Repair their own hands in the entrance
The author has long wanted to carry out independent repair in the hallway, because it is constantly bothered by the noise of the elevator in the apartment and generally shabby and spat on the walls and smelly garbage disposal frankly got. Why he decided to take on the obligations of public services and the process of repair you will find under the cut. Why I decided to take on the responsibilities of public services?
Firstly, tired of the noise of the elevator in the apartment and each time for a smoke break, I fantasized on the subject of what would paste over the wall adjacent to the entrance to reduce the noise. Regular nine-house "Czech».
Second, much infuriated communication box on the ceiling and the wires from it. Somehow providers do not much care aesthetics of these issues.
Third, tiles on the floor and places pootkleivalas crumble, but it's okay because kakby GEC repairs done recently.
Well, stuff like: painted elevator, spat upon the wall, to the chute scared to approach - I think it makes no sense to describe long - most entrances look that way.
A couple of times seen reports on this subject in the network. But the practical benefits of them were not very good. much as done basically all hands working.
I began by saying that shifted the tile. At that time, I have thought of taking pictures so only a brief description. The process of laying tile all clear, but there are nuances.
I tried to remove and clean off the tile that is. Thus I saved about half of the tile, but it's a lot of work Pts - easier to buy new.
I tried to save more or less living part of the screed that is not quite the sand, but it's too complicated life in the future - it is easier to knock down all the plates.
Well, the main difficulty - is people. 6 apartments there here goes - you have all the pieces to do for a long time. Often come and spoil the work.
Restoration of the elevator inside I refrained. With some difficulty. From the outside, cleaned off the dirt grinder and knocked the wooden soffits, since not found a way to improve them as any.
Slopes exposed openings and then began the first time people began to complain. First, the chairman, then the lifters. As a result, the lift disabled. It took a long time to convince that can only be disabled on the same floor.
However, to honor predsedatelshi must say that it is well done. Said, do not pay attention to complaints - do.
The most popular question that I have heard in the course: Why do you need it? then for a long time no one, then the question is will always do so?
Slopes elevator decided to gradually increase. The process is not as fast one layer does not distribute a lot, but I had a lot of scraps of drywall and various mixtures after repairs in the apartment.
Yes, at first it was hard to believe that it is possible to make the entrance of the soviet something normal Bole-mall.
The result had been the interim results. Boosted by about 15 cm on each side. I just like straight slopes - so so. Opening doors, this does not diminish.
In this photo, I slipped a little forward to show the slopes, but before the wall putty is necessary to remove previous layers of paint. Many layers of paint.
Yes, it turned out that the elevator door a different color.
Removing paint.
The paint is applied in two types of entrances. Oil and lime or something (the one that greasy). Ambush is that you need to remove one and the other, and from the ceiling as well.
The photo shows how bubbles of oil paint chemistry, but chemistry is valid only on one layer and slow. It is also toxic.
Therefore, oil paint had to shoot down all in a row. Grinder with meth. brush, hammer with a nozzle type mini jackhammer. Good results shows the cycles as Paint peels off in many places is relatively easy.
Lime remove easier. Need to steam the steam generator then it is relatively easy scraped with a spatula. Dust with almost none. True surface area does not give enthusiasm. Most likely it is the tedious process of the whole enterprise. Attracted an assistant - the forces I do not have such feats on their own.
The preliminary result. Too much cleaned not see the point. There's also seen some putty was originally - it is well kept.
On the background is seen the hateful communication box - for it was a whole story. Will be lower.
Picture as it was. tiles on the floor already new.
People where they take such colors?
The wall adjacent to the apartment. This is the wall that I wanted to soundproof. Therefore, it does not strip off the paint. Just punch rescued it for relief.
Left partition built myself once, but they stole when I was not, and it is also painted in his trademark color. Although she was painted - well to blend into the g ... range.
Do the same with the wall near the garbage, because putty is impossible. Plaster need a thick layer.
Window just threw. no value is. Restore - spent a lot of time.
At this point at me all the neighbors up in arms in particular. particularly below. By the time it became clear that the whole staircase will not do.
Slopes arches also had to align with plaster and plasterboard - too concrete curves themselves.
I wrote above about the history associated with the communication box. Here it is:
From the beginning, I decided that it will not. I did not know what I was faced with the start of the repair I terrorized the local company on the theme of 'Net remove it to a technical floor. All their activities was to ensure that I was technically bortanut. Offers a sophisticated scheme for achieving this target.
As a result, it was necessary just to get acquainted with the installer of this company, which periodically ran past. Turned out to be a great guy. Over a bottle of brandy he helped move. However, such coordinated with his foreman it.
Switch intercoms (left) is also no.
On this photo you can see that the ceiling must also be cleaned.
Went to the paint. This is a pleasant process.
nothing complicated in this. Make any color in the store. I took a durable facade paint.
Pre-walls need to putty and primed. Gypsum and any of the deshovoy primer, respectively. Write here is not what - each handle.
