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Replica Willys MB: all-wheel drive American

Today, the publication of the not quite normal car, or rather about quite unusual. Willys MB became a legendary car, not only for the US Army. Author of the publication recreated itself from nothing. So much so that now the car is involved in retromeropriyatiyah and many can not distinguish it from the original. He says the owner, wanted to create, but it had neither the means nor the strength. But one day ...

60 photos and text
a source at the end of





At a time when all cars were Soviet

I grew up and was educated at a time when the car was nevertheless still a luxury rather than a means of transportation. While in 1980 we had enough people who could safely buy such as "Volga" (GAZ-24) in 16 th. Rub., Although the average salary was then somewhere 150-180 rubles. It is the workers. To work myself and I carry, so my first car back in 1990, "Moskvich-408", with a huge box of parts and spare parts. But when I'm stuck in a motor from 412 th, it regularly and even in some ways shustrenko ran.

Then there were the "Zhiguli", well, then all sorts of cheap, not in the best form of foreign cars. That I'm going to that all the repairs I did myself, gradually learning something, in most cases on their own mistakes. Then, working auto mechanic, learned to cook a little tint, well, at least have an idea of ​​the internal combustion engine. Acquire the skills of self-manufacture of parts and fitting them in place. And it works like it more and more ... I do! But, alas, do not have the means and conditions.

At that time the country was sending "That you can" (in my opinion, as it was called, although I could be wrong). The bottom line is that it shows cars. Beautiful and not very different. But they all share one thing - they were homemade, not like everything. In short, different! They were like a foreign car, as the cars of the future and built by ordinary people, garages, sheds, and some even in apartments. As they say, "on the knee." So to all this I want to add one thing is clear, somewhere in that time, I became ill and all that. I wanted to do, as we uh.

It was impossible because of the circumstances at the time. But somewhere in the year 2004, I began to try, in a sense, at any spare time to turn, cook, draw, cut and boil again until it is something fell on the wheel and did not go. But turned out, in my opinion, the horror.


The first pancake ... you know

Now I want to talk a little bit about love. About Love is a gland or a particular brand of car. I will not beat around the bush - I love Willys. Yes, this little American military avtomobilchik from the distant 1943. All-wheel drive military vehicle. Car soldiers. So I saw it in the magazine "Model Construction" for 1993. I do not know that I won, probably shape of the body, grille, can be a huge popularity all over the world so far. Perhaps his destiny, a small contribution to the victory, simplicity, reliability and a great love for him front drivers, soldiers and commanders. Just love for SUVs or something else that I do not know, but the last time I had in my head was just that car. We all love the Jeep Wrangler, and hence the Willys, it is from this car and they all started. Until now, the Indian firm Mahindra is doing something very similar to the one the military Willys. Mimic the brand (or rather, Willys MB) and SsangYong, and many other small firms.

I can not buy? Nonsense, I'll do it, or will build as you wish. I made a very similar to the original. Replica, as it is called. But I need a donor. Of course, they will be well-known GAZ-69, I decided. He began to look for a car with a "dead" body, but with a more normal way. Suitable specimen was found in Bobruisk - GAZ-69, 1965 release. Moreover, on the go, and even documents.


By the way, about the garage. Let me just say one thing: how good you have it. I realize only men. Do not understand the wives, girlfriends, mothers, for whom you need if all of your free time hanging around the garage, all seasons are there and the smell of these walls have a much more familiar and pleasant than the smell of the walls in your apartment. And you see your relatives for some holidays in the best case, and even then not always. Advertising remember: "And he has a garage and it goes there?" That something like that, very similar.

Before dismantling the donor, I drove it a couple of laps around the garage. Was it late autumn 2010. Then it all started. Body and the frame was shot somewhere, somewhere cut, and sometimes just taking a sledgehammer. But it is a good body parts were removed and folded into a pile. Now eyes the frame. The engine, transmission, razdatka, universal joints, bridges. Everything seems normal. So it seemed, but as it turned out later - not really.

Then, of course, with all the frame was removed, dismantled and decomposed in the garage most of the little corner, zakutochke and shelves. The frame is cut and thrown out. Error! I continue to learn from them, but what can you do if one was not there, no one suggested, and the garage is not so much that even a frame store. In general, I threw it, but sorry, the frame was good.

