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How to be smarter - 30 Simple Tips

Scientists from the University of Virginia found that already 27 years' in the brain begin disruptions to 37 - significantly deteriorating memory. Then we read did not, fearing to lose precious time. This page contains everything you need for your brain bailout, its maintenance and development. From now on, stupid question, "You cap too tight?" You will be responsible not only kick in the kneecap, but reasonable "Now - presses».
1. The more I read

The more complex and unusual book will be better. Sophisticated design, long, detailed proposals, rare words, abstruse articles in our magazine, and especially poetry - the real "Rastishka" for your brain.
2. drummed on the table

Better yet, make it a rule to accompany hear music: knee, tabletop or freshly bought tom-toms - it does not matter. Palm or chopsticks. Neuroscientist Anerood Patel from San Diego thinks that sense of rhythm plays an important role in learning. After all, they are responsible for it basal ganglia - lobe of the brain involved in motor function.
3. Listen to classical music

Especially Mozart. In 1995, the psychologist Frances Rauscher cunning lured into the room thirty rats. Two months there periodically sounded Sonata for Two Pianos in C Major. After the experiment, it was found out that the animals are not only the best dance, but also to run a maze faster and with fewer errors than the other group of rats lived two months in silence.
4. Train your memory

In London taxi drivers, for example, increased the hippocampus - a part of the brain responsible for emotions and memory. What are you worse?

■ bookmark the site brainscale.ru. There you will find one of the two variants of «N ago", developed in 1958 for research and stimulating the activity of certain brain areas, the development of working memory, logical thinking and ability to concentrate. Try to take the test on a daily basis, allocated to it a few minutes earlier in the day and the same in the end. According to research conducted in 2008 by Suzanne Yeggi, regular training in this task are able to significantly develop the mobile intelligence, working to expand human memory, improve logical thinking and ability to concentrate.

■ your list of products to buy, re-read it several times and do not try to remember their names, but their future path of different departments in the store. After collecting all the truck and stood in the queue, try to mentally calculate the total amount. If it would be true then, you can buy yourself a reward bush spinach: it is good for the memory.

■ Daily stand out half an hour on memorizing verses. Last time you did this in kindergarten, but all the words flew out of your head at the moment when the official part of the holiday is over, and the coffin was lowered into the ground. The content of the poems does not matter.
5. Drink coffee

Caffeine stimulates the release of neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine - they help longer remain in good shape and stay focused. It is important not to overdo it: from very large doses of caffeine you hornier and can not think rationally. Caffeine in doses of 300 mg (four cups of organic coffee) per day will bring anxiety, headaches, tremors, arrhythmia.

6. Albert Einstein

Theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate:
"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death. Knowing where to find information and how to use it - that's the secret of success. The mind, once expanded its borders, it will never return to the old. Outstanding personalities are not formed by the beautiful speeches, and his own work and its results ».
7. Cato

Elder statesman, writer:
"The wise man learns from the greater fools than fools from the wise».
8. Play chess, checkers and poker

These games not only can make you richer, but perfectly develops thinking. If you think that you play chess very well, try to play even at a time to the decision it took less than a minute.

9. Develop your sense of numerical

Yes, you already have that. Fished out a handful of change, caught a look at it and try to count on the total amount of memory. Veronique Izgard, a cognitive psychologist at Harvard, found that due to meet the ancient structures of the brain age is something about kvaziliona years (this number is? We have bad with this), but they may develop throughout life. To check how your HH developed at the moment, pass a short test, or a large-scale test, the results of which will remain even in the annals of American University and will help move forward the science. Well and further - to develop HH. The easiest way - packing things into a bag. When you figure out how to cram them better, your brain to solve complex problems and trains.
10. Feed the brain correctly!

Especially if you still can not tell until the end of a single poem from the curriculum, and birthdays reminds you know Facebook.

■ Walnuts. Almost the main food for the scholar! They even look like the brain. Five nuts a day - and you'll be provided with lecithin improves brain and activates the memory. Even nuts are useful if you suddenly live in conditions of increased radiation.

