How to wet apples for the winter in a bucket and in banks
Piquant soured apples are a great preparation for the winter. Such apples are distinguished by a huge number of vitamins and useful minerals. Besides, it's very easy to cook. That's why the editorial board "Site" How to wet apples for the winter in cans and bucket.
How to wet apples for the winter In our time, wet apples are harvested extremely rarely. No way! Their cooking technology eliminates the use of vinegar. Therefore, all processes occur naturally by fermentation, in which organic acids are released from the fruit. As a result, we get a treat. positively Our digestive system.
For blanks, it is best to choose late apples autumnal varieties. Experienced housewives believe that the ideal option would be antonovka. This variety is well preserved and has a wonderful taste.
There are only 3 methods of soaking apples: salt urination, sweet urination and sour urination. Each of these methods differs in the composition of the brine, which is poured apples.
How to wet apples in cans
The ingredients
How to wet apples in a bucket
The ingredients
Do you make wet apples for the winter? Boldly shared with us in the comments. Arm yourself with the above tips and hurry to close the most delicious, healthy apples. Bon appetit!

How to wet apples for the winter In our time, wet apples are harvested extremely rarely. No way! Their cooking technology eliminates the use of vinegar. Therefore, all processes occur naturally by fermentation, in which organic acids are released from the fruit. As a result, we get a treat. positively Our digestive system.

For blanks, it is best to choose late apples autumnal varieties. Experienced housewives believe that the ideal option would be antonovka. This variety is well preserved and has a wonderful taste.
There are only 3 methods of soaking apples: salt urination, sweet urination and sour urination. Each of these methods differs in the composition of the brine, which is poured apples.
How to wet apples in cans

The ingredients
- 5-6 kg of apples
- 180-200g sugar
- 2-3 tbsp honey
- 1 tbsp salt
- 5 liters of water
- We offer you. urination apples for the winter in cans. First of all, we recommend that you do not wash apples, but rinse slightly from the dust. That way your apples will roam better. So, having prepared the fruits, we begin to put them tightly in clean cans.
- Then prepare the brine. Mix in a container with water sugar, salt and honey. Stir thoroughly so that all components completely dissolve. If desired, you can safely add a variety of spices to the finished brine. Cinnamon, basil, mustard or cloves are perfect.
- It remains only to pour jars with apples with the resulting solution and cover with lids. The remaining brine We need to pour it into a separate jar. The fact is that in this form, apples should stand for 5 days at room temperature. At this time, the fruits will take on the liquid, so you will need to add the necessary amount of brine as you absorb. Also in the process of fermentation, liquid will flow out of the cans, so it is very important first. containerize (a bowl or a pot)
- After 5 days, we cover the banks with ordinary capron covers and place them in the basement. Through 1–1.5 months The apples will be ready. So that you can see the whole process of making such apples, we suggest you watch this video.
How to wet apples in a bucket

The ingredients
- apples ("antonovka" or other sour-sweet apples of late varieties)
- 10 liters of water
- cherry-leave
- 200g rye flour
- currants
- 2 full tbsp salts
- This recipe applies to acidic apples. To prepare them, we lay on the bottom of the bucket washed cherry leaves and currants. We fill it with prepared apples, laying them out in layers. At the end, we line the fruits with cherry and currant leaves.
- To prepare the pouring, we dilute rye flour and salt in boiled cool water, and then send the solution to a bucket of apples. We cover the lid and put pressure on it.
- First, a bucket of peed apples should stand at home for 2 weeks. Then we put the container in the basement. Done!

Do you make wet apples for the winter? Boldly shared with us in the comments. Arm yourself with the above tips and hurry to close the most delicious, healthy apples. Bon appetit!
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