Today is the day of Lake Baikal

Glorious sea - sacred Baikal ... "- a unique beautiful Siberian lake can not leave anyone indifferent poets or scholars, or simply tourists from many countries. Bai-Kul - Lake Baikal - in Turkic "rich lake". Day Baikal established in 1999 and since then is celebrated annually on the fourth Sunday of August, but in 2008 the decision of the Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk region this holiday moved to the second Sunday in September. Over time, the Day of Baikal received a nationwide and worldwide recognition, has become an important and popular date in our calendar. There are new and good traditions.

Many public events, scientific, cultural, sporting events, art contests and quizzes are held under the auspices of the Baikal Day throughout the year. Film festivals, art exhibitions and photo exhibitions, collective visits of young and adult artists to Lake Baikal for plein air, contests and crafts folk art, environmental Saturdays, shares of cleaning debris from coastal waters, pageant on the embankment of the Angara. A few interesting facts about the Lake Baikal Ice (Photo: Vasiliy Koval, Shutterstock) Baikal - the deepest lake in the world. Its average depth is about 730 meters. The largest known depth of Lake Baikal - 1637 meters. Scientists believe that the age of the lake is 20-25 million years old. But its current outline Baikal bought obviously a few million years ago as a result of changes in seismic character. By the way, Lake Baikal is experiencing an earthquake - a few hundred a year. Most of them can be registered only by seismographs of high sensitivity. Baikal water is tasty and clean, because the lake has a powerful protective mechanisms of self-purification. Residents of the Baikal villages and towns often take water for domestic use and cooking of Lake Baikal. Baikal water contains small amounts of dissolved and suspended solids, so its transparency exceeds all lacustrine waters of the world and close to the transparency of the oceans. In 1996, Baikal was inscribed on the List of World Heritage Sites.
