How to keep apples till spring
What a joy, if apples freak! Walk and admiring the trees hung with strong liquid fruit... Oh, the beauty! And at the same time in the mind is firmly settled thought: how to keep all this wealth to the next harvest. But if you know a few secrets, it is quite solvable problem
Our gardeners have long mastered all the wisdom of Apple's longevity, and today they are happy to share with you my experience how to keep apples fresh and flavorful until the next spring.
The three components of long-term storage
It turns out that to prepare the apples for storage — not such a simple thing... It is only at first glance seems to be: put apples neatly in the box and it's done. There it was! To apples throughout the winter and spring were pleased with its freshness and "marketability", you need to know three secrets:
What variety of apples to choose storage
How long will stored apples depends on their grade. Not every sort has the ability long time to keep food and nutritional properties (that, in fact, called shelf life).
Good keeping quality have a grade average strip Antonovka ordinary, hero, knight, North sinap, Zhigulevsk, lighthouse, Orel winter, Fiancee, Cortland, Banana, Melba and Welsey.
In the southern regions of most maturation are the varieties Jonathan, Aurora Crimean, Renet Simirenko, Starking and Olympic.
How to remove the apples from the tree right
If you plan to store apples in its natural form, it is necessary from the moment of collection to start acting right, because largely it depends on how you do this depends on the duration of their "future life".
Collect the fruits you need at the time removable ripeness (when only started to fall ripe healthy apples — 5-6 pieces a day)
Remove the apples only in dry weather
Not to tear off the Apple stalk
Do not wipe the apples with a natural wax coating (matte film)
Ripped off apples not to quit, and carefully lay into a container
So as not to injure the fruit while collecting, you should start with the lower branches, moving to the top
How to sort the apples
Some inexperienced gardeners, removing the apples from the tree directly into the boxes in the same day send them into the cellar for winter". And making a mistake. Drop into the cellar in the cold is just something good, but only for a short time. Before sorting the apples really is the best to hold in a cool place for 2-3 weeks to show signs of possible defects. But then you must do the following:
Apples need to sort through and select only those fruits that are healthy and do not have mechanical damage, the peduncle
Apples of different varieties, it is desirable to divide the storage.
To better understand the apples in size: separate large, medium and small.
To wash or wipe the apples do not need!
The following video advice from Andrey Tumanov, how to select apples for storage
Packing of apples in storage
Ways and options of laying apples for long-term storage lot, everyone can choose according to your taste and your ability:
"Simple styling"
Lay apples fruit stems up (if the stem is too long and injure the skin, they need to be shortened) to two or layer, that was easy to observe them during storage. Apples nothing shifted. Can be laid in this way and a much more apples — a basket, drawer or box. But this method is the most "short-lived" because of the appearance of at least one area of rot process will quickly spread to other fruits. Using this method, check bookmarks will need regularly.
Wrapping paper
Each Apple wrapped in paper or a paper napkin, lay in rows in a carton or box, stems upward. This method provided that all of the apples selected healthy, has proven itself very well.
Oversleeping (represented)
On the bottom of the box to put a layer of clean (washed and dried) sand with addition of ash 3 cm Laid on a sand layer of apples so that they do not touch each other, fill completely with sand with ash, from above to lay in the same way another 2-3 layers. To pereseivat can and other dry and bulk materials
The buckwheat husk
Flax noils
Onion skin
A husk
Leaves of trees
Shavings of trees of deciduous breeds
Separated from each other apples well survive the winter and even spring, the duration of storage is limited only by the storability of varieties.
In the following video a master class on the tab of the apples for the winter-spring storage by way of sleeping late.
In plastic bags
Well established way to store apples in plastic bags. Need to put in a pack of 2-4 kg of apples of one variety, to tie a package to make 4-5 cuts-holes for ventilation. Store at the temperature from -1 to +1 degree.
In the land
If there is no basement, you can store apples in the ground. Prepared in advance of the pit or trench to a depth of 40-50 cm during the onset of cold weather around -5...-7 degrees to pack the apples in plastic bags of 5-6 kg and lay in the ditch. On the bottom of the pit and on top of packages it is recommended to lay the branches of fir or juniper for protection from mice. Will remain to fill all the earth.
To make it easier to search for "caches" in the winter, you can consider your sign — stick, box fittings... Buried the apples are perfectly stored under ground until the spring. To be sure, vacationers even poured on top of the pit the fallen leaves — it will prevent the fruit from cold.