Gypsum plaster need to wipe fine sandpaper. Better special metal mesh.
At this point, drew a neighbor of the block opposite. I said zapili door on the block and attach skirting home - here and says
At the door I agreed, given that I was going and so they do not go to people smoke in the apartment, and then prevent smoking quietly. So he was not lucky - I had to pay for materials at the door.
Doors decided to make himself from bars and fiberboard. It is cheaper to do all the doors of the correct size.
Foam coincides with the size of the brick. then glued and nailed hardboard small nails. Contrary to all expectations, it turns a solid door. By the time it 2-3 hours. Exhibit opening in the Soviet concrete longer and harder.
Building a frame profile for gypsum board to finally finish of Internet users. Left cover domofonschikov paint in a suitable color oil paint.
Sutured plaster.
Later, at their request, I made a revision neat to be able to add / remove the wiring.
I think that the company's service providers must immediately do something like that and not do horrible on every floor. Moreover, this is not difficult.
Gap shpaklyuyut plaster.
Unscrew the stoma bag garbage.
Vonischa came in the stairwell - horror. Well that is not transmitted through an Internet
Painted lift from balonchika. Not economical.
Photo 2 shows how things began to look Interactive.
Sewed RSD lattice by the stairs to my storeroom looks. First painted in blue (pictured) so just to byly such paint on the water - did not want to smell oil. But it seemed ugly - dyed in the color as the door.
Bought and painted in the new corporate color railing. too lazy to restore old - a lot of work.
They are naturally dust poured from the window, which is not - then had to redo.
Colored grille in my new storeroom.
Incidentally, this is a huge plus activities to stay in the apartment. I mean, no one now does not mind that I yuzayu this room. A lot of things had nowhere to put.
Colored paint for concrete steps. While hints abrasion paint no.
Blast the (not very) stoma bag. The matter of 20 minutes. Really become like new.
Well that his wife did not see that I was carrying in his car.
Next cladding wall panels that are not painted. Panels of polyurethane foam too. This foam is good because it is not very extended.
Lepim on the wall and places the dowels. panel bend a little rough wall so do not care. These hard-to-wall left 3 pieces.
Window caused unhealthy excitement in the house. How? He put a plastic window in the stairwell?
I would really put something simpler, but the guys podsobit.
The wall adjacent to the apartment before grouting.
Wiring made under the panels. Posting this work Jeka - electricity afraid.
The slopes window rotbantom leveled in several layers to direct - it is easier to do the trim and straight I like more.
However, recently learned that slopes slanting to make more light - it makes sense. Light became less.
Put on the windowsill Italian tiles - the remainder of the bathroom
Well, the garbage disposal right in the form in which it should be.
of grout.
Slopes sculpted panels of waste in nature. then all corrected plaster. With this decor worse nalepil the vintage looks
The wall adjacent to the apartment.
Fasten two flashlights instead of one (demolish stereotypes).
And are willing to wall with window
Comrade drove mirror. These strips have considered waste, and to me that what the doctor ordered. The truth is they are difficult to transport - one razgepal along the way.
Lepim the arch on both sides. To do this, I did and leveled. Then another corner, just in case.
Call on the final work of his brother. He wondered paint. I usually do not speak to him exactly what to do when I ask to do something like that.
Draws a permanent marker. Brother calls for reinforcements Woman t to understand what works dofiga. As in the fairy tale about the turnip
At this stage, the situation began to go out of control completely, and I decided to gash a functional art object. Simple repairs began to turn into some kind of samorealizatsiyu.Uglovye clamp suitable tool for perpendicular connection. I had them with other works.
Ordinary pine boards. polished by machine, painted, again polished facet, freshly painted.
Well, the result of these absurd gestures.
Here all the performance that 3 pennies can make even the central element of the entrance. Well, I work at least thought when going Boards of rejection on another topic
Meanwhile brother broke in earnest. drawing completely fails to take a picture. And take pictures I do not know how.
Well, the final picture of the general form.
Figure is not a reproduction of hem - it's just a fantasy on the subject. Brother drew in a row, without a sketch on a smaller scale.
Source: www.stroimdom.com.ua
Firstly, tired of the noise of the elevator in the apartment and each time for a smoke break, I fantasized on the subject of what would paste over the wall adjacent to the entrance to reduce the noise. Regular nine-house "Czech».
Second, much infuriated communication box on the ceiling and the wires from it. Somehow providers do not much care aesthetics of these issues.
Third, tiles on the floor and places pootkleivalas crumble, but it's okay because kakby GEC repairs done recently.
Well, stuff like: painted elevator, spat upon the wall, to the chute scared to approach - I think it makes no sense to describe long - most entrances look that way.
A couple of times seen reports on this subject in the network. But the practical benefits of them were not very good. much as done basically all hands working.
I began by saying that shifted the tile. At that time, I have thought of taking pictures so only a brief description. The process of laying tile all clear, but there are nuances.
I tried to remove and clean off the tile that is. Thus I saved about half of the tile, but it's a lot of work Pts - easier to buy new.
I tried to save more or less living part of the screed that is not quite the sand, but it's too complicated life in the future - it is easier to knock down all the plates.
Well, the main difficulty - is people. 6 apartments there here goes - you have all the pieces to do for a long time. Often come and spoil the work.

