Salad of raw beets - a selection of the best recipes
How do you feel about raw vegetables? Whether you prefer to include these foods in your diet? Of course, many may call these rhetorical questions. After all, few people would think to be heat treated fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage and other.
But these vegetables are not limited to those who are concerned about whether the body receives the necessary supply of vitamins a day. It is also about beets. Despite the fact that from the raw beet salad to eat a few, these dishes are still the place to be, and everything else they are very helpful and multi-vitamins.
If we talk about the benefits of beets, the trace elements contained herein, are endless. First of all it is important to note the presence of folic acid, which is involved in cleaning the body, that is, eliminating the blockage of blood vessels. Also, beets normalizes brain activity. It is impossible not to note the effectiveness of the beet diet. The essence of this method lies in the fact that during the 7 days one uses beets in various forms and at the expiration of a specified amount of time you can watch the already very noticeable change.
Salad of raw beet - food preparation and dishwashing
Each cooking and even a beginner cook knows many salad recipes that are prepared from boiled beets. This garlic salad, and salad with walnuts. But you should pay attention to the cooking recipes from raw beets. Believe me, a lot of them, too, and everyone can find a way to prepare wonderful salad, which will probably take the place of honor in the cookbook.
If you decide to get acquainted with the taste of raw beet salad, we offer to start with the correct choice of vegetables. Beets should be sweet and soft varieties. After tasting a piece of beet, the lady will immediately understand, this grade is suitable for salad, or it is too hard and tasteless.
When cooking a salad of raw beet vegetable itself is usually rubbed on a grater. You can use special knives, which allow the products to cut nice and original. If graters, take a kitchen appliance with large holes, rubbed on a fine grater beets, lettuce will be too mushy. Also, for a more interesting image, you can take a grater for Korean carrot. Moreover, many of the raw beet salads include still and carrots. Get the original composition.
Recipes salad of raw beets:
1 Recipe: Salad of raw beet
Let's start with the most common, useful and simple salad of raw beets. Salad can be prepared in minutes, and taste perfectly fit casual lunch and even dinner. This easy dish to serve greasy meat that will help to improve digestion of heavy foods.
Required ingredients:
1 PC. - Beets;
100 g - nuts;
3 tooth. - Garlic;
1 PC. - Carrots;
3 tbsp. l. - Mayonnaise (homemade)
. Preparation:
Although indicated in the recipe, and one piece of beet and carrot, but there should be a look at the size of vegetables if they are small, you can take on the two products. Let us proceed. Clear the carrots and beets peeled, and then rub on a grater. Stir, and in the resulting vegetable mix crushed garlic. I came nuts. Omit nuts in a blender, grind slug, and then send them to the beets and carrots. One small thing - add the mayonnaise. It's simple, but the taste of the salad is surprising richness.
2 Recipe: Salad of raw beets with apples
Another not less common recipe that allows you to cook the fruit and vegetable salad - that is, beets with apples. Enough juicy dish, which have the liking of those who like to crunch the sake of their health.
Required ingredients:
1 PC. - Beets;
3 tbsp. l. - Lemon juice;
2 pcs. - An apple;
1 tbsp. l. - Honey;
1 tbsp. l. - Oil (peanut, olive, flaxseed, vegetable oil and others.);
fresh herbs - dill, basil, parsley
. Preparation:
The recipe is extremely simple, but it is rich in vitamins and very pleasant to the taste. So the apples with beets rub on a grater, then lightly sprinkle them lemon juice and honey. Leave for a few minutes. After the salad of raw beets pour chosen oil, add salt and herbs.
3 Recipe: Salad of raw beets and cabbage
In people, this salad is called "broom". However, apparently this salad does not correspond to such a title. Apparently, the secret to improving the properties of lettuce. Here you can find vegetables, helps cleanse the body of accumulated harmful substances. Having prepared this dish naipolezneyshee can insure against many unpleasant diseases.
