radish with honey
Big radish RUB on a grater, the resulting mass, and the juice, which stood out in the rubbing process, you need to mix three tablespoons of honey, infuse for 10 hours, and then squeeze. The black radish juice take a tablespoon several times a day.
Black radish with honey
There is also the option of cooking black radish with honey: in a large radish cut off the top (about one third), clean out the middle. As a result of these actions in the radish in a cavity which is filled with honey or poured sugar. After all this, the radish is warm for several hours. In the cleaned cavity under the influence of honey or sugar radish and let the juice that you drink, and then eat the radish itself.
The black radish juice radish Juice in anemia and reduced immunity:
Treatment of black radish
Since ancient times for the treatment of black radish is used in different ways. One of the most common uses of black radish is its juice. It is considered a very healing and helps with many ailments.
Black radish from bile stasis
The black radish is known for its choleretic properties, because it is used in cases of obstructed passage of bile and in situations where a large number of salts.
To get rid of the stagnation of bile, black radish juice is extracted by any of the methods mentioned above, in this case, it is best even just squeezed from black radish juice with a squeezer. To run the bile juice of black radish drink one teaspoon after meals.
Once the course has started such treatment in the first few days in the area of the liver can feel pain, which helps to remove the hot water bottle. When the pain goes away and never makes itself felt, the consumption of juice you can gradually increased to 100 ml at a time. In the course of treatment with black radish juice, the better the network of the fresh diet, avoid acidic and salty.
When you extracted from the radish juice, it had to stay cake – separated from the juice pulp. This cake you need to mix with sugar or honey in the proportion of a pound of sugar or three hundred grams of honey per kilogram of pulp of a radish. The resulting mass is put in a warm place under the press, she needs to ferment, and then it will be ready to eat.
After drinking the juice begins the second part of the treatment – the resulting fermented mass take one to three tablespoons during a meal until it ends.
Black radish bronchitis
Obtained after squeezing juice cake black radish is also used as mustard. It's called radecznica, they are made of fresh cake, and it is well that it left a bit of juice – not much to squeeze. Then spread on a gauze and place as the shot on the shoulder for 15-20 minutes. Polyethylene is not recommended as radecznica have to have air. After some time in radecznica the person will feel burning, like the burning sensation from the shot. Radionic helps to pull out of the bronchi viscous secretion that they gathered.
After redness of the skin under radecznica, compress, or shift to another place, to another side of the body. So the effect was more intense, it is recommended when performing this procedure to take into 100 ml of black radish juice.
A compress of black radish
Compress of black radish can be used not only for bronchitis. In situations similar to the usage of mustard instead, you can use radecznica. This applied to the sore spot grated black radish in a gauze pouch.
Black radish for the treatment of poor digestion
Black radish is an indispensable tool if you have poor digestion. It is possible to make a salad, mixed with carrots and beets and Dobrev vegetable oil. If this combination of vegetables is at least once a day, the stomach and intestines will noticeably improve.
Black radish for the treatment of rheumatic pain in muscles and joints
Black radish can be used for treatment of rheumatic pains in muscles and joints. For that half Cup of radish juice mixed with a Cup of honey, add half a Cup 0.5 Cup of vodka and a tablespoon of salt. The resulting mixture was shaken and rubbed her sore spots.
Black radish for constipation
Due to the high fiber content of the black radish promotes more complete emptying of the bowel. Therefore, it is often used in atonic constipation. The main thing is not to get carried away and eat a day not more than 50 grams of black radish.
Black radish for anemia
Black radish – a great way to treat anemia. It is treated with a mixture of three juices: juice black radish, carrot and beet. For example, take a pound of each vegetable, the juice is extracted, poured into one container (ovenproof dishes), cover it with a lid, and for best effect, close up the dough, and put in the oven for three hours. The resulting mixture drink one tablespoon three times a day, fifteen minutes before meals, until the patient's condition does not improve. Do not suggest to continue this treatment more than three months.
