How to clean old paint

Surface preparation for the upcoming painting is probably the most time-consuming part of the process. Methods of removing the old layer of paint, depending on its type and the type of use the surface will vary.
There are many ways to clean the old paint. The selection of the most suitable of them is at the discretion of the master.
Consider the methods proven most effective.
How to clean old paintWays how to clean old paint, usually involves the use of mechanical tools (drill, hammer drill, angle grinder) with specialized nozzles.
For example, to clean the old paint metal surface, is mainly used metal circular brush, installed in the cartridge, a hammer or drill. After removing the basic layer of a paint nozzle with a metal mesh is changed to a circle fixed on it with sandpaper and the final paint removal is performed using this nozzle.
To clean old paint, for example, from the walls, use a nozzle with chains. It is a Central mounting bolt, to which at equal angles are attached pieces of chain with a length of about six units. During the rotation of such a nozzle it will quickly remove the paint from the wall.
The disadvantage of this method is its relatively high injury risk, because the chain can come off in the process.
With the same purpose used an angle grinder mounted with a special shlifovannymi around.
It is worth noting that when using all of these methods formed a very large amount of dust. Therefore, when cleaning the surfaces of old paint using these tips, you must use personal protective equipment (hands, eyes, respiratory).
Cleaning old paintto Clean the old paint from surfaces that are sensitive to damage (e.g., wood) can be used thermal and chemical surface treatment.
When using a heat treatment surface layer of old paint is pre-heated dryer mounting. When the old paint starts bubbling, became more soft, the paint can be removed with a spatula.
The disadvantages of this method include the probability of surface damage due to overheating by a flow of hot air from a hair dryer, as well as significant labor costs for removing the heated paint.
When the chemical treatment for old paint jetting is applied to a special composition, after which the softened paint is also removed with a spatula.
The disadvantages of these methods is the relatively high cost of implementing this method of cleaning old paint, as a one-time application of jetting part of a complete paint removal is not likely to occur, which will require re-application of the composition. Accordingly, the expenditures for paint removal will be considerable, and at a sufficiently high cost of such funds the application of this method will require certain costs.
Also, these two methods are quite toxic, as in the first case, evaporates the old paint, and in the second the composition to clean the surface.
According to reviews, tools how to clean old paint, you can highlight the use of nozzles on the tool and application of a surface treatment installation with a dryer and then removing the old paint with a spatula.
The first method allows for a sufficiently short time to clean the paint quite a large area with minimal labor costs.
Second – will allow with the least damage to the surface enough to remove the old paint, which can not cope chemical.
Less effective methods (e.g., removal of paint with a spatula without prior surface treatment) or more dangerous (e.g., heat, paint with an open flame from a blowtorch) consider inappropriate.
The old way roll paints with an axe is quite time consuming and slow. Its application is relevant only in the case of the preparation of walls for laying tiles, fixing tiles on a smooth vertical surface is difficult.
In other cases, it is desirable to apply one of the methods described above.
Source: krugznaniy.ru/article/kak-ochistity-staruyu-krasku/