What salad to cook for the New Year's table
Without Christmas salads - olives, mimosa and herring under a fur coat - it is difficult to imagine a New Year's table. But limited to a traditional set of salads is not necessary. After all, every hostess wants to surprise guests with something unusual, truly festive.
To have a good next year, you need to show respect to its symbol – the Yellow Earth Pig. Especially when making a menu for the festive table.
First, think about setting the table. There must be a yellow color in it. You can buy a yellow tablecloth or, most simply, beautiful yellow napkins, candles. It is necessary to take into account all the preferences of the Pig and all the prohibitions it dictates.
Interesting salads for the New Year - 2019 We see off the Year of the Dog! The best sign of attention to the Earth Dog will be a delicious and beautiful dish with its image. Laminated salad Put in the form of a funny dog face directly in a portion plate.
New Year's Salad "Dog" Ingredients
Salad "Pineapple" Pineapple is an excellent decoration of the festive table. It is not difficult to prepare it, and special skills are not needed for decoration. The salad turns out beautiful, with an unusual spicy taste.
The ingredients
Dietary crab salad with crab sticks, many cook with mayonnaise and potatoes, so it turns out fat and high-calorie. We suggest sticking to our recipe to get a truly diet dish.
The ingredients
Mushroom glade salad is one of the most original salads I have ever seen. The salad perfectly decorates any festive table, looks spectacular and appetizing, and most importantly - it turns out to taste no worse than in appearance. In short, a great salad - worth a try!
The ingredients
Cod liver is not only tasty, but also very useful. An excellent source of vitamin A. Just eating cod liver is unlikely to be pleasant, but as the main component of salads - it's...
The ingredients
Mimosa from canned gobushi Ingredients
Olivier with shrimp and salted salmon Ingredients
To refuel.
Olivier with tongue and fresh cucumber Ingredients
Salad with Squid and Ham Ingredients
"New Russian" Olivier Recipe for those who honor New Year's traditions, but likes refinement.
The ingredients
Prepare the chosen salads on New Year’s Eve, and you will see: in 2019 you will be lucky! About bans on New Year’s Eve, we have prepared a very detailed material for your favorite readers. We look forward to your feedback, share a post with friends on social networks!
To have a good next year, you need to show respect to its symbol – the Yellow Earth Pig. Especially when making a menu for the festive table.
First, think about setting the table. There must be a yellow color in it. You can buy a yellow tablecloth or, most simply, beautiful yellow napkins, candles. It is necessary to take into account all the preferences of the Pig and all the prohibitions it dictates.

Interesting salads for the New Year - 2019 We see off the Year of the Dog! The best sign of attention to the Earth Dog will be a delicious and beautiful dish with its image. Laminated salad Put in the form of a funny dog face directly in a portion plate.
New Year's Salad "Dog" Ingredients
- 3-4 potatoes
- 2 hard-boiled eggs
- half-onion
- 150g boiled sausage
- 100g pickles
- 100g mayonnaise
- 3 olives
- salt and pepper
- dill

- Peel the boiled and cooled potatoes. Rub it with a fine shaving.
- Form a basic pattern on a flat dish. To do this, in the center lay out a vertical oval from the potato with an expansion down (like a pear), on the sides at the same level of the ear workpiece. Help yourself with wooden sticks, swords - they are easy to press the boundaries, shift gaps, remove excess.
- Grease it with mayonnaise, salt and pepper.
- Cover with finely tinted onions and evenly distribute it over the entire surface.
- Form a layer of boiled sausage (or boiled meat, smoked meat), sliced in small cubes. Put the mayonnaise on again, season it.
- On top of mayonnaise lay out mugs of crispy pickles, smear mayonnaise with a spatula, creating a sticky surface for the last component - eggs.
- Separate the yolks from the proteins. The central part is filled with yolk crumb, "ears" and "snout" - protein shavings.
- Make olives “eyes” and “nose”, from sausages – “house” and “language”.
- Decorate with fluffy dill branches. Keep it in the fridge before serving.
Salad "Pineapple" Pineapple is an excellent decoration of the festive table. It is not difficult to prepare it, and special skills are not needed for decoration. The salad turns out beautiful, with an unusual spicy taste.
The ingredients
- 600g fresh mushrooms
- 1 jar of pickled mushrooms
- 2 bulbs
- 400g ham
- 1 can of canned pineapples
- 200g mayonnaise
- 1 bundle of green onions
- salt
- vegetable-oil

