Twelve Signs of an Ideal Husband That The Bible Tells Us
Almost every girl. dream of getting married. And not just put a stamp in the passport, but find a person who will become her soul mate, a reliable support and a wonderful father for children. I want a man to be reliable, caring and, of course, faithful. But how not to make a mistake and do not condemn yourself to suffering?
Answers can be found anywhere, but we prefer to draw wisdom from the Bible, because this book is filled with it. Editorial "Site" Here are 12 signs from this holy book that will help you to choose. best.
How to choose a husband
This is how the Bible advises you to choose a husband. These tips are wise and valuable, but the choice to make is still yours. If your man doesn’t meet any of the points, but you know that he can make you happy, that your love is pure and sincere, then maybe it’s not that important. Love and be happy!
What are the secrets to a happy marriage? Share with us in the comments!

Answers can be found anywhere, but we prefer to draw wisdom from the Bible, because this book is filled with it. Editorial "Site" Here are 12 signs from this holy book that will help you to choose. best.
How to choose a husband
- He's caring.
“Husband bestow due favor upon wife; like wife upon husband” (1 Corinthians 7:3). This phrase does not even require further explanation. You want to spend your life with someone who will take care of you, right? Love and care is the first thing that should be in a relationship.
DepositPhotos - He's loyal.
“A woman has no power over her body, but a man; nor does a man have power over his body, but a woman” (1 Corinthians 7:4). Loyalty is the best proof of love. It shows that a man appreciates and respects you. He who changes once can change again. And believe me, even if you've forgiven treason, somewhere deep in your heart you'll suspect him. A man should cause peace, not terrible jealousy and anxiety.
DepositPhotos - He's reliable.
“Wives, obey your husbands as the Lord, for the husband is the head of the wife, just as Christ is the head of the church, and he is the savior of the body” (Ephesians 5:22, 23). For a wife, a husband is a guide, he leads her through life. If a man is unreliable, would you want to follow him? It is about the husband becoming the head of the family and leading his wife and children to well-being. You must see and feel that your chosen one can be entrusted with this mission.
DepositPhotos - He's watching himself.
So should husbands love their wives as their bodies: he who loves his wife loves himself. (Ephesians 5:28). Your partner should be concerned about his health. A person who does not take care of himself cannot take care of others.
DepositPhotos - He respects you.
“Who will find a virtuous wife? Its price is greater than pearls; the heart of her husband is sure of it, and he will not be left without profit. (Proverbs 31:10, 11). You're a wife, not a servant. Marriage should not interfere with your goals and personal growth. A man should support you in your endeavors, appreciate and respect what you do. If your partner is dismissive of your job or hobby, then most likely it is not your man. A good man will develop himself and contribute to the development of the whole family.
DepositPhotos - He appreciates you.
“Children rise up and please her, the husband praises her.” (Proverbs 31:28). All your efforts do not go unnoticed. You deserve to be appreciated and respected for your work. You need a man who will fuel your confidence, not the other way around.
DepositPhotos - He's patient.
“Do not be friends with the angry person, nor associate with the hot-tempered person, lest you learn his ways and draw noose on your soul” (Proverbs 22:24-25). It’s not about sitting on a man’s neck and hanging his legs. It is just better to choose a man who will not be rude to you and break down for every little thing. Temperate men, no matter how patient you are, quickly get out of balance. If you do not need constant arguments and arguments, then you still need to choose a man with a calm temperament.
DepositPhotos - He's a decent man.
“Do not be deceived: bad communities corrupt good morals” (1 Corinthians 15:33). Many women think that they can turn a scoundrel or a drunkard into a decent man with their love and care. But it doesn't work that way. People can only change when they want to. But if you shoulder this heavy burden, you risk turning your life into hell and destroying the best in yourself without getting happiness in return.
DepositPhotos - He's independent.
“In the beginning of creation, God created man and woman. Therefore a man will forsake his father and his mother and cling to his wife (Mark 10:6-8). The point is that a man should not be dependent on his parents. Neither financially nor morally. After all, you do not want all the decisions to be agreed with his parents, and then you have to live with them. A husband and wife should not depend on their parents, they are a new family.
DepositPhotos - He's not a glutton or a drunk.
“Be not among those who drink wine, among those who are satiated with meat; for the drunkard and the one who is satiated will become poor, and sleepiness will be clothed in rags” (Proverbs 23:20-21). Drunkenness and gluttony not only empty the purse, but also destroy the body and mind. There must be moderation in everything. You need a man who will not give in to his passions without looking back, but will be able to monitor his finances and health.
DepositPhotos - He's wise.
“He who associates with the wise will be wise, but he who makes friends with fools will be corrupt.” (Proverbs 13:20). The point is that your chosen one can distinguish good from evil and follow the right path. If lying, deceit and irresponsibility are considered normal for him, then this man will not bring you anything good. There is nothing worse than marrying a fool.
DepositPhotos - He will bring you closer to God.
I will betroth you to Me forever, and I will betroth you to Me in righteousness and judgment, in goodness and mercy. I will betroth you to Me in faithfulness, and you will know the Lord (Hosea 2:19-20). If you believe in the Lord, your man will walk with you on the right path, not turn you away from God. Only such a person can lead a family to God’s blessing.
This is how the Bible advises you to choose a husband. These tips are wise and valuable, but the choice to make is still yours. If your man doesn’t meet any of the points, but you know that he can make you happy, that your love is pure and sincere, then maybe it’s not that important. Love and be happy!
What are the secrets to a happy marriage? Share with us in the comments!