Apple salad recipes
Apples are the most common fruits in our latitudes, as well as a symbol of health and vitality. Their juicy and vitamin-rich fruits can be an excellent base for salads.
"Site" He invites you to experiment with unusual combinations of ingredients and prepare a few light and savory apple salads according to our recipes.
When preparing salads with apples, take care that the fruits do not oxidize. Agree, darkened pieces of apples do not look very appetizing. This can be achieved by sprinkling apple slices with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.
The luxurious New York hotel Waldorf-Astoria was built in 1931 and until 1963 remained the tallest hotel in the world. But it was not the size that made it legendary.
It was in the local restaurant that Benedict eggs were invented and the world famous. Waldorf salad. The first original version of the salad was prepared from two apples peeled and sliced in square cubes, and a small number of celery stems also sliced.
Making a mayonnaise salad. At the beginning of the XX century, walnuts began to be added to the salad, which eventually became an obligatory ingredient. Today, the Waldorf salad is a classic of world cuisine, which can be found in any hotel with a name.
There are many varieties of Waldorf lettuce - chicken breast, guinea pig meat, cranberries, and pomegranate grains are added to it, but the basis always remains unchanged. It is the classic version of the salad that we offer to readers.
The ingredients
Salad "Venus in furs"
The ingredients
Multi-layer salad with carrots, apple, eggs and cheese
The ingredients
Salad with apple, ham, cucumbers and green peas
The ingredients
Salad of beets, lentils and apples by Julia Vysotskaya
The ingredients
Salad with beet, apple, processed cheese and walnuts
The ingredients
Chicken salad with apples and nuts
The ingredients
Herring under a fur coat by Tatiana Tolstoy
Tatiana Nikitichna Tolstoy, who is well known not only to fans of literature, but also to lovers of cooking, has her own, not quite ordinary view of cooking herring under a fur coat.
“There are people among us — well, I am not pointing a finger — who believe that an apple should not be put in the herring under the coat. What can I say? Pathetic! They themselves are robbed, with an idle hand repulsing the extravagant pleasures so generously - and almost free - sent to us by nature and right science. ?
On the other hand, there are those who destroy the tender, trembling, trembling herring under the coat with dull and sticky briquettes of potatoes, killing the one for which the whole fuss was started. Putting potatoes under a fur coat is like dressing a bride in warm winter pants. Sweats, at least.”
Well, let us not deprive ourselves of extreme pleasure and destroy the trembling herring. We will prepare the perfect “coat” according to the recipe from Tatiana Nikitichna.
The ingredients
Salad "Dalila" with apples and celery from Ilya Latherson With a combination of apple and celery, we have already met in the recipe for salad "Waldorf", but mayonnaise and banana... Agree, a little unusual.
The ingredients
Beijing cabbage salad and avocado
The ingredients
Fiber-rich Beijing cabbage should be on the table for people experiencing stomach and bowel problems. Beijing cabbage makes the most delicate salads! "Site" I've got 5 best recipes for you.
The high content of healthy unsaturated fats (up to 30%) makes avocado the most nutritious fruit of all existing. Today we will tell you about five bright and refreshing avocado salads that will restore your strength, give cheerfulness and provide energy for the whole day.

"Site" He invites you to experiment with unusual combinations of ingredients and prepare a few light and savory apple salads according to our recipes.
When preparing salads with apples, take care that the fruits do not oxidize. Agree, darkened pieces of apples do not look very appetizing. This can be achieved by sprinkling apple slices with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.
The luxurious New York hotel Waldorf-Astoria was built in 1931 and until 1963 remained the tallest hotel in the world. But it was not the size that made it legendary.

It was in the local restaurant that Benedict eggs were invented and the world famous. Waldorf salad. The first original version of the salad was prepared from two apples peeled and sliced in square cubes, and a small number of celery stems also sliced.
Making a mayonnaise salad. At the beginning of the XX century, walnuts began to be added to the salad, which eventually became an obligatory ingredient. Today, the Waldorf salad is a classic of world cuisine, which can be found in any hotel with a name.