Required ingredients:
1 PC. - Beets;
200 g - cabbage (cabbage);
3 tbsp. l. - Linseed oil;
1 PC. - Kohlrabi;
2 pcs. - An apple;
1 tbsp. l. -. Lemon juice
Kohlrabi, beets and apple rubbed on a grater. When you need to chop the cabbage. We connect all the components, and sprinkle them slug of lemon juice. Immediately add the oil in a salad. Just before serving this salad is decorated with greenery. Pay attention to this dish is necessary for those who suffer from intestinal diseases. The composition of the ingredients, you can easily change, add or replace a component of radishes.
4 Recipe: Salad of raw beets with yogurt
No less healthy dish. That rightfully should receive the title of "Beauty salad". The fact that the composition of ingredients normalize metabolic processes that affect skin health. Cleans and restores the complexion.
Required ingredients:
150 g - prunes;
150 g - walnuts;
1 PC. - Beets;
150 ml - yogurt;
1 h. L. - Honey
. Preparation:
Beet rubbed on a grater, and prunes filled with boiling water for 40 minutes. Once dried fruits grind. Putting prunes with beets, they send walnuts. Add the honey and yogurt salad. Mix. Salad is not just insanely delicious, but also a great impact on the external data taster.
5 Recipe: Salad of raw beets and cheese
Virtually no one person should not say that he does not like salads from raw beets. He has not tried all the dishes that can be prepared from this bright red vegetable. For example, take this recipe. Not only that, it is useful, it is still gentle on the palate. Parmesan Cheese savory meat gives piquancy.
Required ingredients:
2 pcs. - Beets;
3 tooth. - Garlic;
150 g - cheese;
50 ml - cream;
2 pcs. - Carrots;
pepper and salt.
As always, clear the vegetables from the skin and rub on a grater. Garlic can also rub, and it is better to push through the press. It remains to prepare cheese, it is better to cut into small cubes. It remains sour cream, add the spices and the salad is ready!
Salad of raw beets - the secrets and tips from the best chefs
Salads from raw beet quite multifaceted. Their formulations do not provide the exact execution of the application instructions. If desired, one of the ingredients can be removed altogether or replaced by another. Only in this case it is necessary to understand that the taste of the salad itself will change. For example, if we replace beet-carrot salad carrot radish taste is completely different. But that should not stop you - feel free to experiment. Also from raw beet salad it is the case when it is possible to prepare meals of dried fruits. Moreover, the list should be limited not only prunes, but use dried apricots, raisins and more.
But these vegetables are not limited to those who are concerned about whether the body receives the necessary supply of vitamins a day. It is also about beets. Despite the fact that from the raw beet salad to eat a few, these dishes are still the place to be, and everything else they are very helpful and multi-vitamins.
If we talk about the benefits of beets, the trace elements contained herein, are endless. First of all it is important to note the presence of folic acid, which is involved in cleaning the body, that is, eliminating the blockage of blood vessels. Also, beets normalizes brain activity. It is impossible not to note the effectiveness of the beet diet. The essence of this method lies in the fact that during the 7 days one uses beets in various forms and at the expiration of a specified amount of time you can watch the already very noticeable change.

Salad of raw beet - food preparation and dishwashing
Each cooking and even a beginner cook knows many salad recipes that are prepared from boiled beets. This garlic salad, and salad with walnuts. But you should pay attention to the cooking recipes from raw beets. Believe me, a lot of them, too, and everyone can find a way to prepare wonderful salad, which will probably take the place of honor in the cookbook.
If you decide to get acquainted with the taste of raw beet salad, we offer to start with the correct choice of vegetables. Beets should be sweet and soft varieties. After tasting a piece of beet, the lady will immediately understand, this grade is suitable for salad, or it is too hard and tasteless.
When cooking a salad of raw beet vegetable itself is usually rubbed on a grater. You can use special knives, which allow the products to cut nice and original. If graters, take a kitchen appliance with large holes, rubbed on a fine grater beets, lettuce will be too mushy. Also, for a more interesting image, you can take a grater for Korean carrot. Moreover, many of the raw beet salads include still and carrots. Get the original composition.
Recipes salad of raw beets:
1 Recipe: Salad of raw beet
Let's start with the most common, useful and simple salad of raw beets. Salad can be prepared in minutes, and taste perfectly fit casual lunch and even dinner. This easy dish to serve greasy meat that will help to improve digestion of heavy foods.
