Unusually useful properties of red beet

The ordinary garden beet useful properties where you know everything turns out to be surprisingly useful, endowed with healing properties of the food product.
The red color of the beets due to the presence of betaine (beta – beets). Betaine beet reduces the content in the body of the toxic amino acid (homocysteine) that leads to cardiovascular disease.
Healthy benefits of beets appear like raw beets and cooked beets. Have stored in reserve beet useful properties are not lost in a long time (almost until the onset of winter) .
Hippocrates recognized the beneficial properties of beets. In the old days, beets were used in the treatment of skin and other inflammatory processes. Paracelsus in the 16th century used this plant for the treatment of anemia (anemia).
Beets are rich in iron; here, it is one of the best sources inferior, except garlic. And the number of such elements as iodine, beetroot is superior to only one seaweed. Beets supplies our body with many necessary substances, has a strong antioxidant effect. So beets the benefits of beets:
For women beet is useful in that it facilitates the critical days; for men – beet is useful because it stimulates the muscles, increases libido; for children beet is useful in the treatment of allergies. Beetroot is a rich source of b – vitamins and substances, antioxidants, in addition it contains a rare vitamin U, which has anti-allergic effect. In addition, vitamin U, which is rich in beetroot, helps normalize the digestive processes.Vitamin R – another one of the biologically active components of beet, positive effect on the state of the circulatory system, making our blood vessels more elastic. This unremarkable vegetable beet is a veritable treasure trove of chemical elements, You and potassium, magnesium, and copper, and zinc, contained in it, boron and silicon.
Beetroot has beneficial properties that help to eliminate calcium deposits on the walls of blood vessels, thereby contributing to the health of our heart and brain. Betaine beet makes our body more resilient.
Regular consumption of beets in the food helps rid the body of radionuclides, compounds of heavy metals, reduces the risk of cancer.
Useful not only the beets, also very useful is beet juice. It is good for diseases of the thyroid, prevents formation of clots in blood vessels, normalizes microflora in the intestinal tract and increases the body's resistance to adverse influences. But these beneficial properties, not everyone likes its distinctive taste. Usually beet juice mixed with something else. If all the other natural juices drink fresh, beet juice is best to drink after he will stand for 2 hours in the refrigerator – during which time he will lose some volatile compounds that may cause discomfort.
Commonly the beet juice mixed with carrot, first with a ratio of 1:5. Gradually the amount of beet juice increase to 1.5 cups per day. So drink beet juice for 3 to 4 weeks, for half an hour before a meal, slightly heating it. Note – it does not seize and drink! Of course, such treatment cannot be carried out without prior consultation with the doctors.
No worse than the beet useful properties of beets boiled. Cooked beetroot has on the body a laxative and diuretic effect, promotes the excretion of heavy metals. In chronic and other forms of constipation, in hepatic diseases.
It is recommended the use of boiled beet on an empty stomach, approximately 100 – 150 grams per day. Cooking it is best to peel and in a closed pan.
Now it should be said about contraindications beets: raw beet is not recommended for disorders in the gastrointestinal tract – this can lead to frustration.
Care should be taken to this product for people suffering from low blood pressure – beets contain substances that lower blood pressure. Contraindicated beet juice for kidney stones – because beet juice contains oxalic acid.
And one more thing – beets are rich in sucrose is remember those who suffer from diabetes. So beet useful properties which You now know, may, under certain circumstances and harm to health. Consult with doctors and everything will be fine! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: ruspravda.info/CHem-polezna-krasnaya-svekla-552.html