Suspension bridge region (29 photos)
Would you dare to go on such a suspension bridge? Despite his fearsome appearance, and the precariousness of many bridges suburbs are a great place for a romantic rendezvous.
I invite you to share in the comments of interesting information about the bridges of your cities that you must visit. Suspension bridge across the river in Moscow Tuchkovo
Connects Tuchkovsky Road Transport College (residues) and d.Ignatevo. Privacy * ** *** Type ** Adrenaline Entrance - Cars, directly to the bridge Coordinates: 55 ° 37'11 «N 36, ° 29'21» E
A bridge near the village of Karinskoe
The Internet is known as the longest pedestrian suspension bridge in the Moscow region.
In view of no longer than the other, seen in the day.
Thus legends are born - first someone writes a guess, it pulled apart the sites, as has been the media, based on the numerous references to the Internet, how to write about the obvious. At the end - an article in Wikipedia, citing a reliable source - the official media.
The bridge - a favorite place of filmmakers. It starred "Suicide," "Children of Monday", "St. Petersburg secrets" and other films. View privacy *** *** ** Adrenaline Entrance - Cars, directly to the bridge Coordinates: 55 ° 42'20 «N 36, ° 41'19» E
Suspension bridge at Ivanovo
Curve, crooked and scary, but so wonderful!
Ducks swim, fish splashing around - nobody.
To get to the place you have to drive on asphalt, flagstones, dirt road and field. But it's worth it. The main thing - do not scratch your hands on the full-blown old wire ropes. View privacy ***** *** ***** Adrenaline Entrance - SUV, almost to the bridge Coordinates: 55 ° 47'34 «N 37 ° 6'26» E
Suspension bridge across the Moscow River village Vassilyevskoe.
Despite the fact that the bridge is "inter-district" - links the Odintsovo and Ruza district, has long been in disrepair. It turned out that it is not on whose balance sheet. In Vasileskoe not go no transport, there is no mail, and pharmacy, all civilization is on the other side of the bridge. Every day it go hundreds of people, and the owner is not.
Locals will tell you the story of how, returning from the cemetery (and where else, it's a horror story), eight people have failed with their children in the river. All survived, the same year she was very shallow. After this bridge repaired in the home. In 2002, there shot some scenes for the movie Saboteur, and in the early seventies, during the filming of the movie "A squadron of hussars volatile", the church suffered.
In the middle of the river near the bridge, there are two small islands which are associated with an interesting story. In 1825, the year on Polushkinskih quarries produced 30 barges with a marble limestone. The cargo was intended for the construction of the Temple of the Savior on the Sparrow Hills. According to the first draft he had placed there. Hardly stronuvshis away, two barges sank. Legend has it that they were intentionally drilled. Court decayed stones drifted sand and silt, and eventually they turned into islands, which you can see from this very interesting suspension bridge.
Fact: domestic dogs are afraid to walk on the suspension bridge. They have to take your hands. But local dogs roam absolutely calm.
Take a ride on a suspension bridge on a bicycle or motorcycle, it is considered particularly chic. I even met one biker forum list bridges. View privacy * ***** ** Adrenaline Entrance - crossover, right to the bridge Coordinates: 55 ° 36'33 «N 36, ° 35'19» E
Suspension bridge on Mars!
Designed and built in the late 60th Ordinary Soviet guy Yuri Sokolov from the neighboring village of Markovo.
At the beginning of the two thousandth bridge slightly updated and podremontirovali. Connects the villages of Markovo and Mars. View privacy **** *** *** Adrenaline Entrance - Cars, directly to the bridge Coordinates: 55 ° 36'30 «N 36, ° 25'35» E
Bridge in Timoshkino. The photo in the center. Unfortunately, destroyed. Go to him on the left bank of the Istra can not - solid houses and Zabra. On the right you can go down, passing through the field and hole in the fence. View privacy ***** ***** ** Adrenaline Entrance - on foot Coordinates: 55 ° 46'21 «N 37 ° 7'16» E
Suspension bridge across the Ruza
It located in a very beautiful place in the sanatorium "Dorokhovo."
Few people know that on its territory there are two bridges.
One - the photographs, the other - across the ravine, connecting housing 1-4, 5 th and 6 th
View privacy ** *** **** Adrenaline Entrance - crossover, almost to the bridge Coordinates: 55 ° 38'29 «N 36, ° 18'16» E
Suspension Bridge Ozhigova.
Does not particularly remarkable Aloneness View *** *** *** Adrenaline Entrance - Cars, directly to the bridge Coordinates: 55 ° 37'13 «N 36 ° 22'7» E
Bridge in Kožino If you're lucky, you can hear the chimes of the church nearby. View privacy **** *** ** Adrenaline Entrance - Cars directly to the bridge Coordinates: 55 ° 37'10 «N 36, ° 14'52» E
Source: ottenki-serogo.livejournal.com
I invite you to share in the comments of interesting information about the bridges of your cities that you must visit. Suspension bridge across the river in Moscow Tuchkovo

Connects Tuchkovsky Road Transport College (residues) and d.Ignatevo. Privacy * ** *** Type ** Adrenaline Entrance - Cars, directly to the bridge Coordinates: 55 ° 37'11 «N 36, ° 29'21» E

A bridge near the village of Karinskoe

The Internet is known as the longest pedestrian suspension bridge in the Moscow region.