- Fresh mushrooms cut in small pieces. Roast for 12 minutes on medium heat. Save it to taste.
- Finely chop the onion and roast it to a golden color.
- Cut the ham with a thin straw.
- Cut the pineapple finely.
- On a flat dish oval lay out the components of the salad: fried mushrooms, fried onions, mayonnaise, ham, pieces of pineapple, mayonnaise, ham, mayonnaise.
- Pickled mushrooms cut thin plates. The top layer of the salad is decorated with a bundle of green onions and plates of pickled mushrooms (make a pineapple like a pineapple).
- Put it in the fridge for 2 hours for soaking.
Dietary crab salad with crab sticks, many cook with mayonnaise and potatoes, so it turns out fat and high-calorie. We suggest sticking to our recipe to get a truly diet dish.
The ingredients
- 0.5 avocado
- 2-3 crab sticks (better natural crab meat)
- 1 tomato
- 1 tsp lemon juice
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- garlic

- Avocado peel, grind with a blender. Be sure to spray the gruel with lemon juice, so it will not darken. If desired, add a clove (or even half) of crushed garlic to make the avocado taste more pronounced.
- Now we need to prepare the concasse tomatoes. Under this melodic French name, in fact, very simple actions are hidden, namely: remove the skin of a tomato, remove the partitions with seeds, cut the “file” knife and cut it in small cubes.
- Crab sticks should be disassembled into fibers or gently cut with a knife so that they look like crab meat.
- So, for a diet salad, avocado mashed potatoes, concasse tomatoes and crab “meat” are ready. Put the salad in layers in a glass or cremanca - avocado, tomato, crab sticks.
- It remains to prepare a dressing of olive oil and lemon juice. Mix these ingredients and, if desired, slightly season with pepper or dry herbs. Make the salad.
- Diet crab salad ready. Bon appetit!
Mushroom glade salad is one of the most original salads I have ever seen. The salad perfectly decorates any festive table, looks spectacular and appetizing, and most importantly - it turns out to taste no worse than in appearance. In short, a great salad - worth a try!
The ingredients
- 2 pickles
- 2 melted cheese
- 2 carrots
- 200g pork
- 1 can of canned mushrooms
- 2 medium potatoes
- 1 bulb
- 3 eggs
- mayonnaise
- salt and pepper
- green

- Take a deep bowl, put pickled mushrooms in it with hats down. Sprinkle the mushrooms with green branches.
- Put a layer of chopped meat in the dish.
- Next is a layer of mayonnaise. On mayonnaise - a layer of grated carrots and mayonnaise again. After that, a layer of grated cheese and cube-cut eggs.
- Finally, lay out another layer of mayonnaise and a layer of heavily grated boiled potatoes on top. Again, mayonnaise and cube-sliced pickles. After that, cover the salad lid and put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
- Now is the most important moment. It is necessary to turn the salad bowl very carefully on a salad dish so that the mushrooms laid at the bottom are at the very top of our mushroom glade. This can be done in the presence of guests.
Cod liver is not only tasty, but also very useful. An excellent source of vitamin A. Just eating cod liver is unlikely to be pleasant, but as the main component of salads - it's...
The ingredients
- 1 can of canned "Cod liver"
- 2-3 potatoes
- 1-2 carrots
- 3 eggs
- 3-4 pickles
- 50g hard cheese
- green-onion
- homemade mayonnaise and pepper

- Open a can of canned food. Pour all the butter. Transfer the cod liver into a bowl and thoroughly stretch with a fork.
- Boil carrots and potatoes in uniform. Rub the potatoes on a large one and the carrots on a small grater. Hard-boiled eggs. Separate the proteins from the yolks. Rub the squirrels on a large grater, and the yolks on a small one.
- Salted cucumbers peel off the skin and sodium on a large grater, then slightly squeeze off the brine.
- Slice the green onion feather finely with a knife. Sodium hard cheese on a thin grater.
- Prepare three glass vases, like for dessert or ice cream. They are very convenient to make portioned salads. At the bottom of each vase lay grated potatoes. Carefully level with a teaspoon or fingers, trying not to tighten much.
- Lay a layer of crumpled cod liver. Sprinkle the cod liver with green onions. Anoint it with mayonnaise.
- On top of mayonnaise, lay out grated salty or sauerkraut. The cod liver salad is fatty, and the sour cucumber will be very useful.
- Next, lay out a smooth layer on a cod liver salad grated egg white. It is necessary that the protein completely covers the salad. At this stage, it is worth a little compacting the salad with a spoon, but not very much.
- Put a grated carrot on the salad, followed by cheese. Grease the second layer of mayonnaise.
- Well, the last layer is grated yolk. The top of the salad can be decorated with olives and greens.
- Put the finished salad in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that it is soaked.
Mimosa from canned gobushi Ingredients
- 1 can of canned pink salmon
- 6 eggs
- 1 potato
- 1 bulb
- 1 carrot
- 150g low-fat mayonnaise
- green

