Dad found a brilliant way to reuse the remains of pencils

Brian Weir, inventive dad from San Francisco, came up with an ingenious way to reuse residues wax pencils that are thrown out of the school and restaurants. Brian melts balances and processes into new crayons for children from year bolnits.Kazhdy restaurants and schools throw up to 34,000 kg of wax pencils on musorku

Recycling idea came in 2011, when Brian was celebrating a birthday at the restaurant. The waiter brought his sons several new wax pencils, then Dad asked what they do with the crayons after their children leave. It turned out that virtually untouched pencils sent to musorku.

Brian found the perfect solution - it melts remnants karandashey

Then fill the mixture into the Special formy

And each time gets 96 new wax karandashey

These pens are more thick, and children with special needs, easier to capture ih

Ready pencils carry about hospitals Kalifornii

It has already been delivered to more than 2,000 boxes karandashey

"If these pencils make children forget at least for 10 minutes that they were in the hospital, we successfully completed the work," - says Brayan

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