Treatment with carbon dioxide
There is the experience of long-term storage of apples in packages, where by means of a siphon for aerating the water slowly injected carbon dioxide (the hole is then sealed). Such a package with apples perfectly stored in the cellar for a long time.
Ultraviolet treatment
Adventurous vacationers even offer to process the apples, spread in a single layer, ultraviolet germicidal lamp (BUFF-60). at a distance of 1.5 meter for 20-30 minutes (turning once for uniform irradiation). According to the testimony of those who experienced this during the winter on the fruits not observed any putrefaction damage.
Storage conditions of apples
Of course, it is also important creating prepared fruit right conditions — such in which they will be able without damage to itself to be stored, how much will the characteristics of the variety.
Storage space
Cellar, basement before you put the fruit in storage, it is recommended in order to disinfect processing:
the walls of whitewash spiegasti lime with copper sulfate (at the rate of 1.5 kg lime + 150 g of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water)
the floor in the cellar to spray a solution of iron sulphate (at the rate of 450-500 g per 10 liters of water)
Storage container
The size, shape and design of packaging for winter storage of apples can be any. Basic requirements: purity and strength. As for the material, the boxes may be made of wood or of cardboard, baskets can be woven from vines, or from synthetic materials. The container in which has already been stored apples or other fruits and vegetables, it is necessary to clean and preferably disinfect.
Storage temperature
Most preferred for storage of apples is the temperature from -1 degree to +1. But at the temperature of +2...+4 degrees, the results also remain acceptable.
Optimal humidity for storage of apples — 85-95%. At low humidity, they quickly fade.
A few tips from technicalites that pour the apples to the storage humidity should not exceed 5%, otherwise the apples may start to deteriorate
The method of shifting of apples with straw was not justified, as the fruits acquire an unpleasant odor.
Your hands can make partitions for apples from cardboard, it cuts the bands at equal distances and aligning the sheets crosswise. Get a square cell
When backfilling in-ground bags with apples for convenience, you can tie the bags with string and the ends of the rope to let out, tying to a stick. Subsequently, it is sufficient to pull the rope bag and "rises" to the surface.
Not to stab Apple during harvesting of the tree, enough, taking him in hand, scroll with the stem — Apple will easily separate from the branches.
Poorly stored apples from the trees, overfed with fertilizers.
During the ripening of apples to water the Apple tree should not be, it will not affect the keeping quality
Very soon it will be time to collect the Apple harvest, and we hope that the advice of our gardeners will be timely and useful.
Source: www.7dach.ru
Our gardeners have long mastered all the wisdom of Apple's longevity, and today they are happy to share with you my experience how to keep apples fresh and flavorful until the next spring.
The three components of long-term storage
It turns out that to prepare the apples for storage — not such a simple thing... It is only at first glance seems to be: put apples neatly in the box and it's done. There it was! To apples throughout the winter and spring were pleased with its freshness and "marketability", you need to know three secrets:
What variety of apples to choose storage
How long will stored apples depends on their grade. Not every sort has the ability long time to keep food and nutritional properties (that, in fact, called shelf life).
Good keeping quality have a grade average strip Antonovka ordinary, hero, knight, North sinap, Zhigulevsk, lighthouse, Orel winter, Fiancee, Cortland, Banana, Melba and Welsey.
In the southern regions of most maturation are the varieties Jonathan, Aurora Crimean, Renet Simirenko, Starking and Olympic.
How to remove the apples from the tree right
If you plan to store apples in its natural form, it is necessary from the moment of collection to start acting right, because largely it depends on how you do this depends on the duration of their "future life".
Collect the fruits you need at the time removable ripeness (when only started to fall ripe healthy apples — 5-6 pieces a day)
Remove the apples only in dry weather
Not to tear off the Apple stalk
Do not wipe the apples with a natural wax coating (matte film)
Ripped off apples not to quit, and carefully lay into a container
So as not to injure the fruit while collecting, you should start with the lower branches, moving to the top
How to sort the apples
Some inexperienced gardeners, removing the apples from the tree directly into the boxes in the same day send them into the cellar for winter". And making a mistake. Drop into the cellar in the cold is just something good, but only for a short time. Before sorting the apples really is the best to hold in a cool place for 2-3 weeks to show signs of possible defects. But then you must do the following:
Apples need to sort through and select only those fruits that are healthy and do not have mechanical damage, the peduncle
Apples of different varieties, it is desirable to divide the storage.
To better understand the apples in size: separate large, medium and small.
To wash or wipe the apples do not need!
