Light salads and snacks without meat for meatless new year's table
New year's holidays. This is the best time to have fun relax, spend time with friends and family and, of course, eat. Vegetarian menu for the new year may not differ significantly from the meat, just need to figure out how to replace some products. If you are used to the traditional "Olivier" and "Herring under a fur coat" — this article is for you.
Any holiday table consists of several courses. Today everyone comes up with — what kind of food is on his table but the order remains the same. First snacks and salads, then main course, and it is followed by a delicious dessert. We picked up the best vegan recipes for the new year. This is not an original dish, and very familiar, with a taste that was pleasing since childhood.
Vegan salads for the new year table
"Olivier basin" is the kind of thing that adorns the Christmas table with more than 60% of Russians. This is a nod to tradition, and many do not want to give it up. To create a "Vegetarian salad" is not difficult. Just need to replace meat products. He dressed with a vegetable mayonnaise.
The second most popular salad in Russia — "Herring under a fur coat". Fish meat do not eat vegan, but this does not mean that such meals should be abandoned. Try to replace herring seaweed. Sure that it was enough salt to become the highlight of this salad.
To prepare this salad in layers. Each of them is impregnated with a vegetable mayonnaise. It is necessary to insist before serving, but it tastes familiar from childhood, so it's worth a try. A vegetarian version of this dish will please all who try it. the ingredients you need to take in equal proportions.
For vegetarian coats you need to:
Potatoes — 2 PCs
Onions — 2 PCs
Carrots — 2 PCs
Beets — 1-2 PCs
Seaweed is 100-200 g
Lean mayonnaise
Potatoes, beets and carrots need to boil. This is usually done in uniform, and after everything is ready - remove the peel. The cooking time of the beets depends on the size of the root — from 40 minutes to 2 hours. Potatoes and carrots are cooked about 30-40 minutes.
The peeled roots have to RUB on a large grater. Each separately.
Sea Kale should be salt. It should be a little bit too salty, in fact she will be replaced by salted herring in a salad.
Onion you need to peel and chop very finely.
The ingredients you need to put layers. Each layer to miss the mark of Lenten mayonnaise and a little salt.
The first layer — boiled potatoes. The second seaweed. The third onion. Fourth — cooked carrots. Final — beets.If you want you can lay out the layers a second time, then the salad will be more voluminous. That rather depends on the cookware in which you cook it.
Vegetarian fur coat should stand. Allow 2-3 hours to stand in a cool place before serving. This will make the taste more delicate.
For new year's table you can choose a lighter vegetable salad without mayonnaise or other fatty dressings so guests had the desire to try and main dishes.
A great option in this case — the "Greek salad". Vegetarian Greek salad to prepare with Cheese or feta, and tofu — soy cheese.
Salads can be served in one dish or a La carte. Depending on the tastes of the guests, it is necessary to do and easy and more hard. Try vegetarian vitamin salad with kiwi
This salad has a nice sweet taste that is more suitable for dessert than the main course. It is rich in vitamins, easy to digest, so eating it may even those who are dieting.
Options like salad several. Kiwi in the composition can be replaced by Apple, and cabbage on cabbage. But if you use these ingredients, vegetarian dish will be much tastier.
For vegetable salad you will need:
Vegetable oil mix with sugar and salt to taste to salad.
To serve the dish at any time of the day. Goes well with pancakes for Breakfast. Salad low-calorie, suitable for those who are trying to lose weight.
Good option for a light salad — vegetables with croutons and beans.
Vegan appetizers for the holiday
Snack lean on the table and delicious food and decorations. They can diversify the menu. They are especially helpful if you are planning a buffet, not a large feast. Like the salads, need to do two types of vegetarian snacks: some of the lighter, second heavier.
In Russia often make "Filler". Is a dish prepared usually from fish or gelatin. Neither the one nor the other product is vegetarian, so it can be replaced with agar-agar. To make this dish can be very bright and cheerful. The ingredients can be changed at will, so ask the guests what they would like in advance to add it to jelly.
Vegan aspic is a dish for any occasion. It can be done on the holiday table or just for dinner. Cooking takes time, but the result exceeds all expectations. This is a very nice and tasty, and most importantly — it's an easy dish that doesn't spoil the figure.
For the vegan maker need:Mushrooms — 500 g
Onions — 300-400 g
Cucumber — 300 g
Prunes — 100-150 g
Soy meat, or vegetarian sausage — 200 g
Onion — 1 piece
Walnuts — 50-100 g
Onion, spices
Make jelly layers. It can be done in one dish or in portion dishes. Can be served in the mold or carefully remove it to a plate. Depending on how you decide to do — choose which layer will be on top. It will decorate this dish.
I do in round bowls, which are then inverted on a plate. It turns out very pretty striped dish, usually a La carte. These components will be enough for 6 servings. If you want more — increase the initial quantity.
Initially, prepare all the layers. Carrots need to cook. And then clean and RUB on a coarse grater.
Nuts to clean and cut. They can be mixed with carrots or prunes, which needs to be cut.
Mushrooms (fresh mushrooms usually) peel and cut into medium pieces. The onion is to peel and finely chop. Put the onion into a heated pan in vegetable oil. Fry until Golden brown, then put them in mushrooms. Sauté until tender (10-15 minutes).
