Household vandalism in Minsk entrances
Entrances many homes are now in quite poor condition. The walls are painted with obscene scribbles, elevators do not work everywhere cigarette butts and bottles, and that which is the smell of it is better to remain silent. In this photo essay you can see what turn the entrances of new buildings in Minsk.
Public utilities rockery seriously concerned: the young residents of the neighborhood "kill" their own entrances. Tenants counterclaims to ZhESam saying that derelict. On a poor job of janitors and cleaners people have recently complained to the administration of the Frunze district. Correspondents decided to independently assess the sanitary condition of the entrances and headed to the rockery.
We go in the fourth entrance of the house №30 on the street Kamennogorsk. Murals between floors - a kind of protest smoking ban.
No smoking in the stairwell like. Under the ashtray fitted even a fragment dismantled luminaire.
Polite request in the ad is not embitter the neighbors, judging by the abundance of bulls ignored.
Another ad, this time threatening: those who do not know how to use garbage, expect merciless punishment.
The third entrance to the house. Near the mailbox is a special box for waste paper. But leaflets scattered on the floor.
Someone rubbed on the first floor of an old battered chair. I wonder why?
This ad is at the entrance urges residents take care of the property of the house. Parents of children get dirty wall board ZHSPK promises to buy albums for drawing.
- When were these scribbles, we wrote a statement to the police. Came the answer: to identify the perpetrators is not possible, - told us in the direction of the cooperative. - That such does not happen, you should consider video surveillance. But, you know how difficult it is to persuade people to chip in to buy cameras. The house we have a social.
We go to a neighboring high-rise - the house №32 on Kamennogorsk. The stairs in the 19 etazhke separated from the elevator platforms. Walk to the top of nobody goes, which is used by kids loafers. The walls are from the 12th to 19th floors stained with ink cartridges: Nazi symbols, obscenities, scribble ...
- Hooligans found no need to paint daub by residents - say in ZHSPK.
Outdoor Neman drew the attention of the house №14 with painted porches.
The artists worked on the first floor.
It turned out the third entrance of the house in 2012, won first place in the competition "Best locked" in the Frunze district. I wonder whether or not the tenants are clean and tidy? We went first to the ninth floor and noticed only one bank in the ashtray near the stairs to the attic. The walls are devoid of inscriptions, and in the car hanging clear mirror.
Next door is also clean. Not for nothing, apparently, residents threw off on a surveillance camera.
Neman, 16. Another social building, where juvenile vandals are doing what they want.
Sometimes tenants try an original way to decorate the entrance. In the house №33 on the street Kuntsevshchyna we found pictures of the puzzle.
Here - a winter garden.
And strange methods to combat smoking.
Somewhere staircase adapted as a warehouse.
Somewhere clean and cozy.
It seems to be settled in a new home, people should take care of the elevator, lamps, mailboxes - all the things that have gone on blood savings. Why tenants often care about the state of the common property? According to the survey of the NGO "joint household", most of Minsk residents consider themselves owners of apartments, but not at home in general. Many people mistakenly think that only the developer pay for my apartment, and therefore apply to all the common property as a stranger. Meanwhile, in the cost per square meter and includes utilities, and an elevator, stairs, attic, basement, and so on.. But for the residents of Minsk 2/3 border property that tenants for themselves determine end apartment door.
Sometimes the opposite situation - one of the tenants is taken for the creation of comfort and enthusiasm transforms the staircase to your liking. The creative impulse can be perceived ambiguously. "For such figures should be fine!" - He wrote to the editors outraged neighbors amateur resident of the house on the street Jana №9 Chechot.
How to wean hooligans spoiling the walls, and smokers - the air in the hallways? During the Frunze district police department, we explained: with such complaints should be treated not to the police, and in VES. Law enforcement agencies will take up the matter only if pachkuny struck home too much damage, or if the words in a public place defamatory specific person.
- Almost every house has an inscription on the wall, somewhere there are more, somewhere less. Hooligans, of course, children of residents, - says Director Dmitry VES №130 speaking. - And the video surveillance from this scourge is not much saving: the elevator and on each floor of the chamber does not deliver. Alas, fine, "Artists" is almost impossible - it is necessary to catch them right at the crime scene. The same problem with smokers.
No smoking in the stairwells, in lobbies and elevators total ban "Rules premises", approved Minzhilkomhozom. During disregard the requirement is a penalty of 10 to 30 basic units (1, 3 - 3, 9 million). However, it comes before the court in individual cases.
- To draw up a report on smoking in the stairwell of a neighbor, you have evidence of at least two eyewitnesses. A violator, in turn, must present employee who appeared ZhESa passport. At the trial in order to prove guilt require video or photographic - describes the complicated sequence of actions Dmitry speaking. - In short, for my three-year practice as director ZhESa any smoker has not fined.
Yet a few facts prove that get to court and punish the access of pests is quite real. Last year, the owner of one of the apartments in the house №36 on Prospect Pushkin went to the stairwell and saw the "masking" gang of teenagers. Running one of them left a backpack with cans and documents. On them, and calculated individual. Criminal proceedings were instituted, with the parents sought 600,000 rubles. A resident of the Moscow region indifferent brought to the Bench of the smoker. He photographed dymivshego neighbor on the porch, called in witnesses and the neighbors called the police. Violator was fined 1 million rubles.
Source: realt.onliner.by

Public utilities rockery seriously concerned: the young residents of the neighborhood "kill" their own entrances. Tenants counterclaims to ZhESam saying that derelict. On a poor job of janitors and cleaners people have recently complained to the administration of the Frunze district. Correspondents decided to independently assess the sanitary condition of the entrances and headed to the rockery.
We go in the fourth entrance of the house №30 on the street Kamennogorsk. Murals between floors - a kind of protest smoking ban.