The following video advice from Andrey Tumanov, how to select apples for storage
Packing of apples in storage
Ways and options of laying apples for long-term storage lot, everyone can choose according to your taste and your ability:
"Simple styling"
Lay apples fruit stems up (if the stem is too long and injure the skin, they need to be shortened) to two or layer, that was easy to observe them during storage. Apples nothing shifted. Can be laid in this way and a much more apples — a basket, drawer or box. But this method is the most "short-lived" because of the appearance of at least one area of rot process will quickly spread to other fruits. Using this method, check bookmarks will need regularly.
Wrapping paper
Each Apple wrapped in paper or a paper napkin, lay in rows in a carton or box, stems upward. This method provided that all of the apples selected healthy, has proven itself very well.
Oversleeping (represented)
On the bottom of the box to put a layer of clean (washed and dried) sand with addition of ash 3 cm Laid on a sand layer of apples so that they do not touch each other, fill completely with sand with ash, from above to lay in the same way another 2-3 layers. To pereseivat can and other dry and bulk materials
The buckwheat husk
Flax noils
Onion skin
A husk
Leaves of trees
Shavings of trees of deciduous breeds
Separated from each other apples well survive the winter and even spring, the duration of storage is limited only by the storability of varieties.
In the following video a master class on the tab of the apples for the winter-spring storage by way of sleeping late.
In plastic bags
Well established way to store apples in plastic bags. Need to put in a pack of 2-4 kg of apples of one variety, to tie a package to make 4-5 cuts-holes for ventilation. Store at the temperature from -1 to +1 degree.
In the land
If there is no basement, you can store apples in the ground. Prepared in advance of the pit or trench to a depth of 40-50 cm during the onset of cold weather around -5...-7 degrees to pack the apples in plastic bags of 5-6 kg and lay in the ditch. On the bottom of the pit and on top of packages it is recommended to lay the branches of fir or juniper for protection from mice. Will remain to fill all the earth.
To make it easier to search for "caches" in the winter, you can consider your sign — stick, box fittings... Buried the apples are perfectly stored under ground until the spring. To be sure, vacationers even poured on top of the pit the fallen leaves — it will prevent the fruit from cold.
Treatment with carbon dioxide
There is the experience of long-term storage of apples in packages, where by means of a siphon for aerating the water slowly injected carbon dioxide (the hole is then sealed). Such a package with apples perfectly stored in the cellar for a long time.
Ultraviolet treatment
Adventurous vacationers even offer to process the apples, spread in a single layer, ultraviolet germicidal lamp (BUFF-60). at a distance of 1.5 meter for 20-30 minutes (turning once for uniform irradiation). According to the testimony of those who experienced this during the winter on the fruits not observed any putrefaction damage.
Storage conditions of apples
Of course, it is also important creating prepared fruit right conditions — such in which they will be able without damage to itself to be stored, how much will the characteristics of the variety.
Storage space
Cellar, basement before you put the fruit in storage, it is recommended in order to disinfect processing:
the walls of whitewash spiegasti lime with copper sulfate (at the rate of 1.5 kg lime + 150 g of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water)
the floor in the cellar to spray a solution of iron sulphate (at the rate of 450-500 g per 10 liters of water)
Storage container
The size, shape and design of packaging for winter storage of apples can be any. Basic requirements: purity and strength. As for the material, the boxes may be made of wood or of cardboard, baskets can be woven from vines, or from synthetic materials. The container in which has already been stored apples or other fruits and vegetables, it is necessary to clean and preferably disinfect.
Storage temperature
Most preferred for storage of apples is the temperature from -1 degree to +1. But at the temperature of +2...+4 degrees, the results also remain acceptable.
Optimal humidity for storage of apples — 85-95%. At low humidity, they quickly fade.
A few tips from technicalites that pour the apples to the storage humidity should not exceed 5%, otherwise the apples may start to deteriorate
The method of shifting of apples with straw was not justified, as the fruits acquire an unpleasant odor.
Your hands can make partitions for apples from cardboard, it cuts the bands at equal distances and aligning the sheets crosswise. Get a square cell
When backfilling in-ground bags with apples for convenience, you can tie the bags with string and the ends of the rope to let out, tying to a stick. Subsequently, it is sufficient to pull the rope bag and "rises" to the surface.
Not to stab Apple during harvesting of the tree, enough, taking him in hand, scroll with the stem — Apple will easily separate from the branches.
Poorly stored apples from the trees, overfed with fertilizers.
During the ripening of apples to water the Apple tree should not be, it will not affect the keeping quality
Very soon it will be time to collect the Apple harvest, and we hope that the advice of our gardeners will be timely and useful.
Source: www.7dach.ru