Black radish from hypertension
People who suffer from hypertension, the black radish is very useful. In this case, it is useful to eat three times a day a tablespoon of the following mixture: 20 ml of radish juice, beet, radish and carrot, the juice of one lemon.
Black radish with a strong cough
The black radish has expectorant effect, so widely used in the treatment of severe coughing. To get rid of a cough, doctors recommend to drink the juice of black radish. It can be prepared thus: radish cut into small cubes, covered with sugar and infused for eight hours. The resulting juice drink a tablespoon every hour.
Black radish cough children
Black radish is often used for the treatment of cough in children. A strong expectorant, which allows phlegm to withdraw and get rid of the cough.
To get rid of cough in children, often use a radish with honey. Prepare it one of the two most common ways or cutting of the radish "cap" and cleaning out the cavity, which is under the influence of honey filled with juice, or slicing the radish cubes and pouring the honey. And that another way is good, your aim is to obtain radish juice, which give the child one teaspoon four to six times a day. The presence of honey makes the honey taste is more pleasant and sweet, so the child will be easier to accept it. The only thing you have to keep the baby was not allergic to honey.
The infusion black radish
All sorts of tinctures of black radish have a wide range of actions. They also treat various diseases.
Tincture on the black radish with skin diseases: 100 ml of wine is mixed with 100 ml of radish juice and keep them to simmer until all the liquid evaporates. Applied locally, treat the affected area.
Tincture on the black radish with malignancy: 1/2 kg black radish are cut and pour two cups of vodka. The resulting mixture insist two weeks in a dark place, then eat 30 g per day before meals.
Tincture on black radish for the treatment of osteoarthritis
In the treatment of osteoarthritis effective tincture of black radish, cranberries and brandy. Cranberries, black radish and beets, each in the amount of 500 g, pour a liter of brandy and leave for fourteen days in the clear. The tincture is used in the amount of one tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach.
Tincture of black radish in cancer
As it didn't look weird, the black radish is used even in the treatment of cancer. Tincture of black radish in this case is prepared as follows: one kilogram of grated radish, pour a liter of vodka and stand for two weeks. A quarter Cup of this drink infusion several times a day for Crescent. The course is repeated every two months.
Black radish for weight loss
A set of substances contained in a black radish, contribute to the acceleration of metabolic processes in the human body. Because the black radish juice is often used for weight loss – drink small portions daily after each meal. Results become more tangible, if you eat right and limit fat and flour food.
Black radish hair
The black radish juice has beneficial effects on hair. Beauticians use it to strengthen hair and improve their growth. Hair follicles are animated when rubbed into the scalp the juice of black radish, the presence of nutrients feeds roots and hair growth.
From black radish and make a hair mask. For this black radish is ground (in a blender, grater, meat grinder). The slurry was then squeezed through cheesecloth to obtain the juice. Before you wash your hair (per hour prior to this procedure), the black radish juice is rubbed into the hair roots. From black radish skin can start to burn a little, but that's okay, nothing wrong with that. If burning to make difficult, because you can rinse the radish with hair before.
Hair after a mask grow well, if they had dropped out, then it will stop. So the effect was more noticeable hair mask from black radish is used every week.
Black radish with hair loss
Due to the fact that the black radish has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, scalp, strengthens hair and prevents hair loss, black radish juice and masks on its basis are widely used as a remedy for baldness. The fact that a black radish in the high content of minerals, such as zinc, calcium, silicon, and sulfur, and they are necessary for good hair growth.
Radish juice rubbed into the scalp for half an hour before washing. After a third or fourth of this procedure on the bald areas you can see the fresh fluff.
Good job with the hair thinning shampoo from black radish. To prepare it you need two large fruit of the black radish, one the yolk of a raw egg, a little lemon. Radish finely grate and squeeze out the juice. A glass of black radish juice mixed with one yolk and lemon juice. The prepared shampoo is rubbed into the scalp, gently massaging for two minutes. Wash off with cool water, adding a little vinegar.
