This story happened actually...
One circus elephant lived. His name was bozo and he was amazing! First, it helped the circus: when I moved to a new location (it was a circus tent), the elephant dragged the heavy logs, stuck into the ground a pole that kept the tent and did a lot of useful.
And secondly, he participated in the performances: bozo stood up on his hind legs, lifted the trunk of the beautiful dancer, and she danced on his head. And bozo rode on the back of the kids and everyone loved it.
But one day the elephant something happened...
Photo By Gregory Colbert
At first he refused to eat, wandered around the cage, peretaptyvalis from foot to foot, and his eyes turned red. And he trumpeted so loud!
Call the vet: he examined bozo, he put his temperature, looked in mouth... But it was all in order. The vet said:
— The elephant is physically absolutely healthy.
But something happened to bozo. He became very aggressive, paced the cell, trumpeted and did not admit to people. And once he even attacked the trainer!
And then the Director of the circus said:
— We need to get rid of the elephant: it is impossible to give performances, the circus suffers significant losses. Yes, bozo should be killed!
And the Director decided to make his death a view. But then on the arena appeared a little man in sartucci, with hat on head, briefcase in hand.
Let me try to help, he said.
But with an elephant, something is not right! He's dangerous! – cried the Director.
I know – replied the little man, and the Director agreed.
Then the little man made cartuchos and hat, put away my suitcase and put it in the hands of the Director a piece of paper. He approached the cage: bozo shifting from foot to foot, angrily examined all their little bloodshot eyes and loudly trumpeted. The man slowly walked around the cage and said something to the elephant, but nobody could hear what. ... And bozo began to calm down!
A man all walked, Yes walked, whispered something to the elephant; then opened the cage and entered it, continuing all something to whisper. He stroked bozo's trunk and led him out of the cage. Everyone saw that from the eye of the elephant tears. And again bozo got up on his hind legs and blew, but happily, not intimidating!
The Director ran up to the man
— How did you do it?!
"You see," he answered — bozo hails from India many years he had not heard the speech in their native language — Hindi, and I talked to him in Hindi and now for a long time, everything will be fine.
With these words the man took the suitcase, put cartuchos and hat. We don't know whether he didn't notice the outstretched hand of the Director, or for some reason did not want to shake it, but he turned and disappeared into the crowd.
Only then the Director remembered the note that the man gave him before entering to the elephant. The note was written: "If with me something happens, the administration of the circus does not bear any responsibility for it". And the signature – "Rudyard Kipling".
This story happened in reality.
Gene Berebi in the presentation of the Abbot Eumenia (Cirrus)
Photo By Gregory Colbert
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.facebook.com/mostpsy/posts/469216459941260:0?__mref=message_bubble
One circus elephant lived. His name was bozo and he was amazing! First, it helped the circus: when I moved to a new location (it was a circus tent), the elephant dragged the heavy logs, stuck into the ground a pole that kept the tent and did a lot of useful.
And secondly, he participated in the performances: bozo stood up on his hind legs, lifted the trunk of the beautiful dancer, and she danced on his head. And bozo rode on the back of the kids and everyone loved it.
But one day the elephant something happened...

Photo By Gregory Colbert
At first he refused to eat, wandered around the cage, peretaptyvalis from foot to foot, and his eyes turned red. And he trumpeted so loud!
Call the vet: he examined bozo, he put his temperature, looked in mouth... But it was all in order. The vet said:
— The elephant is physically absolutely healthy.
But something happened to bozo. He became very aggressive, paced the cell, trumpeted and did not admit to people. And once he even attacked the trainer!
And then the Director of the circus said:
— We need to get rid of the elephant: it is impossible to give performances, the circus suffers significant losses. Yes, bozo should be killed!
And the Director decided to make his death a view. But then on the arena appeared a little man in sartucci, with hat on head, briefcase in hand.
Let me try to help, he said.
But with an elephant, something is not right! He's dangerous! – cried the Director.
I know – replied the little man, and the Director agreed.
Then the little man made cartuchos and hat, put away my suitcase and put it in the hands of the Director a piece of paper. He approached the cage: bozo shifting from foot to foot, angrily examined all their little bloodshot eyes and loudly trumpeted. The man slowly walked around the cage and said something to the elephant, but nobody could hear what. ... And bozo began to calm down!
A man all walked, Yes walked, whispered something to the elephant; then opened the cage and entered it, continuing all something to whisper. He stroked bozo's trunk and led him out of the cage. Everyone saw that from the eye of the elephant tears. And again bozo got up on his hind legs and blew, but happily, not intimidating!
The Director ran up to the man
— How did you do it?!
"You see," he answered — bozo hails from India many years he had not heard the speech in their native language — Hindi, and I talked to him in Hindi and now for a long time, everything will be fine.
With these words the man took the suitcase, put cartuchos and hat. We don't know whether he didn't notice the outstretched hand of the Director, or for some reason did not want to shake it, but he turned and disappeared into the crowd.
Only then the Director remembered the note that the man gave him before entering to the elephant. The note was written: "If with me something happens, the administration of the circus does not bear any responsibility for it". And the signature – "Rudyard Kipling".
This story happened in reality.
Gene Berebi in the presentation of the Abbot Eumenia (Cirrus)

Photo By Gregory Colbert
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.facebook.com/mostpsy/posts/469216459941260:0?__mref=message_bubble
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