The largest illegal dumps in Russia, by the Kuban scientists
Twenty nine million thirteen thousand sixteen
The Kuban state University developed a program of satellite monitoring of the landfills. Thanks to her was able to detect the major illegal maarohanye throughout the country. Our correspondent is the largest of them.
The total number of authorized landfills on the territory of the Russian Federation, according to data compiled by scientists, 15 thousand. But unauthorized that it was possible to detect about 10 thousand. The largest of them are located in Moscow, Leningrad, Volgograd, Perm, Sverdlovsk, Tomsk and Chelyabinsk regions.
Environmental monitoring system allows to detect problem areas by using satellite images, it analyses satellite data and paints accordingly map the earth's surface on the monitor screen. In red are indicated the littered areas, green agricultural plants and shrubs, and black – all that did not yield to deciphering. Author and developer of the project – the postgraduate student of the Department of geo-Informatics of the Kuban state University Dmitry Lipilin. Remote sensing of the Earth's surface he is engaged for the third year, his work "Space monitoring of landfills" won the third all-Russian environmental contest "will Preserve and enhance the nature of Russia".
In the near future the author intends to obtain a patent for their development and implement their project at a national level. With the new system in Russia has almost created the database, which takes into account almost all landfills. For each opened a separate file, which made their characteristics: year of opening, the area and volume of contamination. While the project has received practical application only in the Kuban. Thanks to the work Lipilina, in the Krasnodar region managed to eliminate dozens of dumps.
However, environmentalists note that the closure of the landfill is only the cessation of the inflow of new trash. But the old one will not disappear. "Ridus" recently introduced an infographic that lists "years of life" a variety of household waste. In particular, the same plastic decomposes up to 500 years, and glass – to 900…
Below lists and describes the 15 largest illegal dumps in Russia. They are already closed, in some cases, the perpetrators identified and punished even. But what's the point?
Spontaneous dump in the centre of Rome
In Volgograd oblast municipal enterprise of Rome "Sanitation" have caused environmental harm will have to pay 39.8 million rubles, for a negative impact – even 148 million. The Minister of natural resources and ecology of Russia Sergey Donskoy personally interested in the problem of the landfill, calling it "unacceptable" approach of the city administration to the organization of work for the handling of solid waste. The head of Uryupinsk Sergei Miners were summoned to Moscow to explain the reasons for this situation. In conversation with him, the Minister has indicated a number of violations of the municipal enterprise of the city "Sanitation" and drew the attention of the city authorities on the lack of systemic solutions to the problem of waste management. Currently, municipal solid waste dumped on the land plot allocated for the temporary storage of solid waste in October 2013. However, this object in fact is an ordinary dump. Note that in Uryupinsk provides for the establishment in 2013 of the landfill and transfer station. However, the data capacity has not been built. Also from the local budget for the elimination of unauthorized dumps in the territory of the city district in 2012, funds were not allocated, and in 2013 was directed a little more than 100 thousand rubles. It should be noted, at the end of 2013, the mayor of the Miners got an anti-prize "a stake" from the party "green Alliance".
Illegal dumping in the Podolsk district of the Moscow region
In 2008, near the village Berezhki, Podolskiy district was discovered largest landfill chemotherap. The amount of chemicals found was 2-3 cubic meter at the dump found 33 names of chemicals in different packaging 2-3 degrees of toxicity, including sodium hydroxide, hydrate of aluminium, benzene, toluene, ammonia, caustic potash, phenolphthalein, arsenic, and acetic anhydride. Dump, of course, destroyed, but the period of disintegration of chemical waste more than plastic.... Yes, and in General Podil's'kyi district – one of the most littered in the suburbs, local residents and vacationers were forced to install watch for non-admission to their lands of trucks with different, often with debris.
Eleven million two hundred sixty six thousand thirty
The largest "underground" dump in Voskresensky district of Moscow region
The PMG "Educational-experimental farm "Leonov"" in 2003, illegally organized a place for waste in Voskresensky district. In 2011, the court ordered the farm management to eliminate any contamination. And like everything went smoothly: the educational and experimental farm concluded with some firm agreement on land restoration, but no decisive action actually has been taken. On the contrary, leonovskoe continued to place on the site of a dangerous waste, and, on top of the trash layer, there was placed sewage sludge from treatment plants. Thus the environment was damaged in the amount of 1.2 billion rubles.
Sprawling dump in the village of Shushary in Leningrad region
About the dump in Shushary began in October 2013, it is located along the Moscow highway, opposite 3rd Babaevskogo travel. In October last year, the owner of the land on which the landfill, LLC "Shushary-Badaevskiy" was twice brought to administrative responsibility by the Committee on natural resources, the amount exacted penalty for the organization of the landfill has reached 1 million rubles. However, the dump still somehow continues to grow. Activists-environmentalists have managed to establish two objects "supply" of waste on the territory of the landfill. One of them is the construction site of a residential complex in St. Petersburg, on Pulkovskoe shosse, d. 30 K, where the customer and the developer is OOO "LSR real Estate North-West". The second object which building waste is sent to landfill Shusharsky, it is the site of the demolition of dilapidated house on Paper street, 8 A, where the contractor is LLC "SU-60", and the customer – the construction Committee of St. Petersburg. Loaded into cars and sent to Shushary literally everything that is formed during the demolition of the building.