Black radish during pregnancy
Black radish during pregnancy is contraindicated. The presence of essential oils is the main reason why black radish can not eat expectant mothers. In addition, many experts agree that the black radish helps to tone the uterus, and this is a threat to child bearing. Because this popular drug during pregnancy in any case may not be applicable.
Although many expectant mothers still eat a radish with honey, not knowing, or turning a blind eye to such warnings. Of course, when you prepare a radish with honey, it usually comes a few hours until you stand out juice, and during this time the concentration of essential oils in it is reduced. In addition, usually as medicine radish juice take in small amounts, because the probability of harm to organisms of mother and child is quite small.
And in addition to the above, it is important in what condition is the uterus of the expectant mother: if the uterus is relaxed, its tone is not serious, carrying a pregnancy is not threatened, many allow themselves a bit of black radish as a medicine.
But doctors agree that the black radish can be dangerous for pregnancy, therefore it is better not to risk and not to use it in this period, because you can never absolutely predict how it can affect the health of the expectant mother and her baby.
Also interesting: the Unique healing power of black radish: the old folk recipes
Salad of radish sprouts and black rice
Black radish is an extremely useful product, widely used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. In addition, its extraordinary taste gives you the opportunity of making many interesting and spicy dishes. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: ilive.com.ua/food/chernaya-redka_113458i16122.html
Homeland radish is Asia. Since ancient times it is diluted as a vegetable. In the wild as of today, the radish is not known. Now the black radish is cultivated in Europe, North America, Australia and in temperate climates of Asia. The best soil for growing black radish is humus, a deep, somewhat moist soil.
It is known that in Ancient Egypt during the construction of the pyramids workers-the Egyptians used black radish to maintain health, body tone and health. Today, the radish is used as food and for medical, healing purposes.
Radish varieties differ among themselves in shape and color of roots. The black radish is considered the most useful and effective.

The composition of black radish
Black radish is not a leader among vegetables in terms of vitamins and minerals, however, its composition is balanced just perfectly — it has a little of everything. A unique combination, which includes minerals, essential oils, vitamins, and much more make black radish current drug.
Black radish contains proteins, carbohydrates in the form of sucrose and fructose, fats, provitamin a (carotene), retinol (vitamin a), vitamin B9, K, s, trace elements – iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, zinc. Most beneficial the black radish fresh. In 100 g of radish contains almost 2 g of protein, 0.2 g fat, 6.7 g carbohydrates, 2.1 g dietary fiber (cellulose) and organic acids, water, starch, ash, and mono - and disaccharides.
Useful properties of black radish
Vitamins b and C, which are part of the black radish, are needed for the human body to function properly.
Ascorbic acid, which is the black radish contains large amounts, contributes to recovery from diseases of the liver, gall bladder, bronchial asthma, restore the body after diseases.
Vitamin B1 in black radish is necessary for young children for growth, helps fat metabolism, cardiovascular and nervous system.
Use black radish
- The black radish has diuretic and choleretic action: it tends to facilitate and accelerate the processes for dissolution of stones and sand in the kidneys and bile.
- Black radish has antibacterial action: contained in the roots in a large number of volatile detrimental effect on the microbes and protect the body from various infectious diseases. And black radish combined with onion and garlic is the best natural remedy that promotes healing of the intestinal microflora.
- Black radish tend more and more expectoration, because if you have bronchitis, whooping cough, hemoptysis, and it is accompanied by a strong prolonged cough, recommended radish with honey.
- The excitation of appetite. Sulphurous essential oil, the abundance of which contains black radish, well excite the appetite and stimulate digestion.
- Black radish can serve as a pain reliever. Acupressure with the use of black radish juice will relieve pain due to sciatica, as well as with injury.
- Black radish decreases cholesterol levels in the blood, has anti-sclerotic effect.
- The high content of iodine makes a black radish, because it is extremely useful in disorders of the thyroid gland, and diseases, as iodine promotes the formation of the desired hormones.
- The presence of fiber in large quantities helps the organs involved in the digestive processes. Because the black radish is used when a person has chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, weak intestinal peristalsis, constipation.
- Black radish reduces swelling, due to removal of excess fluid from the body and the normalization of water-salt balance.