■ Fish. Terse and cold, it is rich in iodine, its meat contains omega-3 provides a rapid influx of energy necessary for the transmission of impulses in the brain cells. They also regulate the level of cholesterol in the blood and improve the functioning of blood vessels. If you're going to eat at least 100 grams of fish per day, you will increase the reaction rate, and you reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

■ Pumpkin seeds. Emptying half a cup in his jacket pocket during office scandals improves memory and causes the brain to think faster. All thanks to zinc.

■ Spinach. Add it to an omelet morning two or three times a week. Contained in spinach lutein protects brain cells from premature aging.

■ Sage. The Johns Hopkins University found that sage inhibits the action of amino acids responsible for memory impairment. Now there is a daily drink tea with sage and remember everything about everybody.
11. Try to guess the phrase interlocutor

Rebecca Seyks MIT believes that with proper training, people will be able to understand the others and even without words - the words of a person look and other similar features. It is responsible for this section of the brain, which is located behind the right ear and is responsible for intuition.
12. Establishments blog

Telling him about the events of the day, you will not only learn to articulate thoughts, but you will always think of new topics and caustic responses to the questions devoted readers.
13. Koichi Tohei

The writer, a master of Aikido, the owner of the 10-th Dan, founder of the Society of style cues ki-aikido "Reading - the cornerstone of intelligence. Fill your spare time reading all kinds of books. Read novels, nonfiction, biography. Please browse through the book quickly to make up for her an idea. If you find that it makes sense, read it again. As a result, it increases the ability of your brain to adapt to different circumstances and organize a wide variety of data ».
14. Solve crosswords

Surprisingly, it works: your brain healthy spur serious crosswords.

15. Constantine Sheremet'ev

The researcher, author of "Intellektika» (www.sheremetev.info), author of "The Perfect Brain: How to control the subconscious" and "How to become more intelligent»:
"Someone said that if the school he bad solved math problems or something in a similar way - so he's smart, and will remain so forever. This is utter nonsense. If 18 years to pump up the muscles themselves, and then lie down on the couch and forget about them, very soon they will atrophy. And with the efficiency of the brain there is the same ».
16. Learn a foreign language

Andrea Mechelli, Doctor of Neurology, University of London, argues that people who know several foreign languages, it is easier to switch between different mental tasks. An additional impetus to the development of your brain will give a new way to learn foreign words unintelligible.

■ For example, the study of language with parallel translation. On the site you will find getparalleltranslations.com books, the pages of which are located both English and Russian texts. In fact, these are the same titles, which you love so much to watch the latest series.

■ Slovak web developer Wojtek riniken believes that the words should be taught before they meet you in the book. Surprised by its board, you have to feed a strange text service wordsfromtext.com, it is in response to generate a list of the most used words and offer you mention it unfamiliar. They can be printed at the request of the translation, memorize and already fully prepared to pounce on unsuspecting literature.
17. Set yourself a smart application

Feeling uncomfortable surge in too fast-growing brain, we stumble upon the screens of mobile phones in the hope of finding salvation in some mind-numbing game. But what is it? And on mobile devices is not a step by step development programs domination!

The simulator memory. Successively stored pressing the colored buttons and repeat them. In fact, it's the same problem «N ago," disguised as a game.

Einstein. Exercise for the mind. HD-collection of 30 exercises for the development of logic, memory and attention bills.

Brain Genius. A variant on the logical problems created, according to legend, Einstein on the reluctance to go to kindergarten.
18. Do not waste time

If the work had a free minute and you want to see a couple of meters of funny pictures, best open Wikipedia and read the "accidental" article.
19. Walk

Suffice it to three times a week for half an hour to parade around the house to 15% better to concentrate, to learn and to think abstractly. And it's not only the flow of oxygen to your stunted in office stuffiness neurons: Scientists from the Salk Institute have shown that moderate exercise in the open air causes the brain to build new cells.
20. Let the brain rest

No matter how you been busy in the process of mental activity is required to rest every hour and a half. For example, to do simple physical exercises, or just walk down the hall and have a cup of coffee. Considers it necessary. Since analytical centers of the brain to digest the accumulated information and a no-no and even come to some unexpected conclusion.
21. Podstegni your brain

If you ignored all our advice, and tomorrow the championship final, "What? Where? When? 'League classmates, there is another way to shake the fat on brain convolutions.

