How to cure chest cough folk remedies

Many people believe the coughing disease. In fact it is not. Cough is a reflex reaction to the appearance of any foreign objects in the respiratory tract. The cough may be the chest and throat. Today, we'll look at how to cure chest cough.
In General, breast cough occasionally occurs even in completely healthy people. He is used to from the respiratory tract were derived mucus and dust and all the things that should not be there. But if the cough becomes frequent or even regular, it is likely to be a symptom of any disease. So you need to go to the doctor, which will determine how to treat chest cough.
Causes of chest cough frequently are more than serious diseases such as pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, and even aortic aneurysm and asthma.
In most cases, to treat a cough using products that thin the mucus and removing this mucus from the body. Such tools are also called expectorants. Often used different warming up of the chest and respiratory tract.
• Popular way is such a warm alcohol compress. Take equal parts of alcohol and vegetable oil and mix them. Two pieces of fabric, dip in the resulting composition and avoiding the heart of the zone, overlay fabric on the chest and back. On the whole thing, need to be wrapped up with plastic wrap and put on top of the clothes, which will lock the entire structure.
These packs are recommended to do constantly at night until cough.
• Helps with breast cough, milk with goat fat. Three hundred milliliters of milk, heated to boiling and then allow to cool, add a tablespoon of the fat and honey, all this stir and drink one spirit. After consuming medication, you need to lie down wrapped. To take this remedy, can be up to four times a day.
• One lemon, cover with water and simmer for ten minutes. Then extract the lemon, divide it into two parts and squeeze the two lobes of the juice. To the juice add two tablespoons of glycerin and a little honey. Drink this medicine need one teaspoon four times a day.
• Very good help in the treatment of infant cough Kalina. Tea with berries of this plant a decoction. And just the use of viburnum berries, have a beneficial effect and help to get rid of cough. The decoction is prepared thus: a large handful of berries of viburnum with leaves, pour in a liter of water, add a Cup of sugar and cook 20 to 30 minutes. For greater effect, you can add a few pods of hot pepper. The resulting syrup drink a few tablespoons at a time, squeezed water several times a day.
• Also helps with cough mixture of honey, lemon and garlic. In the morning, the juice of one lemon mixed with crushed garlic and a tablespoon of honey, then pour a glass of boiling water. At night this infusion drink.
• To treat chest coughs, including children, helps this remedy: melt 300 g of natural butter, add the Cup of sugar and a Cup of honey, but in turn, all in time to dissolve. As dissolved, add the whole packet of cocoa powder. How it all dissolved, poured into molds and store in the refrigerator. Every day, several times a day, 1 tbsp brewed as cocoa in hot milk and give to the patient to drink. This is a very effective and healthy drink for infant patients cough.
Now you know how to treat a chest cough, but, despite this, the doctor still need.
Source: vsenarodnaya-medicina.ru
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