To soaked apples turned out like in childhood, I add honey and cloves to the brine.
Who loves? pee-apples? Perhaps their taste is quite unusual, but they will not leave anyone indifferent. Piquant sourness will remind of warm summer days, and the sweetness of the juice will add a good mood. You can eat these apples all year round. Remember the recipe for creating truly delicious fruits.
Wet apples were made by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. They certainly knew how much longer. taste fruit and vegetables. After all, modern refrigerators and freezers were very far away. So I had to fantasize. And I must say that it turned out not only tasty, but also useful.
It is believed that such apples have a positive effect on the digestive system. It also helps protect immunity and strengthen bones. In the composition of urinated apples there is calcium, and iron, fiber and lactic acid bacteria. Of course, there are contraindications. For example, it is not recommended to feed peed apples to children under 5 years of age.
Affordable prescription Ingredients
Treats for a large family Ingredients
Homemade wet apples on the table Ah, what a color! Ready. pee They shimmer like amber. They will perfectly complement any meal. It is especially good to serve them as a chilled snack for hop drinks. They should be well combined with almost all treats. Be sure to present a plate of wet apples to your dearest guests.

Wet apples were made by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. They certainly knew how much longer. taste fruit and vegetables. After all, modern refrigerators and freezers were very far away. So I had to fantasize. And I must say that it turned out not only tasty, but also useful.
It is believed that such apples have a positive effect on the digestive system. It also helps protect immunity and strengthen bones. In the composition of urinated apples there is calcium, and iron, fiber and lactic acid bacteria. Of course, there are contraindications. For example, it is not recommended to feed peed apples to children under 5 years of age.

Affordable prescription Ingredients
- 5 kg of apples
- 3 liters of water
- 6 tbsp sugar
- 2 tsp salt
- raisins
- dried fruit

- This recipe for peed apples can be called experimental. It is designed for a small amount of fruit. If something goes wrong, the losses will not be too great.
- Solve salt and sugar in the water. The liquid should be at room temperature. You can wet apples in a clean plastic bucket.
- Place the pure apples in a bucket and fill them with water with sugar and salt. By the way, apples can be cut into 4 parts, but they should be as hard as possible. If desired, add raisins and dried fruits after pouring the apples with water.
- The top for apples needs to be done. massive. You can put a large jar with pickles or a brick wrapped in a clean fabric. For about a week, the apples should be kept warm, and then send them to a cold place for another week. After two weeks, you can take the first sample from peed apples.

Treats for a large family Ingredients
- 25 kg of apples
- celery
- 200g honey
- 400g sugar
- 180g salt
- 10, 5 liters of water
- carnation
- cinnamon
- Such homemade peed apples will be very similar to those made by our ancestors. Due to the large number of fruits, you can place them in a wooden barrel or a volumetric glass jar.
- First prepare. pickle. On a small heat, you need to heat the water, dissolve sugar and salt in it, add ground cinnamon and cloves stars. Bring the mixture to a boil and cool a little.
- Apples thoroughly washed and carefully put in the selected container. At the bottom of this jar or barrel, you can add cherry leaves or currants. Pour them in and add celery (if desired).
- Massive oppression is needed anyway. Try to make it as effective as possible. The first days of apples will actively absorb brine, it can be added if necessary. Infused apples need for one and a half to two months.

Homemade wet apples on the table Ah, what a color! Ready. pee They shimmer like amber. They will perfectly complement any meal. It is especially good to serve them as a chilled snack for hop drinks. They should be well combined with almost all treats. Be sure to present a plate of wet apples to your dearest guests.
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