■ Extra help raise IQ neyrometabolicheskie stimulants, they also nootropics - means providing an activating effect on memory and mental performance. Note: completely legitimate. Keyword search in the drugstore are: fenotropil, allertek, deprenyl. More Phenibutum can try, but it is, in contrast to previous drugs, drink a course in 2-3 weeks, one-time use of the proper result will not. And he should be here any: lack of desire to drop everything and go to sleep, increased reaction rate, mild irritability and a feeling that you're smarter than everyone around. There are, however, a small problem. "Nootropics action on the brain are not fully investigated," - said Head of the Laboratory of Neurobiology of memory of the Institute of Normal Physiology RAMS Konstantin Anokhin. And another thing: do not confuse with nootropics Badami. This is also the time to make you smarter, but they act differently, and the effect they have weaker. It is, for instance, Ginkgo biloba, Guarana, Siberian ginseng and ginseng root.
22. Play "Tetris»

American study has shown that this classic puzzle can have a positive impact on the development of the human brain. Testing confirmed that the regular practice of playing "Tetris" can increase the volume of gray matter in the brain of the player and improve its ability to think. The brain of people who in the course of the experiment for three months playing this puzzle for half an hour a day, has undergone changes in the areas related to movement, critical thinking, reasoning, language and processing information.
23. Leonardo da Vinci

Artist, inventor, scientist, writer:
"Iron rusts, not finding a use, stagnant water or rotting in the cold freezes, but the mind of man languishes».
24. Anatoly Wasserman

Journalist, political consultant:
"Read and see more, try to find connections and similarities between different knowledge - and pretty soon will feel, what else should the gaps to fill in order to understand more. Without intelligence all the rest is just useless. Being smart is not only fashionable, but also very nice. In my experience, it is best to remember that interested. Be curious - and effortlessly remember everything that would be interesting. But in order to save memory, it is necessary to work actively to have wide interests. Then much will be stored, and the memory will be reliable support ».

25. sleep well

It was in a dream the brain processes information gathered by the day and creates memories. Calculated as the University of California at Berkeley, is usually adult enough for 6 to 8 hours of sleep.
26. Read in new ways

Of course, you have scanned this advice and went to the next. Try to go back and do that here.

■ Take a pencil and, leading them to a line, read text. Eye catching movement, will run for the pointer, reading at the same time all that you slipped him. Every time accelerate the pencil - so your eyes get used to the increased load, the reading speed will increase and you will be able to absorb information faster.

■ 80% of the people reading silently recite the words. This habit you have acquired while learning to read: blurts out lyrics spell, then syllables, then put them into words. But to understand this is not necessary. To combat internal voice learn to read the text, while counting to thirty or singing (you can without words) song. A week or two you do not understand the contents of the text, but gradually becomes normal.

■ According to physiologists, a person who sees something exciting, reflexively dilate the pupils. When you reach the interesting places in the text, there is the same: the pupil dilates, the eye gets more light, and thus the greater the amount of information he can catch. The only problem is how to make myself believe that lies in front of you in the same investigation report is interesting, as the interview with the girl on the cover. With neurophysiological level, the interest arises when the brain compares the new information with already existing in the memory. So just assume that it can be written in the text. The brain has to be compared with real information, and willy-nilly, to show interest.
27. set up an unusual hobby

(ideas you throw our heading "Idea!»).
New activities, according to the Institute for Biological Studies The Salk in the suburbs of San Diego, in the first place, great help to escape from the routine, and secondly, will force your brain to adapt to the unfamiliar for him to work and, consequently, practice.
28. Alan Weiss

President of the Union of Health NCH:
"When you are completely immersed in the game world, your brain focuses on solving urgent problems. He is looking for unusual solutions and outs of the unusual in everyday life situations. Later, these same ideas can be useful to you in real life, at work, or when dealing ».
29. Try new ways of getting information

Does it bother you to read the book at a rock concert? Pay attention to audiobooks and audio podcasts. And sign up for free online courses in knowledgestream.ru (coursera.org for English).
30. Stop watching TV

Contemplation of flashing images, ostensibly designed to give rest to the tired brain for a day, loads it in the same way as reading or theorem proving. But it did not develop. Conclusion? TV throws out the window and put in its place a pot of sage.

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