Recipe salad in rows with meat

Useful and affordable radish is one of the traditional vegetables for Russia, but, unfortunately, recently an infrequent guest on our tables.

To correct this unfortunate injustice, we offer readers a recipe for a simple and hearty salad, the main ingredients of which are radish, beef and boiled eggs.

Tashkent salad The salad was originally called “Uzbekistan” and is said to have been invented in the twentieth century by the chef of the first Uzbek restaurant in Moscow.

The richest Uzbek cuisine has almost no salads. Therefore, the chef took the typical tastes of Uzbek cuisine and combined them in one dish.

In the classic version, baked veal, green radish is used, the composition necessarily includes cumin and does not include eggs.

Readers can easily replace beef with chicken, take black or daikon instead of green radish, and abandon mayonnaise in favor of low-fat sour cream or homemade sauce.

The ingredients
  • 500g radish
  • 2 bulbs
  • 3 boiled eggs
  • 150g boiled beef
  • 2 tbsp flour
  • green-onion
  • 100g mayonnaise
  • 100g sour cream
  • salt and pepper
  • vegetable-oil

  1. Clean and rub the radish on a large grate. To save her from bitterness, pour cold water and leave for 2 hours.

    Earlier we talked about how radish Helps at home to cure a severe cough.

  2. Pour the water and squeeze the radish.
  3. Cut the onions with half rings.

  4. Cut the boiled meat with straw.

  5. Add flour to the crushed onions and mix well. Roast prepared onions in a heated pan with vegetable oil.

  6. Some of the eggs are cut in cubes, and some in circles.
  7. Cut the green onions finely.
  8. Make a sauce of sour cream, mayonnaise and spices.
  9. Mix all the ingredients in the bowl.

  10. Turn the bowl on the dish.

  11. Put some mayonnaise and sour cream on the salad.
  12. Decorate the salad with egg slices and greens.
  13. Tashkent salad with radish And meat ready. Bon appetit!

The obsessive sharpness of radish is caused by an abundance of mustard oils in it. In small doses, these substances are useful: they help fight colds and activate the production of enzymes for better digestion of heavy, fatty foods. But with radish, especially black, one should be careful of those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.


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