There are many varieties of Waldorf lettuce - chicken breast, guinea pig meat, cranberries, and pomegranate grains are added to it, but the basis always remains unchanged. It is the classic version of the salad that we offer to readers.
The ingredients
- 1.5 tbsp. peeled and sliced apples
- 1 tbsp cube-cut celery stems
- 1 tbsp shredded walnuts
- 1/2 tbsp mayonnaise
- lettuce
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- Put the sliced apples in a bowl and spray them with lemon juice so they don't darken.
- Add celery and mayonnaise, stir.
- Put the salad leaves on 4 plates.
- Distribute the salad mix on top.
- Pour some nuts before serving.
- Bon appetit!
Salad "Venus in furs"

The ingredients
- 1 fillet of herring
- 1 apple
- 2-3 pickled cucumbers
- 1 beam of radishes
- 1 red bulb
- 250ml cream
- 1 bundle of dill
- ground black pepper
- Mix the sour cream with pepper and crushed dill.
- Cut the red onion finely.
- Peel and rub the apple on a large grater.
- Mix sour cream with onions and apples.
- Sodium on a large grater of radishes and cucumbers. Cut herring fillets finely.
- Put the salad in the form in layers: radish, cucumber, sour cream with apples and onions, a layer of herring, sour cream, cucumber, radish.
- Send the finished salad to the fridge for 3 hours.
- Bon appetit!
Multi-layer salad with carrots, apple, eggs and cheese

The ingredients
- 4 eggs
- 2-3 carrots
- 2 apples
- 100g hard cheese
- juice
- 5 tbsp natural yogurt
- Boil the hard-boiled eggs, peel and grind.
- Peel the carrots and apples off the peel and sodium on the grater.
- Grind the cheese.
- Put a serving ring in the center of the plate and lay out in layers: 2/3 carrots, on top of a net of natural yogurt, eggs, yogurt net, apples, yogurt net, cheese, yogurt net.
- Put the remaining carrots on top.
- Leave the salad for 20-30 minutes so that all layers are soaked in yogurt, then gently remove the serving ring and serve on the table.
- Bon appetit!
Salad with apple, ham, cucumbers and green peas

The ingredients
- 1-2 carrots
- 300g ham
- 1 fresh cucumber
- 1 pickled cucumber
- 1 apple
- 250g canned green peas
- 2 tbsp mayonnaise
- Boil the carrots until soft and cut them in small cubes.
- Cube ham, cucumbers and peeled apples.
- Add peas and mayonnaise, stir.
Salad of beets, lentils and apples by Julia Vysotskaya

The ingredients
- 250g beets
- 2 apples
- 200g skimmed cottage cheese
- 100g orange lentils
- 4 sprigs of fresh basil
- greenbow
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tbsp vinegar made of cider
- 1 tbsp sherry vinegar
- black pepper and sea salt to taste
- Boil the beets, peel and cut the cubes.
- Boil the lentils. Peel the apples and slice them.
- Cut the green onions finely.
- Stir everything. Add cottage cheese, olive oil, vinegar and spices. Decorate the dish with basil leaves.
Salad with beet, apple, processed cheese and walnuts

The ingredients
- 1 beet
- 1 apple
- 50g melted cheese
- 50ml mayonnaise
- 20g walnuts
- 2 cloves of garlic
- parsley
- salt and pepper to taste
- Boil the beets, peel and sodium on a large grater.
- Roast the nuts and crush them with a knife. Cut the parsley finely.
- Grate cheese on a large grater. Peel the apple and rub it on a large grater.
- In a suitable container, put the prepared components: grated beets, cheese, nuts, parsley, apples.
- Sprinkle it and mix it with mayonnaise. If desired, add garlic passed through the press.
- Stir everything well and serve in a chilled form.
- Bon appetit!
Chicken salad with apples and nuts

