Treatment juice: 5 unique recipes
Juice therapy
According to the famous Swiss naturopath Walter Sengenberger "Health is the pinnacle of what everyone has to overcome himself. And this man is not alone — Nature has given him a good friend and assistant — plant". No synthetic drugs can't replace and fully compensate for the deficiency of vital substances, organic acids, enzymes, fiber, pectin and vitamins.
Garlic juice There is credible evidence that in countries which consume a lot of garlic, cancer is less common. Scientists have found that volatile garlic inhibit the activity of certain enzymes tumors, resulting in sharply reduced their ability to develop. You can use the phytoncides of garlic in the diet during the treatment of cancerous and precancerous lesions (in malignant processes). Dry garlic extract in combination with the dry gall of animals and the activated carbon included in the composition known of the drug allohol.
Garlic juice is very concentrated. Use it drops in mixture with other types of juice or milk.
Garlic mash until mushy state, or RUB on a small plastic grater. Slurry is put in a linen or gauze bag and squeeze the juice. It is helpful to mix the juice of garlic, lemon and red beet. The doctors of antiquity recommended the use of garlic juice with juice of cilantro (coriander) and Apple cider vinegar.
Preparation of tincture of garlic
Grate 40 g of garlic, pour 100 g of alcohol or vodka, put for 10 days for maceration. Stooy to improve the smell of nail Polish, you can add a few mint drops. Infusion to keep in a warm place. Take 10 drops 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
Garlic drink to Clear the 26 cloves of garlic, grind them in a mortar. Add to the resulting weight of garlic juice of 3 lemons, pour a liter of boiled cold water. After 2-3 days you can drink drink drink twice a day.
The recipe is an ancient homeopathic remedies of rejuvenation:
They say that the found this recipe for a UNESCO expedition in 1917 in a Tibetan monastery and translated from clay tablets to all languages. Dated to about 4000-5000 BC.
Prepared according to this recipe the infusion of garlic cleanses the body of fat and calcium deposits, drastically improves the overall metabolism in the body. As a result, the vessels become elastic, thereby prevent myocardial infarction, angina, sclerosis, paralysis, the formation of various tumors. Also disappears the noise in my head, reduced vision. In a word, with strict observance of the recommended treatment rejuvenates the entire body.
To prepare the infusion, it is necessary to rinse and clean 350 grams of garlic, chop it finely and RUB in the vessel a wooden or porcelain spoon. Weigh 200 g of the crushed mass by taking it from the bottom, where more juice, put in a glass jar and pour 200 ml of 96% alcohol. Vessel close tightly and store in a cool dark place for 10 days. Then a lot of strain through a thick cloth and squeeze. After 2— 3 days you can start treatment. Drink the infusion should drops of cold milk strictly according to the scheme (milk should take 1/4 Cup) for 15-20 minutes before eating:
Reception days the Dosage in drops
Breakfast Lunch Dinner
1st 2nd 2 3
2nd 4 5 6
3rd 7 8 9
4th 10 11 12
5th 13 14 15
6th 15 14 13
7th 12 11 10
8 9 8 7
9th 6 5 4
10th 3 2 1
11th 25 25 25
When you have finished taking the drops on the proposed scheme to repeat it all in reverse order, bringing the admission to the first day, and so on to use all of the prepared infusion. Repeated treatment can be carried out not earlier than 6 years.
Attention! Supplementation with garlic inside is contraindicated in kidney disease, epilepsy, pregnancy.
Horseradish juice
Specialists collectio highly regarded "sauce" horseradish as one of the few that cleanses the body of mucus without damaging mucous membranes.
Cook this sauce 150 g grated horseradish (pulp) and juice of 2-3 lemons. Take 2 times a day 1/2 teaspoon on an empty stomach and between meals, better in the afternoon.
The sauce is considered to be fresh and effective, if it has stood in the refrigerator for weeks. First, the reception of the sauce causes tearing, discomfort (even a little dizzy), but the treatment still need to continue. If these feelings are gone, it is recommended to conduct the treatment with carrot juice combined with the juice of radish helps excrete mucus, which thanks to the horseradish, and at the same time to restore the mucous membranes in the body.