Ninety three million nine hundred eighteen thousand one hundred twelve
Illegal dump in Solnechnogorsk district of Moscow region
On the territory of military unit in Solnechnogorsk district of Moscow region, in the watershed Klyazma and the Istra reservoir, law enforcement officers found another illegal dump. Suspicion fell on the staff of the Ministry of defence, in particular the first Deputy commander of the aerospace defense Lieutenant General Valery Ivanov. According to the investigation data, in the period 2010-2011 he participated in numerous contract concluded with a commercial organization to conduct recovery work on the side. The heads of commercial firms have the right to freely use the land and, apparently, decided to organize there storage of solid household waste (SHW), that is a dump, and not to perform the planned work. And again, the environment has suffered. This time the damage amounted to 30 billion rubles.
Ninety two million five hundred fifty five thousand sixty three
"Dump-snag" in Vsevolozhsk district of Leningrad region
In the village Novosergievka in the Vsevolozhsk district of the Leningrad region under the guise of land reclamation was established with the dump, which was in the field of view of environmentalists, and now a court decision in favor of the Rosselkhoznadzor with the land owner, LLC "SpetsStroy" will collect more than 471 million rubles. The penalty attached also to a considerable state duty for litigation costs 200 thousand rubles.
Dump in Kapotnya in Moscow
May 1, 2010 the capital of the environmentalists issued a ruling on initiation of proceedings about an administrative offence concerning the actions of unscrupulous employers, who staged a landfill in the area of Kapotnya in the South-East of Moscow. In the area of substation No. 42 ambulance where it was found a place for waste, found loads of construction and household debris, parts of vehicles, as well as 23 plastic canisters, and three of them contained the electrolyte. The total size of the damage that was caused to the nature is estimated at 261 million rubles.
Spontaneous dump in the Valley of the river Setun in Moscow
On the territory of natural reserve "Valley Setun" in 2012, the internal Affairs authorities of the capital have detected an unauthorized dump of construction waste. After intervention of Prosecutor's office of Moscow opened a criminal case on the fact of infliction of damage to the reserve under article "Violation of specially protected natural territories and natural objects". Prosecutors estimated the damage to 141 million rubles.
Dumping of solid waste near Saratov
The Committee of environmental protection and nature use of the Saratov region on August 10, 2011 sent to the regional Prosecutor's office against the inaction of the authorities in the elimination of illegal dumping in the ravine Mahany. As it turned out, in the ravine, 2500 square meters of stored scrap metal, wood waste, glass and debris. After primary prevention, the Committee conducted a re-examination of the ravine, and found that there continue to be dumped various waste. The damage done to the regional authorities, through inaction, amounted to 100 million rubles.
Illegal dumping in the Parfino district of the Novgorod region
During the Prosecutor's inspection on 3 October 2013 at a distance of three kilometers from the line p. Parfino was discovered an illegal dump. It turned out that this area in January 2008 was transferred to the district administration, OOO "Management company" for use as a solid waste landfill. From 2008 to 2013, the company managed to export to the area more than 6 thousand cubic meters of garbage. Damage to nature was estimated at 39.6 million rubles.
Dump Mitino in Moscow
15 Oct 2013 the survey of the territory of the military town No. 49 at St. Penjaginskaja, VL. 115V Mitino was discovered unauthorized place for waste disposal, which found construction and household waste. The area of the landfill was 3300 sq. m. Also the survey of selected soil samples in the area of the landfill has established soil contamination with oil products. The damage that was caused to the environment, estimated at 30 million rubles.
The trash in the Voronezh region
In Novousmansky district for the area 45 thousand square meters of "Clean planet", which was engaged in waste and figuring out all the details regarding the organization of the landfill, revealed that the necessary licenses for the disposal of waste from the owner was not. In the end, it was a criminal case under article "Damage of land", and the damage that dumping has caused the ecology of the Voronezh, estimated at 20 million rubles.
Dump in a Small luck of the Leningrad region
The specialists of forest Management in Leningrad region in 2012 made a field survey of the forest area near the village of Malyi Lutsk on the basis of the application of environmental "Green Front" and found the owner of the territory near the settlement. An organized garbage area – 4900 sq. m. Around the landfill gradually begin to form a bog, and should take into account the fact that this is happening in the lands of the forest Fund. The head of the environmental projects of the NGO "Green Front" Egor Leontiev said that the harm from the offense only amounted to almost 9 million rubles.
Dump chemicals in the Kurgan region
20 Nov 2012 Kurgan Interdistrict environmental Prosecutor's office revealed illegal dumping of chemicals in liquid, solid and powdered state. The result is 2.5 million cubic meters. meters of land affected, the total amount of waste amounted to 3 thousand cubic meters, and the damage caused to the environment, has exceeded 6.7 million rubles.
Dump himachalam in the Berezovsky district of the Sverdlovsk region
Near the village Stanovaya, Berezovskiy district staff of the Ministry of natural resources found an illegal dump, on which there were oil barrels, bags of words "abrasive powder" and debris. Note that near the landfill located water station, which supplies the entire area with drinking water. Trash occupied the area of 0.2 hectares, the volume amounted to about 40 cubic meters. It is estimated that illegal dumping had caused damage to the forest Fund 545, 9 thousand rubles.
Source: www.ridus.ru