Designer eco-Park on the lake

In place of the Baikal pulp and paper mill through the efforts of the Moscow fashion designers and architects appear eco-tourism complex.
The complex will include a tourism cluster, Expocentre reserves, environmental disasters Museum, educational center for training employees reserves.
The project will take over the Moscow Institute of architecture and design "Strelka", the famous project of transformation of factory "Red October" in Moscow, which is now considered one of the most fashionable places in the city.

The idea has already been supported by the Ministry of natural resources, and the concept was developed with the participation of the Fund "Green future".
Objects of the plant, in turn, waits for a phased closure, which will last for 2-3 months. Next, volunteers from the number 740 employees will have the opportunity of retraining to continue work in the city, others will be able to move to those places where their specialization will be in demand.
Part of former employees of the mill can engage in the reclamation of the surrounding territories, which have accumulated tons of waste. It is from the wastes comes the main threat to ecological disaster, as in the case of mudslides poisons and chemicals fall into the water of the lake.
Slurry-login with chlorine and sulfur lies 12 fields in the amount of 6.2 million tons, and over the years all waste has grown into one gel-like mass, which complicates the work of reclaiming.
In addition to the Park "sanctuary Russia" in the area of the lake is planned to create a Park, recreational areas, new hotels and cottages, according to "Izvestia".
Now Baikal is annually visited by approximately 740 thousand tourists, most of whom are Russians.
Source: www.ridus.ru
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