Fresh cucumber cut into strips. Add the chopped salad. Do this part last, so the greens are not wilted. Is usually made after other layers are already frozen.
Soy meat boil in plenty of water with spices. Or use vegetarian sausage ( it's the easiest option). This ingredient is cut into cubes. Mix greens and vegan sausage or soy meat.
Agar dissolve in warm water. You'll need 3-4 cups of water. One Cup -1 tablespoon of powder. Give it a brew., and then put on fire and heat, stirring occasionally. It is necessary to interfere until then, until the agar is dissolved. Add this liquid to each layer.
Thus, the correct layout maker:
Water agar in cut ingredients are added immediately, but as soon as you will have to pay.
My first layer will be then top, so the first spread in the form of cooked carrots. Pour this Cup of agar-agar. If it's several forms — divide into equal parts. Remove this layer in the fridge for 2 hours. During this time, the contents will acquire a solid consistency.
Second layer: prunes with nuts. Pour the agar into the mixture, mix well and spread on carrot. Again I give this mass to harden in the fridge.
The third layer — the greens, cucumber and sausage. In the bowl pour it in the agar, and then poured it into the form. Leave to harden.
The last layer — mushrooms with onions. Them also it is necessary to pour liquid residues.
The process of creating this dish is delayed due to the fact that you need to wait for each layer to take the right consistency. But it is very stripey. Don't forget in the process of cooking a little salt to the mushrooms and carrots, the dish was not fresh.
To easy to get vegetarian jelly from the mold — put it in hot water for 30-40 seconds and then just flip. It will easily slip from the dish on the plate.
To serve better vegetarian aspic on lettuce leaf. It can be combined with any other things, such as roasted soy schnitzels. But usually it looks great alone as a delicious snack on the festive table.
Often on the holiday table there are sandwiches. Today this option is slightly obsolete, and to replace it with rolls. They can be made of eggplant with toppings or pita. Depending on preferences, in such a roll, you can put fried soy meat, tofu or seasoned vegetables.
Very interesting dish of canapés. These are pieces of products dressed on the skewers. They can be put on a dish peculiar drawings. Make snacks of wide variety of products. For a vegetarian or vegan holiday table, you can use the vegetables, tofu and vegetarian sausages. Combining products of different colors will be very bright vegan dish that will perfectly decorate your table.
Stuffed vegetables are also a great snack. They are sometimes served as a main dish.
Vegan new year's table can be very diverse.published
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Source: www.pushinka34.com/vegetarian-category/121-veganskij-novogodnij-stol-salaty-i-zakuski

Any holiday table consists of several courses. Today everyone comes up with — what kind of food is on his table but the order remains the same. First snacks and salads, then main course, and it is followed by a delicious dessert. We picked up the best vegan recipes for the new year. This is not an original dish, and very familiar, with a taste that was pleasing since childhood.
Vegan salads for the new year table
"Olivier basin" is the kind of thing that adorns the Christmas table with more than 60% of Russians. This is a nod to tradition, and many do not want to give it up. To create a "Vegetarian salad" is not difficult. Just need to replace meat products. He dressed with a vegetable mayonnaise.
The second most popular salad in Russia — "Herring under a fur coat". Fish meat do not eat vegan, but this does not mean that such meals should be abandoned. Try to replace herring seaweed. Sure that it was enough salt to become the highlight of this salad.
To prepare this salad in layers. Each of them is impregnated with a vegetable mayonnaise. It is necessary to insist before serving, but it tastes familiar from childhood, so it's worth a try. A vegetarian version of this dish will please all who try it. the ingredients you need to take in equal proportions.
For vegetarian coats you need to:
Potatoes — 2 PCs
Onions — 2 PCs
Carrots — 2 PCs
Beets — 1-2 PCs
Seaweed is 100-200 g
Lean mayonnaise
Potatoes, beets and carrots need to boil. This is usually done in uniform, and after everything is ready - remove the peel. The cooking time of the beets depends on the size of the root — from 40 minutes to 2 hours. Potatoes and carrots are cooked about 30-40 minutes.
The peeled roots have to RUB on a large grater. Each separately.
Sea Kale should be salt. It should be a little bit too salty, in fact she will be replaced by salted herring in a salad.
Onion you need to peel and chop very finely.
The ingredients you need to put layers. Each layer to miss the mark of Lenten mayonnaise and a little salt.
The first layer — boiled potatoes. The second seaweed. The third onion. Fourth — cooked carrots. Final — beets.If you want you can lay out the layers a second time, then the salad will be more voluminous. That rather depends on the cookware in which you cook it.
Vegetarian fur coat should stand. Allow 2-3 hours to stand in a cool place before serving. This will make the taste more delicate.
For new year's table you can choose a lighter vegetable salad without mayonnaise or other fatty dressings so guests had the desire to try and main dishes.
A great option in this case — the "Greek salad". Vegetarian Greek salad to prepare with Cheese or feta, and tofu — soy cheese.