Fresh horseradish juice is usually added to other juices. Very useful to take it on an empty stomach mixed with honey 1 hour before Breakfast. To do this, RUB the horseradish (1 tsp), squeeze the juice, dilute it half with honey and drink this mixture as mentioned above. You can just mix the grated pulp (1 teaspoon) and add the honey to the total amount of the mixture was not more than a tablespoon. To consume as well as juice.
So treat cardiovascular disease — angina and ischemia. If you experience discomfort dose of fuck save, gradually bringing it up to the above dose.
Very harmful for the body traditional preparation of spices from hell with "white" vinegar, due to its powerful impact on the digestive tract (cider vinegar burns the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines). Vinegar can be successfully replaced with Apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and sugar — honey (salt is not necessary).
At stones in the bladder, gout, rheumatism used infusion of horseradish. For this tablespoon root pour two cups boiling water, insist 1 hour and drink a quarter Cup 4 times a day. Essential this infusion mixed with sour milk. A tablespoon of grated horseradish pour 5 cups of boiling water and drink with sour milk a tablespoon 3 times a day.
The infusion of fennel seeds
Effective for the treatment of angina, hypertension, chronic coronary insufficiency. Essential infusion when the loss of elasticity of muscles, dermatoses, hemorrhoids, and others. a teaspoon of fennel seeds pour 2 cups of boiling water, bring to the boil, a little brew and drink in a warm kind 3 times a day before meals. The juice and infusions of seeds and herbs of fennel are recommended in the form of lotions with conjunctivitis and purulent skin lesions. The juice of the herb dill is used for blending with other juices.
The juice of parsnip
This plant we have a few cultivated and promoted, and yet it has very valuable medicinal properties. First of all, this is a wonderful remedy for angina, neurosis with symptoms of spasm of blood vessels and spasm of the alimentary canal, biliary tract, kidneys, ureters.
The juice added to other juices, diluted with water, improve the taste with honey. The same healing power and is the infusion of parsnip. To manufacture a teaspoon of grated root pour a glass of boiled water and drink 50 g 3 times a day before meals. Parsnips are very useful for the prevention and treatment of impotence.
Radish juice
Radish juice used in the diet and with the therapeutic aim to enhance the secretion of digestive glands, as a vitamin and preventive means to prevent atherosclerosis, edema, gallstones, and kidney stones. Radish juice helps in anemia. In this case, it is mixed with red beet juice and carrots.
Radish juice mixed with honey (1:1) is a good prophylactic against formation of stones in gallbladder and kidney, for the prevention of atherosclerosis. Start taking it with 0.5 tablespoons and adjusted the dose to 2 tablespoons a day. Drink for 10 days.
Radish juice causes and increases monthly. It also is recommended for stones in the liver, kidney, urinary and gall bladders. It is a good galactagogue and anthelmintic.
In folk medicine radecky juice is used as anti-catarrhal, expectorant, in diseases of the lungs, bronchi, whooping cough.
Attention! Do not use radish in food and for medical purposes when ulcers stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis with high acidity, gastroenterocolitis, inflammation of the digestive canal, diseases of the liver and kidneys, gout, severe heart diseases.
Cut the washed radish with the skin into pieces with a size of 2 cm and lay under a press juicer. Juice rapidly loses its medicinal properties, so you need to cook it before the use and take a tablespoon 3 times daily before meals, children one teaspoon.
Slice 6-8 small fruit radish small thin slices, sprinkle each with sugar and leave for half a day. When will radecky juice with sugar, make it a tablespoon every hour. Claimed that this remedy can cure the most severe cough and relatively quickly.
Radish is cut into small pieces, place in pan and sprinkle with sugar. Bake in the oven for 2 h. the Resulting juice to drain, and slices of radish to throw away. Make juice 2 teaspoons 3-4 times daily before meals and at night before bed.
Radish juice mixed with carrot juice and milk or honey drink (1:1) — take a tablespoon 6 times a day.
Today, the human mind reverts to an ancient Union between man and plants. Again demand the old "secret" recipes of grandmothers. Science of healing of past millennia takes on a new meaning. Even some leading representatives of official medicine are trying to bridge the gap, which would connect the enormous experience of the past with the achievements of modernity.
