That's what happens when you're the father of four daughters

Being a dad to large - no easy task. Breykvell James (James Breakwell) - father of four daughters. At the same time he can not only take care of their princesses, but also finds time to share funny dialogues with them in his Twitter.
< Website offers to get acquainted with the life of this fun family right now, because they have a lot to learn
- 5-year-old daughter:. "Why my mother painted?»
Pope:. "To be beautiful»
Daughter: "But she's so beautiful!»
Dad: "Mmm ...»
Daughter: "Dad, you need to make up."
- The Pope: "Who ate all the cookies?»
5-year-old daughter: "Ninja»
. Dad: "But I have not seen them»
. Daughter: "Nobody never seen them»
. ! Checkmate
- 3-year-old daughter: "One boy in the garden said that he liked me»
. Dad: "And he'll»
Daughter: "It goes beyond all boundaries. Suppose first that will grow »
- 5-year-old daughter watching a TV program where a man makes artificial breath." Why does he kisses her »
? Dad: "He saves her life»
. Daughter: «I would have died for sure»
- 3-year old daughter:. "And I will have once the baby in the abdomen ? »
Pope:. "If you want, then yes»
Daughter: "No, thank you. . This is a place for candy »
- 4-year-old daughter:" What happens when you die »
? Dad: "You go to heaven»
. Daughter: "No, I mean, when you die, will I be able to pick up your things?»
- The Pope: "Let's tidy home until my mother came. »
5-year-old daughter: "She does not care how things look»
. Dad: "Where did you get?»
Daughter: "She married you»
- 4-year old daughter shows a dead squirrel on the road:. "This I was a boy. »
Pope: "How did you know?»
Daughter: "It was stupid»
- The Pope:. "You're wearing a coat upside down»
. 3-year-old daughter: "No»
. Dad: "You have the bottom of the hood»
. Daughter:. "For the priest frozen»
- 5-year old daughter rubs head
. Dad: "What happened?»
Daughter: "I think I sprained muscles brain»
. Dad: "But there is no brain muscles!»
Daughter: "Maybe you and no ...»
- 5-year old daughter: "Let's buy it? »
Pope:. "It's too expensive»
Daughter: "Take my credit card - then it will be free»
. Guess who has never had its own credit card
- 3-year-old daughter:. "I do not like my soup»
. Dad: "What's wrong with him?»
Daughter: "It tastes just like soup»
- 5-year old daughter:. "I would like to be a princess»
. Dad: "You are my princess, and this is our kingdom»
My daughter looks around the house: "So-so the kingdom ...»
- 5-year old daughter: "Girls get tired faster than boys»
. Dad: "Why?»
Daughter: "Because we have brains work the whole day»
. via # image8795265
- 5-year old daughter: "Girls get tired faster than boys»
- 5-year old daughter:. "I would like to be a princess»
- 3-year-old daughter:. "I do not like my soup»
- 5-year old daughter: "Let's buy it? »
- 5-year old daughter rubs head
- The Pope:. "You're wearing a coat upside down»
- 4-year old daughter shows a dead squirrel on the road:. "This I was a boy. »
- The Pope: "Let's tidy home until my mother came. »
- 4-year-old daughter:" What happens when you die »
- 3-year old daughter:. "And I will have once the baby in the abdomen ? »
- 5-year-old daughter watching a TV program where a man makes artificial breath." Why does he kisses her »
- 3-year-old daughter: "One boy in the garden said that he liked me»
- The Pope: "Who ate all the cookies?»