Salads can be served in one dish or a La carte. Depending on the tastes of the guests, it is necessary to do and easy and more hard. Try vegetarian vitamin salad with kiwi
This salad has a nice sweet taste that is more suitable for dessert than the main course. It is rich in vitamins, easy to digest, so eating it may even those who are dieting.
Options like salad several. Kiwi in the composition can be replaced by Apple, and cabbage on cabbage. But if you use these ingredients, vegetarian dish will be much tastier.
For vegetable salad you will need:
- Cabbage small forks
- Kiwi — 2pcs
- Seedless grapes — 100 g
- Vegetable oil
- Salt
Vegetable oil mix with sugar and salt to taste to salad.
To serve the dish at any time of the day. Goes well with pancakes for Breakfast. Salad low-calorie, suitable for those who are trying to lose weight.
Good option for a light salad — vegetables with croutons and beans.
Vegan appetizers for the holiday
Snack lean on the table and delicious food and decorations. They can diversify the menu. They are especially helpful if you are planning a buffet, not a large feast. Like the salads, need to do two types of vegetarian snacks: some of the lighter, second heavier.
In Russia often make "Filler". Is a dish prepared usually from fish or gelatin. Neither the one nor the other product is vegetarian, so it can be replaced with agar-agar. To make this dish can be very bright and cheerful. The ingredients can be changed at will, so ask the guests what they would like in advance to add it to jelly.
Vegan aspic is a dish for any occasion. It can be done on the holiday table or just for dinner. Cooking takes time, but the result exceeds all expectations. This is a very nice and tasty, and most importantly — it's an easy dish that doesn't spoil the figure.
For the vegan maker need:Mushrooms — 500 g
Onions — 300-400 g
Cucumber — 300 g
Prunes — 100-150 g
Soy meat, or vegetarian sausage — 200 g
Onion — 1 piece
Walnuts — 50-100 g
Onion, spices
Make jelly layers. It can be done in one dish or in portion dishes. Can be served in the mold or carefully remove it to a plate. Depending on how you decide to do — choose which layer will be on top. It will decorate this dish.
I do in round bowls, which are then inverted on a plate. It turns out very pretty striped dish, usually a La carte. These components will be enough for 6 servings. If you want more — increase the initial quantity.
Initially, prepare all the layers. Carrots need to cook. And then clean and RUB on a coarse grater.
Nuts to clean and cut. They can be mixed with carrots or prunes, which needs to be cut.
Mushrooms (fresh mushrooms usually) peel and cut into medium pieces. The onion is to peel and finely chop. Put the onion into a heated pan in vegetable oil. Fry until Golden brown, then put them in mushrooms. Sauté until tender (10-15 minutes).
Fresh cucumber cut into strips. Add the chopped salad. Do this part last, so the greens are not wilted. Is usually made after other layers are already frozen.
Soy meat boil in plenty of water with spices. Or use vegetarian sausage ( it's the easiest option). This ingredient is cut into cubes. Mix greens and vegan sausage or soy meat.
Agar dissolve in warm water. You'll need 3-4 cups of water. One Cup -1 tablespoon of powder. Give it a brew., and then put on fire and heat, stirring occasionally. It is necessary to interfere until then, until the agar is dissolved. Add this liquid to each layer.
Thus, the correct layout maker:
Water agar in cut ingredients are added immediately, but as soon as you will have to pay.
My first layer will be then top, so the first spread in the form of cooked carrots. Pour this Cup of agar-agar. If it's several forms — divide into equal parts. Remove this layer in the fridge for 2 hours. During this time, the contents will acquire a solid consistency.
Second layer: prunes with nuts. Pour the agar into the mixture, mix well and spread on carrot. Again I give this mass to harden in the fridge.
The third layer — the greens, cucumber and sausage. In the bowl pour it in the agar, and then poured it into the form. Leave to harden.
The last layer — mushrooms with onions. Them also it is necessary to pour liquid residues.
The process of creating this dish is delayed due to the fact that you need to wait for each layer to take the right consistency. But it is very stripey. Don't forget in the process of cooking a little salt to the mushrooms and carrots, the dish was not fresh.
To easy to get vegetarian jelly from the mold — put it in hot water for 30-40 seconds and then just flip. It will easily slip from the dish on the plate.
To serve better vegetarian aspic on lettuce leaf. It can be combined with any other things, such as roasted soy schnitzels. But usually it looks great alone as a delicious snack on the festive table.

Often on the holiday table there are sandwiches. Today this option is slightly obsolete, and to replace it with rolls. They can be made of eggplant with toppings or pita. Depending on preferences, in such a roll, you can put fried soy meat, tofu or seasoned vegetables.
Very interesting dish of canapés. These are pieces of products dressed on the skewers. They can be put on a dish peculiar drawings. Make snacks of wide variety of products. For a vegetarian or vegan holiday table, you can use the vegetables, tofu and vegetarian sausages. Combining products of different colors will be very bright vegan dish that will perfectly decorate your table.
Stuffed vegetables are also a great snack. They are sometimes served as a main dish.

Vegan new year's table can be very diverse.published
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Source: www.pushinka34.com/vegetarian-category/121-veganskij-novogodnij-stol-salaty-i-zakuski