- Due to the content in black radish lysozyme, this root is extremely effective against various parasites.

Healing properties of black radish
Miraculous healing and medicinal effect of radish is achieved by potassium saltswhich are easily digested and healthy. The potassium salt is removed from the body with urine toxic products of metabolism and excess fluid in the tissues, contribute to the regulation of water-salt metabolism. But the contents of potassium, the radish is a recognized leader.
In addition, in black radish a lot of useful organic substances, enzymes and volatile. It is a natural antibiotic, which contributes to the high content of glycosides, which are antimicrobial substances.
Another indispensable wealth of black radish – the substance is lysozyme. Its important property is the suppression of growth of bacteria, fungi, protozoa.
Harm black radish
Recommendation gastroenterologists is the introduction of a black radish in the diet gradually, observing some care to see how the body will react to this product. In large quantities it should not immediately eat.
Contraindications to the use of black radish
The black radish has the effects on mucous membranes, because there are cases where its use may be contraindicated. It is not necessary to include in your diet radish, if the person:
- ulcer of stomach and duodenum;
- gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice;
- just in the acidity;
- inflammatory diseases of the liver;
- glomerulonephritis;
- organic heart disease
- if someone has recently suffered a heart attack.
In addition, a person may be suffering individual intolerance to radish.
The recipe of the juice of black radish
Black radish is cut and put in juicer or rubbed on a grater, then wring out well. The treatment begins with a 50 g per day on an empty stomach. After a few days gradually increase the dose to 200 g of juice per day (preferably in 4 doses); thereafter her dose again gradually reduced to 50 g per day.
The black radish juice is used for bronchitis, coughs, colds and hoarseness, diseases of the gallbladder and liver, bronchi and heart, in rheumatism. Fresh radish juice is used topically for sciatica, neuralgia, myositis.
The recipe of the juice of black radish with honey
Big radish RUB on a grater, the resulting mass, and the juice, which stood out in the rubbing process, you need to mix three tablespoons of honey, infuse for 10 hours, and then squeeze. The black radish juice take a tablespoon several times a day.
Black radish with honey
There is also the option of cooking black radish with honey: in a large radish cut off the top (about one third), clean out the middle. As a result of these actions in the radish in a cavity which is filled with honey or poured sugar. After all this, the radish is warm for several hours. In the cleaned cavity under the influence of honey or sugar radish and let the juice that you drink, and then eat the radish itself.

The black radish juice radish Juice in anemia and reduced immunity:
- 100 ml of radish juice together with 100 ml beet juice. Take 100 ml twice a day before meals for one month.
- 100 ml of radish juice is consumed three to four times a day, rinse throat him
- 100 ml of radish juice together with 15 g of honey and stir. Take 100 ml three times a day until complete recovery.
- 100 g radish cut into slices, sprinkle 20 g of sugar and leave until the juice. Juice of 20 ml taken every two hours.
- 50 ml of radish juice mixed with 50 ml of Apple juice. The resulting mixture take 100 ml twice a day for one to two months. The course of treatment be repeated every six months.
- To eliminate the symptoms of sinusitis, 3-6 drops of freshly squeezed radish juice instilled into the nose twice a day.
- 10 g of Bay leaves pour 600 ml of water and infused for 3-4 hours. Usually take 100 ml of infusion by adding 20 ml of fresh radish juice three times a day.
- 15-20 ml of radish juice take three times a day for fifteen minutes before eating.

Treatment of black radish
Since ancient times for the treatment of black radish is used in different ways. One of the most common uses of black radish is its juice. It is considered a very healing and helps with many ailments.
Black radish from bile stasis
The black radish is known for its choleretic properties, because it is used in cases of obstructed passage of bile and in situations where a large number of salts.
To get rid of the stagnation of bile, black radish juice is extracted by any of the methods mentioned above, in this case, it is best even just squeezed from black radish juice with a squeezer. To run the bile juice of black radish drink one teaspoon after meals.