The car was born in a garage

All are now gone another step. The drawings and templates. In general, the drawings themselves, and there was only the frame, and then scale, all from the same magazine "Model Construction" for 1993. In front of me was a difficult task - as much as possible to enter the units "jeep" in size Willys. It turned out, but not quite. The trouble is that the wider donor bridges by 30 centimeters than the original. But I was in a hurry and therefore did not cut them. Also in the manufacture of frame and body really wanted to keep all the proportions of Willys and that all this does not look great. Yet the bridges I have it turned wider and the length of the body, too, though not by much.

But back to the frame. Like sketches and drawings are ready, it is the search for and the time of purchase of new material. Found. Bought. Brought. I also want to say that all purchases are supported by check, well, just in case.



Special thanks to my garage friends and comrades who helped who could. Sometimes even a dozen gaechek M6 delighted more than in the heat of ice cream. Also, do not forget to mention the landfill, which is located on our territory garages (to dump metal, of course). Something out there is by car. So, after several dozen cutting circles in the Bulgarian, bundles of electrodes, the dense smoke and fog the main part of the frame was ready. Here it is presented to your look.

Slipway, of course not, but the size of the diagonal and from opposite sides of normal. You could sit for hours beside her and admire the work while drinking hot tea. The garage has been cool, but work better than to argue. So when looking at the frame, axles, engine head and there were sketches is transverse beams. I did welded and wrong. But more about that later. Next came brackets springs and springs themselves.

Many thanks to Anatolia from Smorgon for help in acquiring rear springs. The fact that the front and rear Willys same, while no jeep. But it turned out very simple. All right. The next stage - the bridges. Here, too, I had to "wrestle", as both car fixing bridges to different springs. Again Bulgarian, welding, Drillers. Modifications, ladders, and fit them in place. Well, sort of happened. Fasten bridges, and now the frame is correctly set on wheels. Almost finished car. Even riding in the garage, oh how nice!


Along the way, a group of friends from our series revealed a serious flaw - frail frame torsion. That is an effort you can modify the front bumper of the horizon relative to the background. Again dozens of cutting, stripping a pair of circles, half a pack of electrodes, the stench, the stench of smoke and fog, but - lo and behold! - Reinforced frame, not "plays" and folds.

Next step: the engine, transmission, and driveline razdatka. Unfortunately, we had to give up the box and razdatki GAZ-69 and put this unit on the Oise. This is due to the fact that the last box razdatka constitute one unit in length and occupy less space, it is very important to maintain the desired size of the vehicle. It's a pity. At the jeep, in his three-speed box, gear ratio is better matched to the motor home.

I will not describe the manufacture, fitting brackets engine gearbox, universal joints fit. Incidentally, in none of these factory size is not violated, faced with only one error, one of the arms of the frame rear Cardan simply prevented. I did not take into account in advance. However, to collect his thoughts, I solved the problem by setting in the middle of the oval powerful cross, through which now passes itself gimbal.

Then the steering gear. It is - without any intervention on my part, like the rest of the brake system as a whole. The only thing that had to do to set the desired angle of the steering column - is mounted on the steering shaft of the Oise crossbar. Everything worked out. All the twists and turns.

Now a little distracted from the topic and explain to the reader where I am at this time. I am a sole proprietor engaged in cargo transportation. The works are not very many, and for the sake of the project on some orders it simply refused. Clearly, this is not the best way effect on my well-being, but the sight was Willys, and I could not help myself. Just take and denied, sometimes hangs up the phone, just to stay more in the garage. After all, with each welded or screwed Circuits product is more and more starting to take shape desired car.

Every day it becomes more and more interesting, and the intended target all approaching. So with some things, I was in a hurry and where something is not done very carefully, leaving the mess later. Important results have been, and wanted to do everything quickly. I think the most interesting work and visible body. When the frame has gained completeness, received all components and assemblies, I even wound up the engine. I want to tell you about it separately. His sound is a song that is simply unheard of. Lower arrangement of valves, intelligent design at the time, of course, makes her wonder his work. Idling can be seen only the rotation of the fan and all. Of course, an increase in engine speed is audible. It makes their job a silencer from the tractor "Belarus". This part looks very good on the machine and quite successfully entered into the body.




I started with the foundation of the body floor. It was just a frame, which gradually became overgrown panels, sides, openings. All bent without any special tools. Something in the wings garage doors, something on the wooden bar, something just on the sand with a sledgehammer. Well, after already worked semi-automatic, Bulgarian and fillings. Again vymeryat diagonal, horizontal, angles, and so on ...