- Boil the potatoes with the carrots.
- Boil hard-boiled chicken eggs. Refrigerate boiled foods to room temperature.
- Peel the potatoes and carrots, then sodium using a large grater. One of the options for preparing vegetables for this salad is cutting with a small cube. You should choose the method of grinding products that you like best.
- Separate the protein from the yolk. Rub the squirrel and yolk on a fine grater. Cut the onions.
- Pour the juice off the pink salmon and break it with a fork.
- Now you can form layers of lettuce. First potatoes, followed by fish and onions. Then carrots, crushed proteins and yolks. All layers, except the last, must be well smeared with mayonnaise.
- Leave the finished salad for an hour in the fridge for soaking, and then decorate with fresh greens and serve on the table.
Olivier with shrimp and salted salmon Ingredients
- 4 boiled potatoes
- 200g boiled peeled shrimp
- 200g salted salmon
- 100g red caviar
- 2 boiled carrots
- 3 boiled eggs
- 1 can of canned green peas
- 3 small fresh cucumbers
- salt and pepper
To refuel.
- 200g Greek yogurt
- 0.5 tsp ground sweet paprika
- 1 crushed clove of garlic
- 2 tbsp lemon juice
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- salt

- Cut the potatoes, carrots and cucumbers in small cubes. Clean the eggs and cut the cubes. Move all the ingredients into the salad. Add the peas.
- Slice the salmon in cubes. If the shrimp is large enough, it is better to grind them, if not, then cool them and add them with salmon to the other ingredients. Fish, caviar and shrimp are also moved to the salad. Sprinkle and pepper to taste, and then stir.
- Get the gas station ready. Mix to a homogeneous texture Greek yogurt, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, paprika and salt. If you don't want to make sauce, you can always use mayonnaise. Fill the salad with the sauce and mix well.
- Serve the salad portioned. If desired, you can decorate olives with salad leaves, such as frieze or arugula.
Olivier with tongue and fresh cucumber Ingredients
- 5 potatoes
- 1 boiled beef tongue
- 5 small cucumbers
- 50g capers
- 6 quail eggs hard-boiled
- single-yolk mayonnaise
- 3-4 tablespoons of sour cream
- 1-2 tablespoons of horseradish
- 3-5 twigs of dill
- sprig
- salt and pepper

- Boil the potatoes in uniform. Clean and cut in cubes. Another warm potato, fill with mayonnaise and mix with capers.
- Clean the cucumbers and also cut the cubes. If necessary, remove the core of the cucumber. Dill shallowly cut, laying a few twigs for decoration. Season with salt and pepper, mix with dill. Put it in a sieve, press it with a plate and leave it for 10 minutes.
- Clean your tongue and cut the cubes. Mix sour cream with horseradish and tuck it in.
- Mix all the ingredients and put the salad in a dish, on the edges of which "put" branches of green onions. Decorate the salad with cucumber figures and halves of quail eggs.
Salad with Squid and Ham Ingredients
- 500g squid fillet
- 300g ham
- 240g crab sticks
- mayonnaise, salt to taste

- Put the squid fillet in the boiling water. Cook no more than 3 minutes (if you cook squid longer, it will become tough). After the fillet cools, cut it with straw.
- Cut straw ham and crab sticks.
- Stir chopped crab sticks with ham and squid. Sell it to taste and make it mayonnaise.
- The salad is very hearty, so it can be diluted with a small amount of stuffed cabbage.
"New Russian" Olivier Recipe for those who honor New Year's traditions, but likes refinement.
The ingredients
- 4-5 boiled potatoes
- 1 small pig tongue
- 150g boiled chicken fillet
- 20 hard-boiled quail eggs
- 1 can of canned "Crab Meat"
- 1 fresh cucumber
- 3 pickles
- 1 boiled carrot
- 1 can of canned green peas
- mayonnaise
- greens if desired

- Cut the meat, eggs and vegetables.
- Couple it with peas and crab meat.
- Stir, salt and fill with mayonnaise.
- Bon appetit!
Prepare the chosen salads on New Year’s Eve, and you will see: in 2019 you will be lucky! About bans on New Year’s Eve, we have prepared a very detailed material for your favorite readers. We look forward to your feedback, share a post with friends on social networks!