Where to attach the old bank?
Now almost everything is sold in cans. In round, in square, banks incomprehensible forms. Where are you then they go? You can pickle cucumbers, and you can ...
1. From the cans can make oil lamps. Fill two-thirds of banks kerosene and close the lid. Put in a jar with kerosene rope and let it soak for about an hour. The cover to cut a hole through it and miss verevku.
What to do with the banks?
2. A container for matches. A top of the cover can be replaced by a float for matches.
3. From the cans can also make garlands.
4. Another option.
5. A container for garment accessories.
6. A set of containers for toiletries. Banks hold on a piece of wood with the help of hangers for pictures and clips for pipes.
7. And here is a great way to let the seedlings.
8. Children are constantly throw small things? They can hide in the banks, and the cover glued plastic animal figurines.
9. A great way to keep the yarn. And if you make a small hole in the lid, it will be convenient to take.
10. For lovers of needlework bank - a great way to organize a rich selection of ribbons.
11. Pizza in the bank. You can add any ingredients in a jar to taste and keep to baking. A bake pizza in the bank can be in a deep pan filled with water.
12. Shelf Spice jars of magnets. It's just an amazing idea, if you have the kitchen there is anything made of stainless steel. Pour into jars of spices, stick labels on them and stick magnets to covers.
13. By analogy with spices, banks can store buttons. To keep them as shown in the picture, you need to nail a nail cover to the shelf, fill banks need content and tighten them.
14. Vase from cans. Pour the bottom of a clean, dry jars acrylic paint you liked color (about 5 cm), and then flip the jar and slowly turn it to the paint evenly spread over the entire inside of the jar. However, pour water in the vases are impossible.
15. You can also paint spray paint cans. Only it is desirable to work outdoors or in a well-ventilated room.
16. Of the jars could have done such candlesticks.
17. If you do not have chains, can be hung on a rope to the bank. Get more rural atmosphere
18. In principle, the use of the bank as a candlestick - elementary simple. Just sprinkle the bottom of the sand banks or pebbles to holding a candle.
19. Is it possible to fill the jars with water and put them on the candle-tablet.
20. cupcakes in a jar. And as a supplement to such unusual gifts donate spoon with a beautiful ribbon.
21. Make a terrarium from banks.
22. Well, the banks are used as containers for salads on a picnic or barbeque - this topic has already passed.
23. You can do that's so beautiful interior details with messages written glue from the glue gun.
24. You can also use letters for scrapbooking.
25. Banks can even be used as a photo frame.
26. Fireflies in banks. Cut the glowing neon stick and pour its contents into the jar. Add sequins. Close the lid and shake.
27. Make the banks of the container for liquid soap.
28. Banks may be replaced by the body of the blender. In addition, most blades are perfect to cover jars.
29. Desert SRAs in the bank.
30. Make a chandelier from the jars.
31. Banks may be supplied cutlery.
32. Mini cakes in banks.
33. From the banks can drink. Replace the lid on the softer material to then make a small hole in it and insert a tube. You can decorate the cover over-year.
34. It is time to update the wall.
35. On the lid of the jar, you can do here is such a "nose" to make it easier to pour and pour its contents.
36. You can buy just such a cover and take a jar on the road.
37. Is it possible to glue a few cans of the same size and make the organizer for office supplies.
38. It is possible to decorate cans with string.
39. Make cocktails beforehand in banks for an upcoming party.
40. You can write beautifully on the banks of the names of your friends.
41. From the banks can even make a table lamp.
42. A mini-jars can be fed oysters on ice.
43. Of the jar of unusual shape can make a ball with sequins. As a souvenir for the New Year.
44. You can make a sort of air freshener. Just make a hole in the lid and fill jar with something pleasant smelling.
45. It is possible to store in banks oatmeal. Mix together rolled oats, Greek yogurt, milk, seeds Chia and sweetener, such as fruit. Shake the jar and refrigerate. Can be stored for up to 2 days.
46. Make a gift set for ice cream. Sugar, vanilla powder and Paktika with cream in plastic jars, adding a little rock salt. When the time comes and the mood, and you want to make ice cream, just mix all ingredients and add salt to the ice. And then strongly shake the jar.