The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: zdrawe.eu/prechistvane-na-organizma/sokolechenie-3ch.htm
According to the famous Swiss naturopath Walter Sengenberger "Health is the pinnacle of what everyone has to overcome himself. And this man is not alone — Nature has given him a good friend and assistant — plant". No synthetic drugs can't replace and fully compensate for the deficiency of vital substances, organic acids, enzymes, fiber, pectin and vitamins.
Garlic juice There is credible evidence that in countries which consume a lot of garlic, cancer is less common. Scientists have found that volatile garlic inhibit the activity of certain enzymes tumors, resulting in sharply reduced their ability to develop. You can use the phytoncides of garlic in the diet during the treatment of cancerous and precancerous lesions (in malignant processes). Dry garlic extract in combination with the dry gall of animals and the activated carbon included in the composition known of the drug allohol.
Garlic juice is very concentrated. Use it drops in mixture with other types of juice or milk.
Garlic mash until mushy state, or RUB on a small plastic grater. Slurry is put in a linen or gauze bag and squeeze the juice. It is helpful to mix the juice of garlic, lemon and red beet. The doctors of antiquity recommended the use of garlic juice with juice of cilantro (coriander) and Apple cider vinegar.
Preparation of tincture of garlic
Grate 40 g of garlic, pour 100 g of alcohol or vodka, put for 10 days for maceration. Stooy to improve the smell of nail Polish, you can add a few mint drops. Infusion to keep in a warm place. Take 10 drops 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
Garlic drink to Clear the 26 cloves of garlic, grind them in a mortar. Add to the resulting weight of garlic juice of 3 lemons, pour a liter of boiled cold water. After 2-3 days you can drink drink drink twice a day.
The recipe is an ancient homeopathic remedies of rejuvenation:
They say that the found this recipe for a UNESCO expedition in 1917 in a Tibetan monastery and translated from clay tablets to all languages. Dated to about 4000-5000 BC.
Prepared according to this recipe the infusion of garlic cleanses the body of fat and calcium deposits, drastically improves the overall metabolism in the body. As a result, the vessels become elastic, thereby prevent myocardial infarction, angina, sclerosis, paralysis, the formation of various tumors. Also disappears the noise in my head, reduced vision. In a word, with strict observance of the recommended treatment rejuvenates the entire body.
To prepare the infusion, it is necessary to rinse and clean 350 grams of garlic, chop it finely and RUB in the vessel a wooden or porcelain spoon. Weigh 200 g of the crushed mass by taking it from the bottom, where more juice, put in a glass jar and pour 200 ml of 96% alcohol. Vessel close tightly and store in a cool dark place for 10 days. Then a lot of strain through a thick cloth and squeeze. After 2— 3 days you can start treatment. Drink the infusion should drops of cold milk strictly according to the scheme (milk should take 1/4 Cup) for 15-20 minutes before eating:
Reception days the Dosage in drops
Breakfast Lunch Dinner
1st 2nd 2 3
2nd 4 5 6
3rd 7 8 9
4th 10 11 12
5th 13 14 15
6th 15 14 13
7th 12 11 10
8 9 8 7
9th 6 5 4
10th 3 2 1
11th 25 25 25
When you have finished taking the drops on the proposed scheme to repeat it all in reverse order, bringing the admission to the first day, and so on to use all of the prepared infusion. Repeated treatment can be carried out not earlier than 6 years.
Attention! Supplementation with garlic inside is contraindicated in kidney disease, epilepsy, pregnancy.
Horseradish juice
Specialists collectio highly regarded "sauce" horseradish as one of the few that cleanses the body of mucus without damaging mucous membranes.

Cook this sauce 150 g grated horseradish (pulp) and juice of 2-3 lemons. Take 2 times a day 1/2 teaspoon on an empty stomach and between meals, better in the afternoon.
The sauce is considered to be fresh and effective, if it has stood in the refrigerator for weeks. First, the reception of the sauce causes tearing, discomfort (even a little dizzy), but the treatment still need to continue. If these feelings are gone, it is recommended to conduct the treatment with carrot juice combined with the juice of radish helps excrete mucus, which thanks to the horseradish, and at the same time to restore the mucous membranes in the body.