Once the course has started such treatment in the first few days in the area of the liver can feel pain, which helps to remove the hot water bottle. When the pain goes away and never makes itself felt, the consumption of juice you can gradually increased to 100 ml at a time. In the course of treatment with black radish juice, the better the network of the fresh diet, avoid acidic and salty.
When you extracted from the radish juice, it had to stay cake – separated from the juice pulp. This cake you need to mix with sugar or honey in the proportion of a pound of sugar or three hundred grams of honey per kilogram of pulp of a radish. The resulting mass is put in a warm place under the press, she needs to ferment, and then it will be ready to eat.
After drinking the juice begins the second part of the treatment – the resulting fermented mass take one to three tablespoons during a meal until it ends.
Black radish bronchitis
Obtained after squeezing juice cake black radish is also used as mustard. It's called radecznica, they are made of fresh cake, and it is well that it left a bit of juice – not much to squeeze. Then spread on a gauze and place as the shot on the shoulder for 15-20 minutes. Polyethylene is not recommended as radecznica have to have air. After some time in radecznica the person will feel burning, like the burning sensation from the shot. Radionic helps to pull out of the bronchi viscous secretion that they gathered.
After redness of the skin under radecznica, compress, or shift to another place, to another side of the body. So the effect was more intense, it is recommended when performing this procedure to take into 100 ml of black radish juice.
A compress of black radish
Compress of black radish can be used not only for bronchitis. In situations similar to the usage of mustard instead, you can use radecznica. This applied to the sore spot grated black radish in a gauze pouch.
Black radish for the treatment of poor digestion
Black radish is an indispensable tool if you have poor digestion. It is possible to make a salad, mixed with carrots and beets and Dobrev vegetable oil. If this combination of vegetables is at least once a day, the stomach and intestines will noticeably improve.
Black radish for the treatment of rheumatic pain in muscles and joints
Black radish can be used for treatment of rheumatic pains in muscles and joints. For that half Cup of radish juice mixed with a Cup of honey, add half a Cup 0.5 Cup of vodka and a tablespoon of salt. The resulting mixture was shaken and rubbed her sore spots.
Black radish for constipation
Due to the high fiber content of the black radish promotes more complete emptying of the bowel. Therefore, it is often used in atonic constipation. The main thing is not to get carried away and eat a day not more than 50 grams of black radish.
Black radish for anemia
Black radish – a great way to treat anemia. It is treated with a mixture of three juices: juice black radish, carrot and beet. For example, take a pound of each vegetable, the juice is extracted, poured into one container (ovenproof dishes), cover it with a lid, and for best effect, close up the dough, and put in the oven for three hours. The resulting mixture drink one tablespoon three times a day, fifteen minutes before meals, until the patient's condition does not improve. Do not suggest to continue this treatment more than three months.
Black radish from hypertension
People who suffer from hypertension, the black radish is very useful. In this case, it is useful to eat three times a day a tablespoon of the following mixture: 20 ml of radish juice, beet, radish and carrot, the juice of one lemon.
Black radish with a strong cough
The black radish has expectorant effect, so widely used in the treatment of severe coughing. To get rid of a cough, doctors recommend to drink the juice of black radish. It can be prepared thus: radish cut into small cubes, covered with sugar and infused for eight hours. The resulting juice drink a tablespoon every hour.
Black radish cough children
Black radish is often used for the treatment of cough in children. A strong expectorant, which allows phlegm to withdraw and get rid of the cough.
To get rid of cough in children, often use a radish with honey. Prepare it one of the two most common ways or cutting of the radish "cap" and cleaning out the cavity, which is under the influence of honey filled with juice, or slicing the radish cubes and pouring the honey. And that another way is good, your aim is to obtain radish juice, which give the child one teaspoon four to six times a day. The presence of honey makes the honey taste is more pleasant and sweet, so the child will be easier to accept it. The only thing you have to keep the baby was not allergic to honey.

The infusion black radish
All sorts of tinctures of black radish have a wide range of actions. They also treat various diseases.
