Sambucus nigra: a healer of all peoples.

Elderberries - is a perennial plant belonging to the family of honeysuckle. Externally, the black elderberry or red are large shrub or small tree. Blossoms elder, from May to mid-June with small yellowish-white flowers with a fragrant aroma. Ripen berries are red elderberry, and black, in August - September. In the wild, red elderberry and black are found on the edges of forests in the south-east and central Russia, the Baltic States, Belarus, Ukraine, in the Crimea.
There is a growing elder, in shady places, and on the sunny meadow. The difference from the red elderberry is that black elderberry has many useful properties, but the red elderberry is considered a poisonous plant. Benefits and properties of elderberry Elderberry black different complex chemical composition. It consists of the following components: saccharides; Organic acids; The semi-volatile oil; Etilizobutil; Choline; isoamylamine; Carotene. In addition, useful properties due to the content of an elder in her tanning, parafinopodobnyh and mucous substances. To a greater extent in the berries of black elderberry malic acid. Many therein ascorbic acid (vitamin C) as well as natural sugars (glucose and fructose). Not only elder berries are rich in vitamins and minerals. The benefits of elderberry and properties that are used for the treatment, represented in its leaves, twigs and bark. The benefits of elderberry in the leaves is the high content of carotene and vitamin C. But the dried leaves contain pro-vitamin A1.
Thanks to this rich composition, leaves, flowers and bark of elderberry have a mass of healing properties:
antipyretic; Diuretic; laxative; The binder; The calming (sedative); Diaphoretic
Young leaves of elderberries possess tonic and laxative properties. Broth from all parts of elderberry have the ability to regulate the body's metabolism. Many beneficial properties of black elderberry have berries in a dried form.
By taking elderberry health benefits provided the following results:
1. Improves the excretion of bile;
2. enhances diuresis;
3. Improves the promotion of intestinal contents.
Using elderberry are used for treatment, usually, flowers, berries and leaves of black elderberry. They are dried in ovens and harvested for the winter. It should be noted that the use of elderberry is stored in the fruit during 6 months, it should not be stored longer. But in the properties of the black elderberry flowers can be stored for a long time. Thus, the colors can be stored 2 - 3 years, but only in a dry area with good ventilation. Properties in red elderberry flowers are also considered hazardous because they are not recommended even for home decoration. Undoubtedly, more usefully black elderberry has raw. Even in ancient times, people plucked shoots and make the salad. However, they caution, and were able to distinguish red from black elder. A fresh elderberries used for the preparation of beverages. The juice of black elderberry and now mixed with lemon juice, zest and water. Thus, a genuine healing brew. From elderberry can be cooked jelly, stewed fruit, jam. For sweets are recommended to add honey instead of sugar. Due to this, the use of black elderberry will save a greater extent. Traditional medicine uses actively favor black elderberry.
Fresh and dried fruits of elderberry are successfully used for the treatment and prevention of the following diseases:
Laryngitis; Hepatitis; Bronchitis; Influenza; Neurology; kidney disease; Diseases of the bladder; Rheumatism; Gout
. The fruits of black elderberry is dried and used to treat a rare disease malaria. Dried and fresh berries black elderberry, according to medical studies, have such a high content of medicinal properties that are included in the complex therapy of cancer (stomach cancer and cancer of the skin). In the case of stomach cancer, the patient is given jam from fresh fruits black elderberry. Skin Oncology treated with special means: fresh berries squeeze, insist on the guilt, and thus obtained extract of black elderberry treat the patient. Of the flowers and leaves of black elderberry preparing decoctions and infusions, which have strong antibacterial and sudorific properties. These tools help for colds (tonsillitis, flu, bronchitis, acute respiratory viral infection).
For healing infusion take 1 tbsp. l. flowers and pour a glass of boiling water. This mixture is brought to a boil and tantalized over low heat for 15 - 20 minutes. Then the broth is cooled, drained and used in the form of heat for 0, 5 cups, inside, before a meal. Infusion can also gargle for colds. In addition, this drug is great help in dealing with such ailments as arthritis, gout and rheumatism. By applying a steaming black elderberry leaves on the sore spots, you can reduce inflammation.
That's why this tool is used for the following issues:
Intertrigo; Burns; Inflammation hemorrhoids; Furunculosis
. A popular folk remedy for constipation is to use the benefits of elderberry young fresh leaves. Properties in red elderberry leaves are also poisonous, so it is important to distinguish it when the leaves are collected. So, for the treatment of chronic constipation use the healing properties of elderberry as follows: boil the leaves in honey, and the resulting medication taken orally.
Broth (inside and in the form of lotions) from the bark of elderberry good help in various diseases:
Skin diseases; kidney disease; Arthritis; Rheumatism; Gout
. In addition, the use of elderberry and toning properties and rejuvenation is widely used in cosmetology. From the flowers of the plant are prepared and use lotion to wipe the skin of the face and neck. This lotion can also be frozen and to wipe them skin.
Contraindications and harm in the use of elderberry Sambucus, like any other medicinal plant, has some contraindications for use.
So, black elderberry is not recommended for use with the following health problems:
Ulcerative colitis (enterocolitis); Crohn's Disease < / Chronic gastrointestinal disease; Pregnancy (very carefully, under the supervision of a physician)
. Most often, doctors warn patients from the use of black elderberry children up to 12 years. Unfortunately, people often confuse the plant elderberry black and red. Wanting to be used for medicinal purposes, this plant, you have to be cautious and not make a mistake, as Sambucus racemosa can be harmful to health. Sambucus racemosa for humans is poisonous, because with this plant need to be especially careful. To distinguish red from black elder is not very simple: red elderberry is different, of course, its red berries. But it is only when it comes maturation. But in those times, when used for medicinal purposes leaves and twigs of the plant, it is important to be able to distinguish red from black elder. Otherwise, you can not get the benefits of the red elderberry, and the poisoning of the body.

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