The unique healing power of black radish: the old folk recipes
In the "Canon of medicine" Avicenna wrote about radish: "the Most powerful in the radish is a seed, then peel, then leaves and finally the tenderloin". And in many sources, including online as well – highly recommend do not clean the radish, when used in the manufacture of juice. But in my opinion, you need to exercise common sense. Avicenna wrote about radish is not from the supermarket, and grown with their own hands and without the use of any chemicals.
If the radish that you use is also a well known source of origin and you are sure that it is grown without the use of chemicals (ideally radish grown by you), it is quite very good, thoroughly wash the radish using a brush and do not peel, as there is a lot of useful. But if you have a radish of unknown origin, it is prudent to peel.
Nineteen million one hundred sixty three thousand seven hundred seven
Diabetes. Radish juice 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.
Hemoptysis. Radish juice a quarter Cup 3-4 times a day.
Kidney stones and bladder. Radish juice on an empty stomach to 30 grams.
From worms. 1-2 tablespoons of juice on an empty stomach.
Dropsy. Radish juice 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.
Flatulence stones of the kidneys and bladder, neuralgia, anemia, dropsy, whooping cough – a mixture of radish juice with honey 1:1 to 1 canteen spoon 3-4 times a day.
Strengthening lactation in nursing mothers – 1-2 grams ground seeds of radish 3 times a day.
Increased potency, increased seed, increased libido – the juice of leaves of radish 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
Anemia. Radish juice, carrot and beet 1:1:1 – one of the best remedies. 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals for 3 months.
Stimulation of secretion of bile and gastric juice – 1 tablespoon radish juice 15 minutes before each meal.
Stones in the gallbladder, kidney, urinary bladder within 3 months drink 200 ml of radish juice per day.
Cardiac arrhythmia. A mixture of radish juice and honey 1:1, and 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals.
Cystitis. A mixture of radish juice and honey 1:1, and 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meal within a month.
Improving the functioning of the spleen and digestive organs – a mixture of honey and radish juice 1:1 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.
From tussis. Radish cut into small cubes, sprinkle them with sugar, folded in a glass bowl, leave overnight. The next day, drink the resulting juice a tablespoon every hour.
Bronchitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, whooping cough, pulmonary tuberculosis. Radish juice with honey or sugar 1:1 – drink 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
Cold – inhalation. Radish to grate and leave in a closed jar for 30 minutes. During the day, take a few breaths on this jar, delaying exhalation. So 8 times a day.
Malignant tumors of any localization. 1 kg radish finely chop, pour 1 liter of vodka. Insist 2 weeks in a warm place, regularly shaking the tank. Protsedit. Take 50 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
The purification of the gallbladder. Fresh radish juice drink at night, starting with 100 ml, gradually increasing to 400 ml. Course - 6 weeks.
So, in conclusion, the recipe for the purification of vessels, gallbladder, kidneys, bladder...This recipe can even be called a "Recipe for rejuvenating the entire body."
The juice of black radish drink an hour after eating. Dosage building up gradually, starting with a teaspoon, listening to her condition. If the bile ducts are severely clogged bile, you may feel pain in the liver. So start with a teaspoon if the pain in the liver is not, then gradually increase dosage. If there is a slight pain in the liver, then some time to stop increasing the dosage to give your body time to clean up, and then again increase. As a result, the number of drinks at one time the juice must reach half the Cup.
How long to drink? Time all will be different, as the dosage for each individual would be. It is important here not time, but the amount of juice. For the course you need to drink the juice from 10 kg of radish. Many sources suggest immediately squeeze juice from 10 kg of radish and keep it in the fridge... But this way we lose most of the nutrients...So the juice you need to cook fresh, small portions.
How do you know that the course is over and that we "drank" 10 kg radish? Very simply. Write down how many radishes you bought, and use it only for juice. For example, if you bought 2 kg radish, you will need to repeat this 5 times, as the roots will end. First, choose a small radish, as the dosage of juice will be small, with increasing dosage and the accumulation of their own experience, you will know what size roots is optimal for you.