Restoration of the elevator inside I refrained. With some difficulty. From the outside, cleaned off the dirt grinder and knocked the wooden soffits, since not found a way to improve them as any.
Slopes exposed openings and then began the first time people began to complain. First, the chairman, then the lifters. As a result, the lift disabled. It took a long time to convince that can only be disabled on the same floor.
However, to honor predsedatelshi must say that it is well done. Said, do not pay attention to complaints - do.
The most popular question that I have heard in the course: Why do you need it? then for a long time no one, then the question is will always do so?
Slopes elevator decided to gradually increase. The process is not as fast one layer does not distribute a lot, but I had a lot of scraps of drywall and various mixtures after repairs in the apartment.
Yes, at first it was hard to believe that it is possible to make the entrance of the soviet something normal Bole-mall.

The result had been the interim results. Boosted by about 15 cm on each side. I just like straight slopes - so so. Opening doors, this does not diminish.
In this photo, I slipped a little forward to show the slopes, but before the wall putty is necessary to remove previous layers of paint. Many layers of paint.
Yes, it turned out that the elevator door a different color.

Removing paint.
The paint is applied in two types of entrances. Oil and lime or something (the one that greasy). Ambush is that you need to remove one and the other, and from the ceiling as well.
The photo shows how bubbles of oil paint chemistry, but chemistry is valid only on one layer and slow. It is also toxic.
Therefore, oil paint had to shoot down all in a row. Grinder with meth. brush, hammer with a nozzle type mini jackhammer. Good results shows the cycles as Paint peels off in many places is relatively easy.

Lime remove easier. Need to steam the steam generator then it is relatively easy scraped with a spatula. Dust with almost none. True surface area does not give enthusiasm. Most likely it is the tedious process of the whole enterprise. Attracted an assistant - the forces I do not have such feats on their own.

The preliminary result. Too much cleaned not see the point. There's also seen some putty was originally - it is well kept.
On the background is seen the hateful communication box - for it was a whole story. Will be lower.

Picture as it was. tiles on the floor already new.
People where they take such colors?

The wall adjacent to the apartment. This is the wall that I wanted to soundproof. Therefore, it does not strip off the paint. Just punch rescued it for relief.
Left partition built myself once, but they stole when I was not, and it is also painted in his trademark color. Although she was painted - well to blend into the g ... range.

Do the same with the wall near the garbage, because putty is impossible. Plaster need a thick layer.

Window just threw. no value is. Restore - spent a lot of time.
At this point at me all the neighbors up in arms in particular. particularly below. By the time it became clear that the whole staircase will not do.

Slopes arches also had to align with plaster and plasterboard - too concrete curves themselves.
I wrote above about the history associated with the communication box. Here it is:
From the beginning, I decided that it will not. I did not know what I was faced with the start of the repair I terrorized the local company on the theme of 'Net remove it to a technical floor. All their activities was to ensure that I was technically bortanut. Offers a sophisticated scheme for achieving this target.
As a result, it was necessary just to get acquainted with the installer of this company, which periodically ran past. Turned out to be a great guy. Over a bottle of brandy he helped move. However, such coordinated with his foreman it.

