White radish: properties and nutritional value.
White Radish: properties
Calories: 21 kcal.
Energy value of the product White Radish:
Protein: 1.2 g
Fat: 0 g
Carbohydrates: 4.1 g
White radish - a plant of the cabbage family. Round roots reach a weight up to 450 Pale green thin rind covered dense slightly starchy and juicy pulp, which is also painted white. Carrots have a sharp taste.
The benefits of this plant has long been known, only used it in different ways: some believed tubers food of the gods, but for others it was a cheap food that is suitable only for slaves. In our time about the use of white radish know almost everything, so it is widely used in cooking and medicine.
Today the plant has spread almost throughout Europe and Asia. We have a few white radish varieties, for example, Chinese (Margelan) or elongated roots radish.
Useful properties
The white radish contains volatile - substances that provide a sharp taste, and they act as an immunostimulatory agent. In this case, it can be concluded that the more acute the roots, it will be more useful for immunity. Given this, it is recommended to make in your diet dishes with white radish, to protect the body against viruses.
The rich composition of white radish makes it possible to use it in cosmetic purposes. For example, the juice of root vegetables can help reduce the appearance or eliminate age spots. Besides lotions on the basis of this vegetable helps improve the condition of aging skin as white radish substances increase blood circulation, have a lifting effect and gives the skin elasticity.
Use in cooking
Most often, to get all the nutrients, white radish eaten raw. Use roots mainly in winter time in salads. By the way, shredded radish can be a separate product, if, just fill it with oil as a spicy pungent taste goes well with the usual piece of black bread. Such as refueling of salads you can use sour cream and various sauces.
Besides white radish readability can be heat treated, e.g., it roasted, stewed, boiled and added to other meals. Root is used in soups, second dishes. In addition, in some countries it even make desserts.
Use of white radish and treatment
beneficial properties of white radish Use white radish caused by the presence of vast amounts of nutrients. Many doctors recommend their patients to viral infections during the period of use white radish, as it is an excellent prevention of colds. In addition, the roots have the ability to work to restore the body and increase immunity after a long illness.
Treatment of white radish is widely appreciated in folk medicine. For example, the juice of roots, mixing with honey, helps with various respiratory diseases, tuberculosis, kidney stones and gallstones. The juice or pulp packs of white radish can be used in neuritis, rheumatism and sciatica. Besides crushed roots help quickly heals wounds and ulcers. It is also used in folk medicine the seeds, pounded to a pulp can be used to get rid of ulcers, wounds and eczema.
Harm white radish and contraindications
Harm white radish can cause people who have digestive diseases. Renounce the use of root crops is at the heart and kidney disease, all the fault of the sharp taste. Contraindications to the use of white radish is, in pregnant women, as essential oils have the ability to increase the tone of the uterus, which in turn can cause premature birth or loss of a child.
Calories: 21 kcal.
Energy value of the product White Radish:
Protein: 1.2 g
Fat: 0 g
Carbohydrates: 4.1 g

White radish - a plant of the cabbage family. Round roots reach a weight up to 450 Pale green thin rind covered dense slightly starchy and juicy pulp, which is also painted white. Carrots have a sharp taste.
The benefits of this plant has long been known, only used it in different ways: some believed tubers food of the gods, but for others it was a cheap food that is suitable only for slaves. In our time about the use of white radish know almost everything, so it is widely used in cooking and medicine.
Today the plant has spread almost throughout Europe and Asia. We have a few white radish varieties, for example, Chinese (Margelan) or elongated roots radish.
Useful properties
The white radish contains volatile - substances that provide a sharp taste, and they act as an immunostimulatory agent. In this case, it can be concluded that the more acute the roots, it will be more useful for immunity. Given this, it is recommended to make in your diet dishes with white radish, to protect the body against viruses.
The rich composition of white radish makes it possible to use it in cosmetic purposes. For example, the juice of root vegetables can help reduce the appearance or eliminate age spots. Besides lotions on the basis of this vegetable helps improve the condition of aging skin as white radish substances increase blood circulation, have a lifting effect and gives the skin elasticity.
Use in cooking
Most often, to get all the nutrients, white radish eaten raw. Use roots mainly in winter time in salads. By the way, shredded radish can be a separate product, if, just fill it with oil as a spicy pungent taste goes well with the usual piece of black bread. Such as refueling of salads you can use sour cream and various sauces.
Besides white radish readability can be heat treated, e.g., it roasted, stewed, boiled and added to other meals. Root is used in soups, second dishes. In addition, in some countries it even make desserts.
Use of white radish and treatment
beneficial properties of white radish Use white radish caused by the presence of vast amounts of nutrients. Many doctors recommend their patients to viral infections during the period of use white radish, as it is an excellent prevention of colds. In addition, the roots have the ability to work to restore the body and increase immunity after a long illness.
Treatment of white radish is widely appreciated in folk medicine. For example, the juice of roots, mixing with honey, helps with various respiratory diseases, tuberculosis, kidney stones and gallstones. The juice or pulp packs of white radish can be used in neuritis, rheumatism and sciatica. Besides crushed roots help quickly heals wounds and ulcers. It is also used in folk medicine the seeds, pounded to a pulp can be used to get rid of ulcers, wounds and eczema.
Harm white radish and contraindications
Harm white radish can cause people who have digestive diseases. Renounce the use of root crops is at the heart and kidney disease, all the fault of the sharp taste. Contraindications to the use of white radish is, in pregnant women, as essential oils have the ability to increase the tone of the uterus, which in turn can cause premature birth or loss of a child.