At the cottage, the bat for testing

Curious case occurred in the country. The car was not in the stage of full readiness, but sea trials it was possible to carry out. Of course, people have seen, approached and asked. I told everybody that the car is completely homemade. And the question of one eccentric, "Where did you get the" face "?" - Had to answer that in America the order sent. Of course, he was surprised, and asked them to do there yet released. Yes, I say, let out and sent here. Although the "face", I think, I have not turned out very well. Unfinished "eyes" under Position, and the putty still have to work. When compared with the original noticeable that the grille is slightly irregular in shape. Anyway, as it is.

The body, of course, not yet been prepared, there was sex, and many other items. But all this was nothing to prevent gasoline and gasoline from the carburetor to recycle plastic jars into the energy of motion of a dirt track of our cottages. The machine even managed to work in the construction industry as podvozchika sand. Her homemade trailer calmly placed not less than 500 kg. Downshift and you carry the load at all speeds. Also surprised patency. Bald tires on the car, without straining, pulled out of the sand quarry full trailer, rowing his two bridges. In general, I was happy and lived with thoughts of an early return to the garage and follow-up work.

And so it happened. After a short break we are back in the garage. Breathe abrasive and semi-automatic carbon dioxide. And the smell of the primer, of course. Work on the body brought pleasure. The hardest part is already behind us. More and more car became like a Willys, well, I kind of like he was pleased with the result. Everything fits together. The main work, in the country, working in the garage. The priority, of course, at Willys.




In the process, I became acquainted with interesting people and they in turn introduced me to someone. So I met a man, a colleague, the owner of the Willys. He was surprised to learn that my car was made just for sketches and drawings. I worried that not met with Vladimir earlier, as an opportunity to see him live the car would have helped to avoid many mistakes.

Autumn frame made windshield and painted the car in the Draft, as all the imperfections of the body will still be eliminated. Tweak something on the chassis and powertrain, again got to the cottage, to the quarry, to the test. They revealed some shortcomings in the running. When load and flies into a pit at a speed of suspension breaks (I'll tell you that this year, these problems are eliminated). On the front axle shock absorbers are installed correctly ladders are springs. Now they are turned down nuts as necessary. And to frame the bridge is already lacking. Of course, if you fly into the hole at high speed, it can and will strike suspension, but I have not yet installed rumble strips - it's all ahead.

The only thing that has been done over the winter, it's rear seats and windshields. Glass "Triplex" were ordered at one firm. At home, in the kitchen and warm, pasted in place, they also trick.


A very important part of the car - a shovel and an ax from the driver. Stuff not only gives a certain charm, but also very useful. It is no secret that the steeper the SUV, the harder it is to pull it. With me it has happened. Shovel and an ax was not at hand, relied on "vseprolaznost" machines, but pierced. Stuck on the same "do not want" in a huge pile of rotten apples, fall asleep on top of the sand. If not a local man on a makeshift way, the tractor, it would have wintered. In short, thanks to a peasant and his technique, pulled me out to dry. So the first thing I started this with an ax and a shovel, and the training of their seats, brackets and fasteners.

Injured place on the body in the future tint from a container, but still not in color, but in general looks good, and the paint will come with time. Then hastily done side mirrors. For carryout thanks to Chinese industry, and our sales in the market. Again, not colored in the color, but it is mounted on the body and looks good. Then, the old tarpaulin covers were sewn on the levers of the box and hand-outs, cut all sorts of mats on the floor is not yet grounded. Gradually the car to settle into and become similar to Willys. They were replaced all oil, grease made frogs and joints. We were eager for battle.







Now the feast, May 9. In honor of Victory Day "Dudutki" held an event to which we were invited. We participate in the formulation of the historical events of the Second World War. There were explosions, shooting, speech Levitan, low-flying aircraft, again the explosions and shooting in general war. The occupation of the Germans. Then there was the victory, the capture of those same Germans, demonstrations paratroopers from Marina Gorka. Many would like to be photographed and to ride on our machine. My daughter Julia, dressed in military uniform, easy to control the car and tirelessly Catala comers on campus.


Then there was dinner, short-lived fees and return home. After all, in front of us waiting for the next event, also quite significant for us. Namely "Retro Minsk 2013". It is the 6th international meeting of lovers of classic and retro cars. Thanks to my daughter and to her efforts, we were invited back and looking forward to the event. Let me just say that it was worth hanging around in the garage, and take the time to shoot down his hands, going to the target.




Drive around the city in a column of retro, but still at the very beginning under the 4th number, to feel a lot of delight others, the holiday atmosphere is very interesting and nice. Itself part in this rally for me meant a lot. I remember the words of some guys. After a long inspection of my car one of them said: "A bridge on a Willys from the lawn of the 69th, not the original."