In view of no longer than the other, seen in the day.

Thus legends are born - first someone writes a guess, it pulled apart the sites, as has been the media, based on the numerous references to the Internet, how to write about the obvious. At the end - an article in Wikipedia, citing a reliable source - the official media.

The bridge - a favorite place of filmmakers. It starred "Suicide," "Children of Monday", "St. Petersburg secrets" and other films. View privacy *** *** ** Adrenaline Entrance - Cars, directly to the bridge Coordinates: 55 ° 42'20 «N 36, ° 41'19» E

Suspension bridge at Ivanovo

Curve, crooked and scary, but so wonderful!

Ducks swim, fish splashing around - nobody.

To get to the place you have to drive on asphalt, flagstones, dirt road and field. But it's worth it. The main thing - do not scratch your hands on the full-blown old wire ropes. View privacy ***** *** ***** Adrenaline Entrance - SUV, almost to the bridge Coordinates: 55 ° 47'34 «N 37 ° 6'26» E

Suspension bridge across the Moscow River village Vassilyevskoe.

Despite the fact that the bridge is "inter-district" - links the Odintsovo and Ruza district, has long been in disrepair. It turned out that it is not on whose balance sheet. In Vasileskoe not go no transport, there is no mail, and pharmacy, all civilization is on the other side of the bridge. Every day it go hundreds of people, and the owner is not.

Locals will tell you the story of how, returning from the cemetery (and where else, it's a horror story), eight people have failed with their children in the river. All survived, the same year she was very shallow. After this bridge repaired in the home. In 2002, there shot some scenes for the movie Saboteur, and in the early seventies, during the filming of the movie "A squadron of hussars volatile", the church suffered.

In the middle of the river near the bridge, there are two small islands which are associated with an interesting story. In 1825, the year on Polushkinskih quarries produced 30 barges with a marble limestone. The cargo was intended for the construction of the Temple of the Savior on the Sparrow Hills. According to the first draft he had placed there. Hardly stronuvshis away, two barges sank. Legend has it that they were intentionally drilled. Court decayed stones drifted sand and silt, and eventually they turned into islands, which you can see from this very interesting suspension bridge.

Fact: domestic dogs are afraid to walk on the suspension bridge. They have to take your hands. But local dogs roam absolutely calm.

Take a ride on a suspension bridge on a bicycle or motorcycle, it is considered particularly chic. I even met one biker forum list bridges. View privacy * ***** ** Adrenaline Entrance - crossover, right to the bridge Coordinates: 55 ° 36'33 «N 36, ° 35'19» E

Suspension bridge on Mars!

Designed and built in the late 60th Ordinary Soviet guy Yuri Sokolov from the neighboring village of Markovo.

At the beginning of the two thousandth bridge slightly updated and podremontirovali. Connects the villages of Markovo and Mars. View privacy **** *** *** Adrenaline Entrance - Cars, directly to the bridge Coordinates: 55 ° 36'30 «N 36, ° 25'35» E

Bridge in Timoshkino. The photo in the center. Unfortunately, destroyed. Go to him on the left bank of the Istra can not - solid houses and Zabra. On the right you can go down, passing through the field and hole in the fence. View privacy ***** ***** ** Adrenaline Entrance - on foot Coordinates: 55 ° 46'21 «N 37 ° 7'16» E

Suspension bridge across the Ruza

It located in a very beautiful place in the sanatorium "Dorokhovo."

Few people know that on its territory there are two bridges.

One - the photographs, the other - across the ravine, connecting housing 1-4, 5 th and 6 th

View privacy ** *** **** Adrenaline Entrance - crossover, almost to the bridge Coordinates: 55 ° 38'29 «N 36, ° 18'16» E

Suspension Bridge Ozhigova.

Does not particularly remarkable Aloneness View *** *** *** Adrenaline Entrance - Cars, directly to the bridge Coordinates: 55 ° 37'13 «N 36 ° 22'7» E

Bridge in Kožino If you're lucky, you can hear the chimes of the church nearby. View privacy **** *** ** Adrenaline Entrance - Cars directly to the bridge Coordinates: 55 ° 37'10 «N 36, ° 14'52» E

Source: ottenki-serogo.livejournal.com