Sambucus nigra cancer,diabetes and other diseases

On the properties of medicinal plants such as Sambucus nigra, indicated by Hippocrates, Dioscorides, Toofast, believing that it can cure dozens of diseases. The ancient Slavs this plant was surrounded by a special ritual honor. Was considered a great sin to eradicate elder Bush, who grew up spontaneously around the house. In some areas even now observed the custom of Stripping a head when an unexpected meeting with black elderberry, in recognition of her abilities to heal from severe illnesses.
To the dominance of pharmaceutical industry in Western Europe, a decoction of the leaves with the flowers of the elderberry treated not only diabetes, but and hydrophobia. In the Middle ages in England, for example, water extracts of leaf and bark of elderberry exterminated caterpillars on cabbage and other pests on various horticultural crops.
Competent physician of the eighteenth century Zukertort believed that in every family, in the home medicine Cabinet must be flowers and jam from the berries of black elderberry in case you get rid of colds, healing diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Besides in dropsy and obesity, it was recommended to drink a decoction of the root of an elder grassy.
Healers of the middle ages not only knew, but also widely used elderberry as a good blood-purifying agent; in the spring of complaints, followed by rash, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. For these purposes, it was enough to prepare an infusion of 6-8 issecheny elderberry leaves and drink it on an empty stomach. In hepatic dropsy effective infusion of its root. When needed to heal from inflammation, fever and neuralgic pains, then they used bread from flowers of black elder.
In the First world war, when it was used chemical warfare agents in Czechoslovakia to treat soldiers with lesions in the lungs from gas attacks began to use wine from the elderberry juice. Moreover, the condensed juice is quite successfully used for pain relief trigeminal neuralgia. In the treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve preparations of elderberry also always achieved a positive result.
The usage of the ELDERBERRY Chernowski, Mead, wine made from black elderberry, when used in conditions of high radiation hazard give sustainable positive results. Besides concomitant diseases of the thyroid gland, and lymphatic system, when using preparations of black elder do not lead to their degeneration. Renal and intestinal colic tea from the leaves of elderberry are most effective tool. In severe measles and rubella in children and adults must take an infusion of leaves, flowers and berries of elderberry.
Traditional healers of the Caucasus, using a mixture of dried flowers, leaves and fruits of elderberry, quite successfully treated patients with diabetes. Use in healing recipes pounded seeds of elderberry guarantee success in the fight against malaria. In treatment, when striping the medication out of black elderberries with a bath of its roots and branches, which were usually provided healing with polyarthritis of different etiology, including rheumatoid, gouty arthritis, hemorrhoids.
Numerous examples confirm that the wine buzynove juice and even the waste from wine (wine thick) to help with skin cancer. If wipe elderberries with sugar in the ratio 1:3, then using the resulting composition for cancer of the stomach even provides very good results.
Research has shown that vitamins of group "b" in the berries of elderberry collected in extremely necessary for the patient's body proportions. What could be the shortage of vitamins in the body, can be found here, read the article "vitamin Deficiencies in symptoms of the entire organism". Traditional healers from ancient times to the present day, praising and admiring the healing ability of elderberry, still forced to admit that its use as drugs is very individual. Should this still be considered as the drugs of it are not for every person. However, in any case, you have to start small.
If a paste of berries is applied on the skin carefully, taking into account individual intolerance, then this procedure will not harm the patient. Similarly, caution is necessary to start the use of aqueous extracts from elder flowers. As a diaphoretic, antipyretic infusion of elder flowers is prepared in the following way: one tablespoon pour boiling water. Infusion take 1/3 Cup three times a day, mindful of the fact that the elder has a pronounced diuretic properties.
The result of this treatment for gout will be the effect that is provided by removal of uric acid. Besides starting the treatment with infusion of elder flowers, it is necessary to take care of a balanced nutrition to the body with the products received a sufficient amount of potassium, magnesium, calcium. With this in more detail we encourage you to review here in the article "How to eat from the table of mother nature".
SAMBUCUS nigra IN the HEALING RECIPES of Neuhomes berries of the elderberry wine is made in the following order. Should the elderberry juice to pour into a glass bottle with a capacity of 3 liters and fill a Cup of sugar. If the wine is prepared for a patient with diabetes, instead of sugar is added to juice, the honey in the same amount of 1 Cup. A container of juice and sugar (honey) is hermetically sealed, but for gas exhaust hose also sealed through the cover, through a water seal that prevents the bottle from exploding.
Thus prepared bottle set in a warm dark place for fermentation. At the end of the process of obtaining a wines must be bottle. Well corked bottles should be stored lying down.
To take wine medicinally, you should do 30 – 50 grams just before eating. However, it is necessary to know that even with such a dose in the 30 – 50 grams of wine from the berries of the black elderberry gives a very powerful laxative effect.
The recipe of jam from the berries of the black elderberry is very easy. 1 kg of fruit need to take 1 kg of sugar. The berries in layers with thickness up to 1 cm pour sugar in the same 1 cm thickness and let them rest for a day. Defend and let the berry juice bring to the boil and pour into well sterilized jars that roll up tightly.
Special difficulties will not be also in the preparation of buzynove honey. With this aim, fresh elder flowers are ground into a creamy mass and in the ratio of 1:1 are filled with fresh honey. Glass container with received buzunovym honey is put in the refrigerator. When needed he can be "first aid" in the treatment of cold, cough, sore throat, lymphadenitis.
For information, we believe it is necessary to recall that the black elderberry flowers should be collected in a clean place preferably, of course, in the woods, far from roads or on the territories of abandoned farms, villages. Thus it is necessary podgadat so that in places of collection at least, at least for three days no rains fell. Flowers, of course, must be dry. On their return they should not seek to wash and especially the rinse. Otherwise, such buzynove honey go bad, ferment.
Source: dolgo-zivi.ru