The ingredients
- 2 chicken fillets
- 1 big apple
- 150g yogurt or mayonnaise
- 75g walnuts
- 1 tsp lemon juice
- 3 stems of green onions
- salt and pepper
- lettuce
- Boil chicken breasts and cut into small cubes.
- Dry in the oven and chop the nuts finely.
- Peel and cube the apples. Sprinkle them with lemon juice.
- Wash and grind the green onions.
- Stir in a bowl of chicken, apples, nuts and green onions. Fill it with mayonnaise or natural yogurt, salti and pepperchi.
- Put on a serving dish cast salad, and on top of them salad slide.
- Ready. salad You can serve it to the table. Bon appetit!
Herring under a fur coat by Tatiana Tolstoy

Tatiana Nikitichna Tolstoy, who is well known not only to fans of literature, but also to lovers of cooking, has her own, not quite ordinary view of cooking herring under a fur coat.
“There are people among us — well, I am not pointing a finger — who believe that an apple should not be put in the herring under the coat. What can I say? Pathetic! They themselves are robbed, with an idle hand repulsing the extravagant pleasures so generously - and almost free - sent to us by nature and right science. ?
On the other hand, there are those who destroy the tender, trembling, trembling herring under the coat with dull and sticky briquettes of potatoes, killing the one for which the whole fuss was started. Putting potatoes under a fur coat is like dressing a bride in warm winter pants. Sweats, at least.”
Well, let us not deprive ourselves of extreme pleasure and destroy the trembling herring. We will prepare the perfect “coat” according to the recipe from Tatiana Nikitichna.
The ingredients
- 250-300g herring
- 300g beets
- 250-300g carrots
- 1 green apple
- 4-5 eggs
- 200-300g mayonnaise
- Cook beets and carrots until soft (beets 1.5 hours, carrots 20-30 minutes).
- Cut peeled beets, carrots, hard-boiled eggs and an apple in small pea-sized cubes. Cut the herring in bigger cubes. Herring, according to Tolstoy, contains all the salt that is needed in this dish, so additional salt is not necessary.
- Each product, except for herring, the writer advises to fill with mayonnaise in a separate bowl: When stirring, it is not as thick as when spreading... This will take the minimum amount.”
- Put the salad in non-thick layers: beets, carrots, apple, egg and beets again.
- Before serving, put it in the refrigerator.
- Tatiana Nikitichna advises to eat salad in the close company of good friends, with cold vodka and black bread. Bon appetit!
Salad "Dalila" with apples and celery from Ilya Latherson With a combination of apple and celery, we have already met in the recipe for salad "Waldorf", but mayonnaise and banana... Agree, a little unusual.

The ingredients
- 1 green sour-sweet apple
- 1 celery stem
- 1 banana
- 1.5-2 tbsp mayonnaise
- 2 leaf green salad
- Remove the skin from the stems of celery and cut them with elongated slices.
- Peel and chop the apples with a straw thickness of 2-3 mm.
- Not very ripe banana cut in half circles.
- Put the leaves of the salad on top of each other and roll into a tube, and then cut at a 45 degree angle with a narrow straw 1 mm wide.
- Put the salad on a slide in the salad, and decorate the edges with sliced salad.
- Bon appetit!
Beijing cabbage salad and avocado

The ingredients
- 1 stud of Peking cabbage
- 1 avocado
- 1 apple
- 1 bulb
- 2 tbsp lemon juice
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- cashew nuts (optional)
- Grind Beijing cabbage.
- Peel the avocado and cut the cubes.
- Grate the apple, cut the onions into small rings.
- Stir all the ingredients, splash lemon juice and olive oil. Sprinkle the finished nut salad.
Fiber-rich Beijing cabbage should be on the table for people experiencing stomach and bowel problems. Beijing cabbage makes the most delicate salads! "Site" I've got 5 best recipes for you.
The high content of healthy unsaturated fats (up to 30%) makes avocado the most nutritious fruit of all existing. Today we will tell you about five bright and refreshing avocado salads that will restore your strength, give cheerfulness and provide energy for the whole day.