Fresh horseradish juice is usually added to other juices. Very useful to take it on an empty stomach mixed with honey 1 hour before Breakfast. To do this, RUB the horseradish (1 tsp), squeeze the juice, dilute it half with honey and drink this mixture as mentioned above. You can just mix the grated pulp (1 teaspoon) and add the honey to the total amount of the mixture was not more than a tablespoon. To consume as well as juice.
So treat cardiovascular disease — angina and ischemia. If you experience discomfort dose of fuck save, gradually bringing it up to the above dose.
Very harmful for the body traditional preparation of spices from hell with "white" vinegar, due to its powerful impact on the digestive tract (cider vinegar burns the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines). Vinegar can be successfully replaced with Apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and sugar — honey (salt is not necessary).
At stones in the bladder, gout, rheumatism used infusion of horseradish. For this tablespoon root pour two cups boiling water, insist 1 hour and drink a quarter Cup 4 times a day. Essential this infusion mixed with sour milk. A tablespoon of grated horseradish pour 5 cups of boiling water and drink with sour milk a tablespoon 3 times a day.
The infusion of fennel seeds
Effective for the treatment of angina, hypertension, chronic coronary insufficiency. Essential infusion when the loss of elasticity of muscles, dermatoses, hemorrhoids, and others. a teaspoon of fennel seeds pour 2 cups of boiling water, bring to the boil, a little brew and drink in a warm kind 3 times a day before meals. The juice and infusions of seeds and herbs of fennel are recommended in the form of lotions with conjunctivitis and purulent skin lesions. The juice of the herb dill is used for blending with other juices.
The juice of parsnip
This plant we have a few cultivated and promoted, and yet it has very valuable medicinal properties. First of all, this is a wonderful remedy for angina, neurosis with symptoms of spasm of blood vessels and spasm of the alimentary canal, biliary tract, kidneys, ureters.

The juice added to other juices, diluted with water, improve the taste with honey. The same healing power and is the infusion of parsnip. To manufacture a teaspoon of grated root pour a glass of boiled water and drink 50 g 3 times a day before meals. Parsnips are very useful for the prevention and treatment of impotence.
Radish juice
Radish juice used in the diet and with the therapeutic aim to enhance the secretion of digestive glands, as a vitamin and preventive means to prevent atherosclerosis, edema, gallstones, and kidney stones. Radish juice helps in anemia. In this case, it is mixed with red beet juice and carrots.
Radish juice mixed with honey (1:1) is a good prophylactic against formation of stones in gallbladder and kidney, for the prevention of atherosclerosis. Start taking it with 0.5 tablespoons and adjusted the dose to 2 tablespoons a day. Drink for 10 days.

Radish juice causes and increases monthly. It also is recommended for stones in the liver, kidney, urinary and gall bladders. It is a good galactagogue and anthelmintic.
In folk medicine radecky juice is used as anti-catarrhal, expectorant, in diseases of the lungs, bronchi, whooping cough.
Attention! Do not use radish in food and for medical purposes when ulcers stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis with high acidity, gastroenterocolitis, inflammation of the digestive canal, diseases of the liver and kidneys, gout, severe heart diseases.
Cut the washed radish with the skin into pieces with a size of 2 cm and lay under a press juicer. Juice rapidly loses its medicinal properties, so you need to cook it before the use and take a tablespoon 3 times daily before meals, children one teaspoon.
Slice 6-8 small fruit radish small thin slices, sprinkle each with sugar and leave for half a day. When will radecky juice with sugar, make it a tablespoon every hour. Claimed that this remedy can cure the most severe cough and relatively quickly.
Radish is cut into small pieces, place in pan and sprinkle with sugar. Bake in the oven for 2 h. the Resulting juice to drain, and slices of radish to throw away. Make juice 2 teaspoons 3-4 times daily before meals and at night before bed.
Radish juice mixed with carrot juice and milk or honey drink (1:1) — take a tablespoon 6 times a day.
Today, the human mind reverts to an ancient Union between man and plants. Again demand the old "secret" recipes of grandmothers. Science of healing of past millennia takes on a new meaning. Even some leading representatives of official medicine are trying to bridge the gap, which would connect the enormous experience of the past with the achievements of modernity.
The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: zdrawe.eu/prechistvane-na-organizma/sokolechenie-3ch.htm