Required ingredients:
1 PC. - Beets;
100 g - nuts;
3 tooth. - Garlic;
1 PC. - Carrots;
3 tbsp. l. - Mayonnaise (homemade)
. Preparation:
Although indicated in the recipe, and one piece of beet and carrot, but there should be a look at the size of vegetables if they are small, you can take on the two products. Let us proceed. Clear the carrots and beets peeled, and then rub on a grater. Stir, and in the resulting vegetable mix crushed garlic. I came nuts. Omit nuts in a blender, grind slug, and then send them to the beets and carrots. One small thing - add the mayonnaise. It's simple, but the taste of the salad is surprising richness.
2 Recipe: Salad of raw beets with apples
Another not less common recipe that allows you to cook the fruit and vegetable salad - that is, beets with apples. Enough juicy dish, which have the liking of those who like to crunch the sake of their health.
Required ingredients:
1 PC. - Beets;
3 tbsp. l. - Lemon juice;
2 pcs. - An apple;
1 tbsp. l. - Honey;
1 tbsp. l. - Oil (peanut, olive, flaxseed, vegetable oil and others.);
fresh herbs - dill, basil, parsley
. Preparation:
The recipe is extremely simple, but it is rich in vitamins and very pleasant to the taste. So the apples with beets rub on a grater, then lightly sprinkle them lemon juice and honey. Leave for a few minutes. After the salad of raw beets pour chosen oil, add salt and herbs.
3 Recipe: Salad of raw beets and cabbage
In people, this salad is called "broom". However, apparently this salad does not correspond to such a title. Apparently, the secret to improving the properties of lettuce. Here you can find vegetables, helps cleanse the body of accumulated harmful substances. Having prepared this dish naipolezneyshee can insure against many unpleasant diseases.
Required ingredients:
1 PC. - Beets;
200 g - cabbage (cabbage);
3 tbsp. l. - Linseed oil;
1 PC. - Kohlrabi;
2 pcs. - An apple;
1 tbsp. l. -. Lemon juice
Kohlrabi, beets and apple rubbed on a grater. When you need to chop the cabbage. We connect all the components, and sprinkle them slug of lemon juice. Immediately add the oil in a salad. Just before serving this salad is decorated with greenery. Pay attention to this dish is necessary for those who suffer from intestinal diseases. The composition of the ingredients, you can easily change, add or replace a component of radishes.
4 Recipe: Salad of raw beets with yogurt
No less healthy dish. That rightfully should receive the title of "Beauty salad". The fact that the composition of ingredients normalize metabolic processes that affect skin health. Cleans and restores the complexion.
Required ingredients:
150 g - prunes;
150 g - walnuts;
1 PC. - Beets;
150 ml - yogurt;
1 h. L. - Honey
. Preparation:
Beet rubbed on a grater, and prunes filled with boiling water for 40 minutes. Once dried fruits grind. Putting prunes with beets, they send walnuts. Add the honey and yogurt salad. Mix. Salad is not just insanely delicious, but also a great impact on the external data taster.
5 Recipe: Salad of raw beets and cheese
Virtually no one person should not say that he does not like salads from raw beets. He has not tried all the dishes that can be prepared from this bright red vegetable. For example, take this recipe. Not only that, it is useful, it is still gentle on the palate. Parmesan Cheese savory meat gives piquancy.
Required ingredients:
2 pcs. - Beets;
3 tooth. - Garlic;
150 g - cheese;
50 ml - cream;
2 pcs. - Carrots;
pepper and salt.
As always, clear the vegetables from the skin and rub on a grater. Garlic can also rub, and it is better to push through the press. It remains to prepare cheese, it is better to cut into small cubes. It remains sour cream, add the spices and the salad is ready!
Salad of raw beets - the secrets and tips from the best chefs
Salads from raw beet quite multifaceted. Their formulations do not provide the exact execution of the application instructions. If desired, one of the ingredients can be removed altogether or replaced by another. Only in this case it is necessary to understand that the taste of the salad itself will change. For example, if we replace beet-carrot salad carrot radish taste is completely different. But that should not stop you - feel free to experiment. Also from raw beet salad it is the case when it is possible to prepare meals of dried fruits. Moreover, the list should be limited not only prunes, but use dried apricots, raisins and more.
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