Vitamin bomb! Growing watercress at home part

Vitamin bomb! Growing watercress at home
Cress salad – winter beauty vitamins! 2013-01-26, Author: Anastasia Of course, such a miracle as watercress is useful to eat at any time of the year. But it is in the winter and early spring period that the delicate and fragrant greens of watercress can be a wonderful vitamin support - as well as seaweed, which we talked about recently. Cress salad sprouts have a mixed taste. Someone it resembles mustard, someone thinks it looks like horseradish or radish. But the sharp, spicy, slightly bitter, spicy taste and dizzying aroma of watercress does not leave anyone indifferent. I just love him! Watercress shoots can be bought in many supermarkets. But the main beauty of this unpretentious greenery is that it is even easier to buy watercress seeds and grow it in the conditions of urban cuisine! There are several types of watercress salad. There are sown and whole-leaved - these are varieties with large, poorly dissected or whole leaves. They are more suitable for landing in the country. We are also interested in curly watercress with heavily rugged leaves, which is ideal for germination at home and very quickly ripens. Seeds can be bought both in special seed stores and in seed departments in many supermarkets. Watercress seeds germinate very quickly. If you pour them in the evening with water, then in the morning you will get tasty sprouts, completely ready for use (as in photo 1 below). The sprouts are covered with a slimy shell and this may not please everyone. But if you add them to the salad, it does not feel at all. This structure allows you not to add oil to the salad, as a pleasant "sauce" consistency is created. And in order to get a green mass of watercress, you need a small plastic container to cover a layer of cotton or just paper napkins. Pour some water. Sprinkle seeds in a dense layer of 2-3 mm
And after 7-10 days you will get a watercress salad on the windowsill - green and very tasty sprouts of which will turn the simplest salad into a real useful delicacy! To make everything work, it is important to follow only 2 rules: abundant constant moisture and a dense layer of seeds for germination. If the seeds dry, the green shoots will not grow. If the layer of seeds is not dense, it will not be possible to grow thick greens. I experimented with growing watercress - I tried landing in the ground and on cotton discs, and on a layer of paper towels.
But the most promising, from my point of view, method is the use of a sponge for washing dishes! In this case, the seeds are 100% insured against drying!
Useful properties of watercress have been known to people since ancient Greece and its history is no less rich than the vitamin and mineral composition. Hippocrates himself claimed that watercress returns vitality to the sick and purifies the blood. A huge amount of carotene, which is part of the watercress, makes it a food product indispensable for preserving beauty and youth. In addition, watercress salad contains almost all B vitamins, vitamins E, C, K, D, PP, minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, iodine... Plus - proteins, essential oils, natural flavonoids - a real natural first aid kit! Official medicine recommends including watercress in the diet for the prevention of eye and cancer. In folk medicine, it is used as a restorative, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory agent. It is useful for women to use watercress because of its cleansing and rejuvenating properties. Men - to maintain male power. And absolutely everything - to regulate the work of the digestive organs, improve the composition of the blood and increase the stress resistance of the body. Recipes with watercress salad Cress salad - exclusively raw plant. It is used mainly in fresh form. Since in any other, greens, of course, lose the lion’s share of useful properties. But in order to enjoy all the benefits of watercress, it is not necessary to become a raw fooder. Cress salad can be an excellent seasoning for many traditional dishes - feel free to add it to the usual sandwiches and salads, to meat, fish or crumble into soups and side dishes. But even if you are far from raw food, do not deny yourself the pleasure and cook, for example, such a raw salad with watercress - I am sure you will be delighted! Do not forget that the rejuvenating and therapeutic properties of watercress are also manifested in external application. Watercress oil helps to align the skin color, smooth wrinkles and treat various rashes. This oil can be found in the pharmacy, and you can cook yourself. To do this, 1 part of the seeds crushed in a coffee grinder pour 2 parts of vegetable oil, insist during the day, strain and use, for example, for facial massage. There are also many recipes for homemade face masks with watercress and supplements, depending on the type of skin - oil, honey, lemon juice and others. I really liked the idea of making cosmetic ice from watercress. To do this, you need a bundle of watercress salad to beat in a blender with water and lemon juice to a homogeneous consistency. Pour into ice molds, freeze and wipe the skin in the morning. P.S. I hope this article will inspire you to use watercress for youth, beauty and health. And “for dessert” – a whole issue of Ms. Malysheva about the unique properties of a wonderful watercress salad, which she talks about in her unique manner.