No smoking in the stairwell like. Under the ashtray fitted even a fragment dismantled luminaire.

Polite request in the ad is not embitter the neighbors, judging by the abundance of bulls ignored.

Another ad, this time threatening: those who do not know how to use garbage, expect merciless punishment.

The third entrance to the house. Near the mailbox is a special box for waste paper. But leaflets scattered on the floor.

Someone rubbed on the first floor of an old battered chair. I wonder why?

This ad is at the entrance urges residents take care of the property of the house. Parents of children get dirty wall board ZHSPK promises to buy albums for drawing.

- When were these scribbles, we wrote a statement to the police. Came the answer: to identify the perpetrators is not possible, - told us in the direction of the cooperative. - That such does not happen, you should consider video surveillance. But, you know how difficult it is to persuade people to chip in to buy cameras. The house we have a social.
We go to a neighboring high-rise - the house №32 on Kamennogorsk. The stairs in the 19 etazhke separated from the elevator platforms. Walk to the top of nobody goes, which is used by kids loafers. The walls are from the 12th to 19th floors stained with ink cartridges: Nazi symbols, obscenities, scribble ...

- Hooligans found no need to paint daub by residents - say in ZHSPK.

Outdoor Neman drew the attention of the house №14 with painted porches.

The artists worked on the first floor.

It turned out the third entrance of the house in 2012, won first place in the competition "Best locked" in the Frunze district. I wonder whether or not the tenants are clean and tidy? We went first to the ninth floor and noticed only one bank in the ashtray near the stairs to the attic. The walls are devoid of inscriptions, and in the car hanging clear mirror.

Next door is also clean. Not for nothing, apparently, residents threw off on a surveillance camera.

Neman, 16. Another social building, where juvenile vandals are doing what they want.

Sometimes tenants try an original way to decorate the entrance. In the house №33 on the street Kuntsevshchyna we found pictures of the puzzle.

Here - a winter garden.

And strange methods to combat smoking.

Somewhere staircase adapted as a warehouse.

Somewhere clean and cozy.

It seems to be settled in a new home, people should take care of the elevator, lamps, mailboxes - all the things that have gone on blood savings. Why tenants often care about the state of the common property? According to the survey of the NGO "joint household", most of Minsk residents consider themselves owners of apartments, but not at home in general. Many people mistakenly think that only the developer pay for my apartment, and therefore apply to all the common property as a stranger. Meanwhile, in the cost per square meter and includes utilities, and an elevator, stairs, attic, basement, and so on.. But for the residents of Minsk 2/3 border property that tenants for themselves determine end apartment door.
Sometimes the opposite situation - one of the tenants is taken for the creation of comfort and enthusiasm transforms the staircase to your liking. The creative impulse can be perceived ambiguously. "For such figures should be fine!" - He wrote to the editors outraged neighbors amateur resident of the house on the street Jana №9 Chechot.

How to wean hooligans spoiling the walls, and smokers - the air in the hallways? During the Frunze district police department, we explained: with such complaints should be treated not to the police, and in VES. Law enforcement agencies will take up the matter only if pachkuny struck home too much damage, or if the words in a public place defamatory specific person.
- Almost every house has an inscription on the wall, somewhere there are more, somewhere less. Hooligans, of course, children of residents, - says Director Dmitry VES №130 speaking. - And the video surveillance from this scourge is not much saving: the elevator and on each floor of the chamber does not deliver. Alas, fine, "Artists" is almost impossible - it is necessary to catch them right at the crime scene. The same problem with smokers.
No smoking in the stairwells, in lobbies and elevators total ban "Rules premises", approved Minzhilkomhozom. During disregard the requirement is a penalty of 10 to 30 basic units (1, 3 - 3, 9 million). However, it comes before the court in individual cases.

- To draw up a report on smoking in the stairwell of a neighbor, you have evidence of at least two eyewitnesses. A violator, in turn, must present employee who appeared ZhESa passport. At the trial in order to prove guilt require video or photographic - describes the complicated sequence of actions Dmitry speaking. - In short, for my three-year practice as director ZhESa any smoker has not fined.
Yet a few facts prove that get to court and punish the access of pests is quite real. Last year, the owner of one of the apartments in the house №36 on Prospect Pushkin went to the stairwell and saw the "masking" gang of teenagers. Running one of them left a backpack with cans and documents. On them, and calculated individual. Criminal proceedings were instituted, with the parents sought 600,000 rubles. A resident of the Moscow region indifferent brought to the Bench of the smoker. He photographed dymivshego neighbor on the porch, called in witnesses and the neighbors called the police. Violator was fined 1 million rubles.

Source: realt.onliner.by