Tincture on the black radish with skin diseases: 100 ml of wine is mixed with 100 ml of radish juice and keep them to simmer until all the liquid evaporates. Applied locally, treat the affected area.
Tincture on the black radish with malignancy: 1/2 kg black radish are cut and pour two cups of vodka. The resulting mixture insist two weeks in a dark place, then eat 30 g per day before meals.
Tincture on black radish for the treatment of osteoarthritis
In the treatment of osteoarthritis effective tincture of black radish, cranberries and brandy. Cranberries, black radish and beets, each in the amount of 500 g, pour a liter of brandy and leave for fourteen days in the clear. The tincture is used in the amount of one tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach.
Tincture of black radish in cancer
As it didn't look weird, the black radish is used even in the treatment of cancer. Tincture of black radish in this case is prepared as follows: one kilogram of grated radish, pour a liter of vodka and stand for two weeks. A quarter Cup of this drink infusion several times a day for Crescent. The course is repeated every two months.
Black radish for weight loss
A set of substances contained in a black radish, contribute to the acceleration of metabolic processes in the human body. Because the black radish juice is often used for weight loss – drink small portions daily after each meal. Results become more tangible, if you eat right and limit fat and flour food.
Black radish hair
The black radish juice has beneficial effects on hair. Beauticians use it to strengthen hair and improve their growth. Hair follicles are animated when rubbed into the scalp the juice of black radish, the presence of nutrients feeds roots and hair growth.
From black radish and make a hair mask. For this black radish is ground (in a blender, grater, meat grinder). The slurry was then squeezed through cheesecloth to obtain the juice. Before you wash your hair (per hour prior to this procedure), the black radish juice is rubbed into the hair roots. From black radish skin can start to burn a little, but that's okay, nothing wrong with that. If burning to make difficult, because you can rinse the radish with hair before.
Hair after a mask grow well, if they had dropped out, then it will stop. So the effect was more noticeable hair mask from black radish is used every week.
Black radish with hair loss
Due to the fact that the black radish has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, scalp, strengthens hair and prevents hair loss, black radish juice and masks on its basis are widely used as a remedy for baldness. The fact that a black radish in the high content of minerals, such as zinc, calcium, silicon, and sulfur, and they are necessary for good hair growth.
Radish juice rubbed into the scalp for half an hour before washing. After a third or fourth of this procedure on the bald areas you can see the fresh fluff.
Good job with the hair thinning shampoo from black radish. To prepare it you need two large fruit of the black radish, one the yolk of a raw egg, a little lemon. Radish finely grate and squeeze out the juice. A glass of black radish juice mixed with one yolk and lemon juice. The prepared shampoo is rubbed into the scalp, gently massaging for two minutes. Wash off with cool water, adding a little vinegar.
Black radish during pregnancy
Black radish during pregnancy is contraindicated. The presence of essential oils is the main reason why black radish can not eat expectant mothers. In addition, many experts agree that the black radish helps to tone the uterus, and this is a threat to child bearing. Because this popular drug during pregnancy in any case may not be applicable.
Although many expectant mothers still eat a radish with honey, not knowing, or turning a blind eye to such warnings. Of course, when you prepare a radish with honey, it usually comes a few hours until you stand out juice, and during this time the concentration of essential oils in it is reduced. In addition, usually as medicine radish juice take in small amounts, because the probability of harm to organisms of mother and child is quite small.
And in addition to the above, it is important in what condition is the uterus of the expectant mother: if the uterus is relaxed, its tone is not serious, carrying a pregnancy is not threatened, many allow themselves a bit of black radish as a medicine.
But doctors agree that the black radish can be dangerous for pregnancy, therefore it is better not to risk and not to use it in this period, because you can never absolutely predict how it can affect the health of the expectant mother and her baby.
Also interesting: the Unique healing power of black radish: the old folk recipes
Salad of radish sprouts and black rice
Black radish is an extremely useful product, widely used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. In addition, its extraordinary taste gives you the opportunity of making many interesting and spicy dishes. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: ilive.com.ua/food/chernaya-redka_113458i16122.html
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