Switch intercoms (left) is also no.
On this photo you can see that the ceiling must also be cleaned.

Went to the paint. This is a pleasant process.
nothing complicated in this. Make any color in the store. I took a durable facade paint.
Pre-walls need to putty and primed. Gypsum and any of the deshovoy primer, respectively. Write here is not what - each handle.
Gypsum plaster need to wipe fine sandpaper. Better special metal mesh.

At this point, drew a neighbor of the block opposite. I said zapili door on the block and attach skirting home - here and says
At the door I agreed, given that I was going and so they do not go to people smoke in the apartment, and then prevent smoking quietly. So he was not lucky - I had to pay for materials at the door.
Doors decided to make himself from bars and fiberboard. It is cheaper to do all the doors of the correct size.
Foam coincides with the size of the brick. then glued and nailed hardboard small nails. Contrary to all expectations, it turns a solid door. By the time it 2-3 hours. Exhibit opening in the Soviet concrete longer and harder.

Building a frame profile for gypsum board to finally finish of Internet users. Left cover domofonschikov paint in a suitable color oil paint.
Sutured plaster.
Later, at their request, I made a revision neat to be able to add / remove the wiring.
I think that the company's service providers must immediately do something like that and not do horrible on every floor. Moreover, this is not difficult.
Gap shpaklyuyut plaster.

Unscrew the stoma bag garbage.
Vonischa came in the stairwell - horror. Well that is not transmitted through an Internet

Painted lift from balonchika. Not economical.
Photo 2 shows how things began to look Interactive.

Sewed RSD lattice by the stairs to my storeroom looks. First painted in blue (pictured) so just to byly such paint on the water - did not want to smell oil. But it seemed ugly - dyed in the color as the door.
Bought and painted in the new corporate color railing. too lazy to restore old - a lot of work.
They are naturally dust poured from the window, which is not - then had to redo.
Colored grille in my new storeroom.
Incidentally, this is a huge plus activities to stay in the apartment. I mean, no one now does not mind that I yuzayu this room. A lot of things had nowhere to put.

Colored paint for concrete steps. While hints abrasion paint no.

Blast the (not very) stoma bag. The matter of 20 minutes. Really become like new.
Well that his wife did not see that I was carrying in his car.

Next cladding wall panels that are not painted. Panels of polyurethane foam too. This foam is good because it is not very extended.
Lepim on the wall and places the dowels. panel bend a little rough wall so do not care. These hard-to-wall left 3 pieces.

Window caused unhealthy excitement in the house. How? He put a plastic window in the stairwell?
I would really put something simpler, but the guys podsobit.

The wall adjacent to the apartment before grouting.
Wiring made under the panels. Posting this work Jeka - electricity afraid.

The slopes window rotbantom leveled in several layers to direct - it is easier to do the trim and straight I like more.
However, recently learned that slopes slanting to make more light - it makes sense. Light became less.
Put on the windowsill Italian tiles - the remainder of the bathroom
Well, the garbage disposal right in the form in which it should be.

of grout.
Slopes sculpted panels of waste in nature. then all corrected plaster. With this decor worse nalepil the vintage looks

The wall adjacent to the apartment.
Fasten two flashlights instead of one (demolish stereotypes).
And are willing to wall with window

Comrade drove mirror. These strips have considered waste, and to me that what the doctor ordered. The truth is they are difficult to transport - one razgepal along the way.
Lepim the arch on both sides. To do this, I did and leveled. Then another corner, just in case.

Call on the final work of his brother. He wondered paint. I usually do not speak to him exactly what to do when I ask to do something like that.
Draws a permanent marker. Brother calls for reinforcements Woman t to understand what works dofiga. As in the fairy tale about the turnip

At this stage, the situation began to go out of control completely, and I decided to gash a functional art object. Simple repairs began to turn into some kind of samorealizatsiyu.Uglovye clamp suitable tool for perpendicular connection. I had them with other works.
Ordinary pine boards. polished by machine, painted, again polished facet, freshly painted.

Well, the result of these absurd gestures.
Here all the performance that 3 pennies can make even the central element of the entrance. Well, I work at least thought when going Boards of rejection on another topic

Meanwhile brother broke in earnest. drawing completely fails to take a picture. And take pictures I do not know how.

Well, the final picture of the general form.
Figure is not a reproduction of hem - it's just a fantasy on the subject. Brother drew in a row, without a sketch on a smaller scale.

Source: www.stroimdom.com.ua