SPRING dishes of vegetables and herbs

1. Salad of dandelion №1. 90 g (3 handfuls) of leaves and dandelion cores finely chop, add 10 walnuts (cut or rub). Pour 1 tbsp. l. honey or olive oil.
2. Salad of dandelion №2. Same as the first recipe, but instead of nuts and oils (honey) to use the gravy:
1 tbsp. l.
olive oil 1 tbsp. l. cranberry juice (can juice of sour apples)
1 tsp hacked onions
3. Salad of dandelion №3. 90 g (3 handfuls) of leaves and finely chop cores dandelions, 3 tbsp. l. sauerkraut, 2 tablespoons. l. brine out of cabbage, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1 tsp finely
chopped onion 4. Salad of nettle and dandelion №1. Young nettle 30 g (a handful) are very finely chop, 1 tbsp. l. cranberry juice, as much of the brine out of the sauerkraut and olive oil, 1 tsp chopped onion, top 6 g chopped dandelion greens, you can add 3-4 walnuts.
5. Sorrel salad №1. 80 g young sorrel chop with stems, lay out in the form of nest on a plate, starting 10 walnuts (chopped or grate), drip 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey
6. Sorrel salad №2. 80 g young sorrel with chop stalks, 10 walnuts (chopped or grate), drip 1/2 Art. l. olive. oil. Stir
7. Salad of sorrel and dandelion. Lettuce 30g, 30g sorrel, 30 oz. dandelion leaves. Sorrel and dandelion chop, mix with 10 walnuts (chopped or whole. Drizzle with 1 tbsp. Of honey, 1 tbsp. L. Olive. Oil. Cover the leaves of lettuce.
8. Salad of plantain. 60g finely chopped young leaves. Season 2 h. L. oil and 2 tsp honey (as an option: 5 walnuts and chopped nuts 2 tsp honey)
9. Salad of sorrel. 50 g chopped sorrel leaves and stalks, 7 grams of nuts (crushed), 2 decorate flowers dandelion. Instead of nuts can take 1/2 tbsp olive. oil and 1 tsp chopped onions or 2 tsp finely hacked
green onions 10. Salad with radishes. Share on 2 large lettuce leaves 100 g radish (chopped) and 10 crushed Greece. nuts (or pistachios).
11. Salad with cucumbers and lettuce. Spine lettuce 80g expand the flower on the plate, put in the middle of 6 chopped radishes, half a cucumber, cut into large pieces, a few sprigs of dill. Seasoning file in a separate dish or sprinkle on top of the salad (to taste).
Seasoning: 2 teaspoons sesame or olive. 3 tsp oil cranberry, apple or rhubarb juice, 1 tsp finely chopped green onions. As an option: your favorite mayonnaise syroedchesky
12. Pudding of radish. 100 g radish grate, mix with herbs (parsley, mint, dill, 1/2 teaspoon cumin young and 50 g of chopped nuts. Stir, to shape, to decorate the salad.
13. Salad in English. 100 g romaine lettuce or mixed with marjoram, tarragon or other similar herbs. Season with olive trees. crude oil or mayonnaise.
14. Salad in Polish. 100 gr. lettuce chop coarsely, add 1 cucumber, cut into chunks. Pour 2 tablespoons sour crude.
15. Salad French. 100g coarsely chopped lettuce pour 1/2 tablespoon wine vinegar or kislovatoym (fruit and berry) juice, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and 1 tsp chopped onions. Before serving, sprinkle with a pinch of mustard powder and stir.
16. The German salad. 100 g of lettuce or spinach (can be 50 m, and lettuce, and spinach) finely chop, chopped 50 g green onions. Season 2 tbsp juice from the stalks of rhubarb + 1 tablespoon sol. oil. Instead, you can use rhubarb juice apple, lemon or cranberry.
17. Spinach salad. Coarsely chop a handful of young, bright spinach, add a few leaves of sorrel oxalis or younger, 25 grams of chopped green onions (a few stalks) mixed with 3 tablespoons what some nuts grated, add 1 tablespoon cranberry.
18. A mixture of a dandelion. 1 handful (50 g), iceberg lettuce, as much dandelion leaves, a handful of sorrel oxalis or younger (30 g), all chopped, add 5 radishes, diced, 5 table spoons of grated or finely chopped nuts. All the mix, add 2 table. spoons of honey and the same amount of sunflower oil.
19. Salad of shepherd's purse. Take a good handful of young leaves and stems, chop and mix with 3 - 5 table spoons of chopped nuts or 2-3 tsp. podsoln spoons. oil.
20. White-green mix with nuts. 150 g (3 handfuls) of the mixture: from the leaves of dandelion, watercress, endive or lettuce, May white turnip or white radish, served in prikusku with 50 g of nuts (pistachios, pine or walnut)
. 21. The Yarrow in nut cream. A small handful (30 grams) of young leaves, finely hacked. Fill the cream: 4 table. spoon grated nuts + 4 table. Spoon the rhubarb juice (or 3 tablespoons cranberry). Stir in cereal, add 1 table. honey and the same amount of vegetable oil.
22. Lettuce with fresh cucumbers in Finland. Couple Kocheshkov medium (120g approx.) Washed put upright, bottoms down,
sprinkle with 2 h. tablespoons chopped green onion and a pinch of dill. Cover with coarsely chopped cucumber. Serve with sour cream or mayonnaise crude
23. Salad "Three green. Chop a small handful of sorrel (20 g), twice as much as a dandelion and four times as much spinach. Season 1 table. spoon vegetable oil, 1 table. spoon of apple or cranberry juice, and 2 h. tablespoons chopped green onions.