The radish cake from the throw is not necessary. It contains many valuable and to waste it is just silly. The meal can be used either in salads, or mix with honey and give to eat to someone from home, up to 3 tablespoons at a time.
This cleansing course get a huge effect. Everyone has his own will, the individual, depending on the initial state of the organism. But no wonder this recipe is called "Molaison"... So don't put off for tomorrow what you need to do now. It is the beginning of the season black radish!..
Don't forget about the recommendations about the alterations – if the radish "own" home, thoroughly wash with a brush and use with the skin. If the store – the better the top layer to cut.
Although all the recipes involve the use of black radish, has healing properties and green radish, just less pronounced. However, if black radish and you have a reason no, it is not a reason to completely abandon these recipes. 70% of the result is better than 0%, right?
And very important, specifically isolated it to the end of the text, so you are not overlooked. During the purification the juice of radish need to follow the rules of power...If we choose to be cleansed from the salt and other things, to exclude from the diet foods that promote the formation of these salts, otherwise what's the point – clear and then clog again..?
Your diet during a cleanse can be called in one word "post." This is actually normal practice for every normal person, given to us in the inheritance from our ancestors long periods to abstain from food of animal origin.
It is necessary to exclude all dairy products, meat, fish and poultry, seafood, animal fats, canned food and smoked products, salty foods, artificial sweets (candy, pastries), bakery products.
At your disposal – vegetable soups, borscht, cereals, salads, steamed vegetables, natural sweets like honey, fruits, dried fruits...Eliminate all artificial drinks, drink water (why not combine with the practice of cleansing the body of AMA in Ayurveda) herbal tea for example, Ivan-tea, elderberry tea, any other herbal teas
And what to say. As you can see, radish is very effective and highly applicable tool, so it has contraindications.
Acute gastritis, ulcers disease stomach and duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis, cardiovascular disease, toxic goiter, pregnancy, chronic pulmonary heart disease is a contraindication to the use of radish as a medicine. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: bgvarna.ru/?cat=16
If the radish that you use is also a well known source of origin and you are sure that it is grown without the use of chemicals (ideally radish grown by you), it is quite very good, thoroughly wash the radish using a brush and do not peel, as there is a lot of useful. But if you have a radish of unknown origin, it is prudent to peel.
Nineteen million one hundred sixty three thousand seven hundred seven
Diabetes. Radish juice 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.
Hemoptysis. Radish juice a quarter Cup 3-4 times a day.
Kidney stones and bladder. Radish juice on an empty stomach to 30 grams.
From worms. 1-2 tablespoons of juice on an empty stomach.
Dropsy. Radish juice 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.
Flatulence stones of the kidneys and bladder, neuralgia, anemia, dropsy, whooping cough – a mixture of radish juice with honey 1:1 to 1 canteen spoon 3-4 times a day.
Strengthening lactation in nursing mothers – 1-2 grams ground seeds of radish 3 times a day.
Increased potency, increased seed, increased libido – the juice of leaves of radish 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
Anemia. Radish juice, carrot and beet 1:1:1 – one of the best remedies. 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals for 3 months.
Stimulation of secretion of bile and gastric juice – 1 tablespoon radish juice 15 minutes before each meal.
Stones in the gallbladder, kidney, urinary bladder within 3 months drink 200 ml of radish juice per day.
Cardiac arrhythmia. A mixture of radish juice and honey 1:1, and 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals.
Cystitis. A mixture of radish juice and honey 1:1, and 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meal within a month.
Improving the functioning of the spleen and digestive organs – a mixture of honey and radish juice 1:1 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.
From tussis. Radish cut into small cubes, sprinkle them with sugar, folded in a glass bowl, leave overnight. The next day, drink the resulting juice a tablespoon every hour.
Bronchitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, whooping cough, pulmonary tuberculosis. Radish juice with honey or sugar 1:1 – drink 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
Cold – inhalation. Radish to grate and leave in a closed jar for 30 minutes. During the day, take a few breaths on this jar, delaying exhalation. So 8 times a day.
Malignant tumors of any localization. 1 kg radish finely chop, pour 1 liter of vodka. Insist 2 weeks in a warm place, regularly shaking the tank. Protsedit. Take 50 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
The purification of the gallbladder. Fresh radish juice drink at night, starting with 100 ml, gradually increasing to 400 ml. Course - 6 weeks.
So, in conclusion, the recipe for the purification of vessels, gallbladder, kidneys, bladder...This recipe can even be called a "Recipe for rejuvenating the entire body."
The juice of black radish drink an hour after eating. Dosage building up gradually, starting with a teaspoon, listening to her condition. If the bile ducts are severely clogged bile, you may feel pain in the liver. So start with a teaspoon if the pain in the liver is not, then gradually increase dosage. If there is a slight pain in the liver, then some time to stop increasing the dosage to give your body time to clean up, and then again increase. As a result, the number of drinks at one time the juice must reach half the Cup.
How long to drink? Time all will be different, as the dosage for each individual would be. It is important here not time, but the amount of juice. For the course you need to drink the juice from 10 kg of radish. Many sources suggest immediately squeeze juice from 10 kg of radish and keep it in the fridge... But this way we lose most of the nutrients...So the juice you need to cook fresh, small portions.
How do you know that the course is over and that we "drank" 10 kg radish? Very simply. Write down how many radishes you bought, and use it only for juice. For example, if you bought 2 kg radish, you will need to repeat this 5 times, as the roots will end. First, choose a small radish, as the dosage of juice will be small, with increasing dosage and the accumulation of their own experience, you will know what size roots is optimal for you.
The radish cake from the throw is not necessary. It contains many valuable and to waste it is just silly. The meal can be used either in salads, or mix with honey and give to eat to someone from home, up to 3 tablespoons at a time.
This cleansing course get a huge effect. Everyone has his own will, the individual, depending on the initial state of the organism. But no wonder this recipe is called "Molaison"... So don't put off for tomorrow what you need to do now. It is the beginning of the season black radish!..
Don't forget about the recommendations about the alterations – if the radish "own" home, thoroughly wash with a brush and use with the skin. If the store – the better the top layer to cut.
Although all the recipes involve the use of black radish, has healing properties and green radish, just less pronounced. However, if black radish and you have a reason no, it is not a reason to completely abandon these recipes. 70% of the result is better than 0%, right?
And very important, specifically isolated it to the end of the text, so you are not overlooked. During the purification the juice of radish need to follow the rules of power...If we choose to be cleansed from the salt and other things, to exclude from the diet foods that promote the formation of these salts, otherwise what's the point – clear and then clog again..?
Your diet during a cleanse can be called in one word "post." This is actually normal practice for every normal person, given to us in the inheritance from our ancestors long periods to abstain from food of animal origin.
It is necessary to exclude all dairy products, meat, fish and poultry, seafood, animal fats, canned food and smoked products, salty foods, artificial sweets (candy, pastries), bakery products.
At your disposal – vegetable soups, borscht, cereals, salads, steamed vegetables, natural sweets like honey, fruits, dried fruits...Eliminate all artificial drinks, drink water (why not combine with the practice of cleansing the body of AMA in Ayurveda) herbal tea for example, Ivan-tea, elderberry tea, any other herbal teas
And what to say. As you can see, radish is very effective and highly applicable tool, so it has contraindications.
Acute gastritis, ulcers disease stomach and duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis, cardiovascular disease, toxic goiter, pregnancy, chronic pulmonary heart disease is a contraindication to the use of radish as a medicine. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: bgvarna.ru/?cat=16