1. From the cans can make oil lamps. Fill two-thirds of banks kerosene and close the lid. Put in a jar with kerosene rope and let it soak for about an hour. The cover to cut a hole through it and miss verevku.

What to do with the banks?
2. A container for matches. A top of the cover can be replaced by a float for matches.

3. From the cans can also make garlands.

4. Another option.

5. A container for garment accessories.

6. A set of containers for toiletries. Banks hold on a piece of wood with the help of hangers for pictures and clips for pipes.

7. And here is a great way to let the seedlings.

8. Children are constantly throw small things? They can hide in the banks, and the cover glued plastic animal figurines.

9. A great way to keep the yarn. And if you make a small hole in the lid, it will be convenient to take.

10. For lovers of needlework bank - a great way to organize a rich selection of ribbons.

11. Pizza in the bank. You can add any ingredients in a jar to taste and keep to baking. A bake pizza in the bank can be in a deep pan filled with water.

12. Shelf Spice jars of magnets. It's just an amazing idea, if you have the kitchen there is anything made of stainless steel. Pour into jars of spices, stick labels on them and stick magnets to covers.

13. By analogy with spices, banks can store buttons. To keep them as shown in the picture, you need to nail a nail cover to the shelf, fill banks need content and tighten them.

14. Vase from cans. Pour the bottom of a clean, dry jars acrylic paint you liked color (about 5 cm), and then flip the jar and slowly turn it to the paint evenly spread over the entire inside of the jar. However, pour water in the vases are impossible.

15. You can also paint spray paint cans. Only it is desirable to work outdoors or in a well-ventilated room.

16. Of the jars could have done such candlesticks.

17. If you do not have chains, can be hung on a rope to the bank. Get more rural atmosphere

18. In principle, the use of the bank as a candlestick - elementary simple. Just sprinkle the bottom of the sand banks or pebbles to holding a candle.

19. Is it possible to fill the jars with water and put them on the candle-tablet.

20. cupcakes in a jar. And as a supplement to such unusual gifts donate spoon with a beautiful ribbon.

21. Make a terrarium from banks.

22. Well, the banks are used as containers for salads on a picnic or barbeque - this topic has already passed.

23. You can do that's so beautiful interior details with messages written glue from the glue gun.

24. You can also use letters for scrapbooking.

25. Banks can even be used as a photo frame.

26. Fireflies in banks. Cut the glowing neon stick and pour its contents into the jar. Add sequins. Close the lid and shake.

27. Make the banks of the container for liquid soap.

28. Banks may be replaced by the body of the blender. In addition, most blades are perfect to cover jars.

29. Desert SRAs in the bank.

30. Make a chandelier from the jars.

31. Banks may be supplied cutlery.

32. Mini cakes in banks.

33. From the banks can drink. Replace the lid on the softer material to then make a small hole in it and insert a tube. You can decorate the cover over-year.

34. It is time to update the wall.

35. On the lid of the jar, you can do here is such a "nose" to make it easier to pour and pour its contents.

36. You can buy just such a cover and take a jar on the road.

37. Is it possible to glue a few cans of the same size and make the organizer for office supplies.

38. It is possible to decorate cans with string.

39. Make cocktails beforehand in banks for an upcoming party.

40. You can write beautifully on the banks of the names of your friends.

41. From the banks can even make a table lamp.

42. A mini-jars can be fed oysters on ice.

43. Of the jar of unusual shape can make a ball with sequins. As a souvenir for the New Year.

44. You can make a sort of air freshener. Just make a hole in the lid and fill jar with something pleasant smelling.

45. It is possible to store in banks oatmeal. Mix together rolled oats, Greek yogurt, milk, seeds Chia and sweetener, such as fruit. Shake the jar and refrigerate. Can be stored for up to 2 days.

46. Make a gift set for ice cream. Sugar, vanilla powder and Paktika with cream in plastic jars, adding a little rock salt. When the time comes and the mood, and you want to make ice cream, just mix all ingredients and add salt to the ice. And then strongly shake the jar.