20 ways to paint without brushes and pencils

All children love to draw. But sometimes a child goes wrong as you want. Or maybe it is not enough to know the ways of self-expression? Then we can encourage him to experiment with different techniques, among which necessarily will be the favorite. After that, your child probably will want to invent something new.

< Website gathered for you the most interesting technology.

Patterns of dots < br>

First, draw a very simple flourish. Then, using a cotton swab and paints (gouache or acrylic) do intricate patterns as the soul lies. Paints better pre-mix and slightly diluted with water on a palette.


Since childhood friend and favorite of many appliances. Put a piece of paper with the subject slightly protruding relief and paint it in pastel, chalk or a blunt pencil.

Prints foam

< br> Dipping the sponge into a thick gouache, a child can draw landscapes, bouquets of flowers, branches of lilac or animals.


One option: paint drip onto the sheet and tilt it in different directions, it turned to any image. Second: the child dip the brush into the paint, and then puts a blot on a piece of paper and fold the sheet in half so that the blob is printed on the second half of the sheet. Then, the sheet expands and seeks to understand who or what it's like drawing.

Imprints of hands and feet

It's simple: you have to dip your foot or palm in the paint and make a mark on the paper. And then float the imagination and to finish a couple of details.

Patterns for paint

For this application you need to apply a thick layer of paint on the paper. Then the reverse end of the brush on the still wet paint incised patterns - a variety of lines and curls. When dry, cut the desired shapes and glued on thick sheet.


The name speaks for itself. It should be a thin layer of paint finger and make a print. A pair of felt-tip pen strokes - and ready


On the smooth surface (eg glass) paint a drawing. Then applied a sheet of paper, and print ready. That he was more blurred, paper must be pre-wet. When everything is dry, you can add the details and contours, if desired.


The highlight of the work is that the figure should be scratched. cardboard sheet densely hatched spots colored oil pastels. Then the black gouache on a palette to mix with soap and paint the entire sketch. When the paint is completely dry, toothpick scratched pattern.

Air paint

To prepare the paint, you need to mix a tablespoon of "self-raising" flour and a few drops of food coloring and a tablespoon of salt. Add a little water to the consistency of thick cream and mix well. The paint can be placed in a syringe or pastry in a small package. Firmly tie and incise area. Drawing on paper or ordinary cardboard. Ready to put the picture in the microwave for 10-30 seconds at maximum capacity.

«Marble» Paper

Paper yellow paint over with acrylic paint. When it is completely dry, paint over again diluted pink paint and immediately cover with cling film. The film needed to crush and to gather in folds, as they will create our desired pattern. Wait until completely dry and remove the tape.

Drawing water

Watercolor drawing a simple shape and fill it with water. While not dry out, put it colored blots, to mix with each other and formed here such smooth transitions.

Prints of fruits and vegetables

Vegetables or fruit should be cut in half. Then you can cut it to any pattern or leave as is. Dunks in the paint and make prints on paper. For print, you can use an apple, potato, carrot or celery.

Prints from leaves

The principle is the same. Leaves smear paint and make prints on paper.

Drawings with salt

If you sprinkle the still wet watercolor with salt, it is saturated with paint and when dry will create grainy.

brush instead of a brush

Sometimes the purpose of the experiment is to try something unexpected. For example, economic brush.

Ebru, or drawing on the water

We need a container of water. The main requirement - that its area coincides with an area of ​​the paper. You can use the roasting pan to the oven or a large tray. Also, oil-based paints need, a solvent and a brush to them. The idea is to create a paint pattern on the water, and then dipping them in the paper sheet. How to do it: www.youtube.com

effect cracked wax

Crayons draw on thin paper image. In our case - a flower. The background should be fully shaded. Thoroughly crushes, and then straighten the sheet with a pattern. Paint over his dark paint so that it fits into all the cracks. Wash drawing under the tap and dry. If you want - iron smoothes

Reprints cardboard shifted

. Cut into small strips of cardboard, about 1, 5 × 3 cm. The edge of a piece of cardboard is dipped into the paint, presses the paper and perpendicular to the evenly in the shift direction. Will receive a broad line from which the drawing is created.

Prints cam

For such a child would have to figure squeeze hands into fists. Then dip a finger in the back side of the paint and put the prints to create the desired shape. Fish and crabs can be created with the help of fingerprints.

Photos on the preview: Pinterest, Ped-kopilka

Test: This is the art or sophomoric

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