Home syrup of black radish with honey cough
Long black radish with honey was considered the most reliable immunostimulant, an effective antimicrobial agent. It is used for a wide range of conditions— from coughs to bronchitis. Radish with honey is an excellent remedy which helps to cure the cough, which for many decades used to treat patients. There are several cooking recipes.
Black radish with honey cough: recipes
1. Need to take one medium size black radish, wash it thoroughly, then cut her a tip, which will serve as a cap. You need to use a thin and sharp knife and they remove from the middle part of the flesh. Get a small pot inside a radish. And need to put 2 teaspoons of honey, and cover it with the lid (cut off top). Honey should not completely cover the hole in the radish, because it needs a place for the formation of juice. You need to wait 12 hours if doing a morning you can already use the juice of radish and honey, which during this time is formed inside.
Make the juice of black radish cough to 3 times a day for a few minutes before eating 1 tablespoon for adults. So cooked radish with honey cough, the youngest children give 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Procedure prepare repeat for the night, adding to the inside of the radish honey. Another radish for cooking should take 3 days. This honey is usually very popular with the children and they drink it with pleasure.
2. You can use a more simplified method of preparation of black radish with honey cough. You need to take a large black radish, wash it thoroughly and clean. Then RUB it on a coarse grater, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth and mix with 2 tablespoons of honey. Honey quickly dissolve and the drink is ready to drink.
3. Some medium fruit radish need to wash and clean, cut small slices or cubes, put them into a pot and pour honey. After 12 hours, the radish will let a lot of juice which should be consumed before meals for 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. This method is more economical and turnip dry.
Radish with honey cough children
To give, starting with 1 drop. To increase the daily dose to 2 drops and increase it to 1 tablespoon. Juice to give 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
If allergic to honey?
For those who are allergic to honey, do radish cough with sugar in the same way, or baked.
To do this, take a medium size black radish, wash, peel and cut into small pieces, sprinkle with sugar and place in pan, cover. Bake at a temperature of 100-120 degrees for about 2 hours. After the radish has cooled, drain the juice and throw the rest away. It is recommended to drink 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day before meals.
Where else apply the juice of black radish with honey?
Today, many are returning to traditional medicine, which was formed many centuries and was brought to our time the best, effective and many times a proven methods of treatment. Radish juice with honey, doctors recommend taking in the treatment of hoarseness, with dry cough, diseases of the upper respiratory tract and even whooping cough and bronchitis.
Black radish cough helps many, often become rescue vehicle. And vitamin C contained in it helps to recover faster the body after diseases.
source: folk-med.ru
Source: /users/1077

Black radish with honey cough: recipes
1. Need to take one medium size black radish, wash it thoroughly, then cut her a tip, which will serve as a cap. You need to use a thin and sharp knife and they remove from the middle part of the flesh. Get a small pot inside a radish. And need to put 2 teaspoons of honey, and cover it with the lid (cut off top). Honey should not completely cover the hole in the radish, because it needs a place for the formation of juice. You need to wait 12 hours if doing a morning you can already use the juice of radish and honey, which during this time is formed inside.
Make the juice of black radish cough to 3 times a day for a few minutes before eating 1 tablespoon for adults. So cooked radish with honey cough, the youngest children give 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Procedure prepare repeat for the night, adding to the inside of the radish honey. Another radish for cooking should take 3 days. This honey is usually very popular with the children and they drink it with pleasure.
2. You can use a more simplified method of preparation of black radish with honey cough. You need to take a large black radish, wash it thoroughly and clean. Then RUB it on a coarse grater, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth and mix with 2 tablespoons of honey. Honey quickly dissolve and the drink is ready to drink.
3. Some medium fruit radish need to wash and clean, cut small slices or cubes, put them into a pot and pour honey. After 12 hours, the radish will let a lot of juice which should be consumed before meals for 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. This method is more economical and turnip dry.
Radish with honey cough children
To give, starting with 1 drop. To increase the daily dose to 2 drops and increase it to 1 tablespoon. Juice to give 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
If allergic to honey?
For those who are allergic to honey, do radish cough with sugar in the same way, or baked.
To do this, take a medium size black radish, wash, peel and cut into small pieces, sprinkle with sugar and place in pan, cover. Bake at a temperature of 100-120 degrees for about 2 hours. After the radish has cooled, drain the juice and throw the rest away. It is recommended to drink 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day before meals.
Where else apply the juice of black radish with honey?
Today, many are returning to traditional medicine, which was formed many centuries and was brought to our time the best, effective and many times a proven methods of treatment. Radish juice with honey, doctors recommend taking in the treatment of hoarseness, with dry cough, diseases of the upper respiratory tract and even whooping cough and bronchitis.
Black radish cough helps many, often become rescue vehicle. And vitamin C contained in it helps to recover faster the body after diseases.
source: folk-med.ru
Source: /users/1077