5 amazing lakes in Russia (25 pics)
Lakes Russia - one of the national wealth of our country. They can be big or small, freshwater and salty, deep and shallow. Before you five amazing lakes in Russia.
Kaspiyskoe Sea - the lake, the largest in terms of area and volume of water. K its shores leaves five states. The salinity of the body of water most of the approximately one third of the ocean, in the north to almost fresh water.
The length of the coastline of the Caspian Sea is estimated at about 6500 - 6700 kilometers from the islands - to 7,000 kilometers.
In the Caspian Sea runs 130 rivers, of which 9 have the mouth of the river in the form of delta. Major rivers flowing into the Caspian Sea - Volga, Terek (Russia), Ural and Emba (Kazakhstan), Kura (Azerbaijan), Samur (the Russian border with Azerbaijan), Atrek (Turkmenistan).
In the Caspian Sea registered 101 species of fish, it is for the majority of the world's sturgeon stocks and freshwater fish such as roach, carp, pike.
The biggest danger for the Caspian Sea are related to water pollution due to the extraction and transportation of oil on the continental shelf of pollutants from the Volga and other rivers flowing into the Caspian Sea, the vital functions of the coastal cities, as well as flooding of individual objects in connection with an increase in the level of the Caspian Sea .
Lake Baikal - the largest freshwater lake Evrazii.Samoe deepest lake in the world. The depth of the lake 1642 meters.
Water reserves in Baikal giant - 23 615 39 cu km (about 19% of world's reserves of fresh water lake - all freshwater lakes in the world contains 123 thousand. Cu km of water). By volume of water reserves Baikal ranks second among the world's lakes, second only to the Caspian Sea.
The Baikal flow 336 rivers and streams.
In winter Baikal freezes over completely, except for a small area of 15-20 km length located in the source of the Angara.
Lake Baikal is home to 2,630 species and varieties of plants and animals.
Ladoga and Onega lakes - the largest in Europe.
The Lake Ladoga carry their water major rivers Svir, Volkhov Vuoksa and several dozen medium-sized rivers, and more than a hundred small ones. It flows out of the lake one Neva.
On Lake Ladoga - the abundance of islands, whose number exceeds 650.
Onega Lake - one of the largest freshwater bodies in Europe. Its area is about 10,000 square kilometers, the length of up to 248 kilometers, a width of 80 kilometers. The average depth of the lake 30 meters.
The lake is famous for its huge number of islands, especially in the northern part. Their total number reaches 1369.
Lake Elton - one of the most interesting natural sites in the Volgograd region. Salt Lake enormous size, comparable only to that of the Israeli Dead Sea, lies the middle of the steppe ...
Eltonskoe lake is the largest and richest of all the world famous salt lakes. The thickness of the layer of salt is still not precisely defined. But the most important thing in Elton - its healing properties. Once there was even a museum of crutches left behind: the people who came here on crutches, in a month or two back home, leaving the crutches at the local motels.
It has long been observed that the end of the summer, the lake surface is painted in a mysterious purple-golden color.
Lotus Lake. In Russia, the lotuses grow only in two places - in the Astrakhan region and the Far East. Lake Lotus (or goose) - a unique body of water all summer carpeted rare pink flowers. This lake is located on one of the most beautiful islands of the Bay of Peter the Great.
About the lake tell marvelous legend. If earlier in his place was a valley where the village was located. In the middle of the village stood well. Once out of the well started to pour the water that flooded the village. This is believed to have broken the water of Lake Baikal, which connects Goose huge underground channel. It is said here, even shipwrecks, sunken in the lake, are. And the endemic cisco found in Lotus Lake.

Kaspiyskoe Sea - the lake, the largest in terms of area and volume of water. K its shores leaves five states. The salinity of the body of water most of the approximately one third of the ocean, in the north to almost fresh water.

The length of the coastline of the Caspian Sea is estimated at about 6500 - 6700 kilometers from the islands - to 7,000 kilometers.

In the Caspian Sea runs 130 rivers, of which 9 have the mouth of the river in the form of delta. Major rivers flowing into the Caspian Sea - Volga, Terek (Russia), Ural and Emba (Kazakhstan), Kura (Azerbaijan), Samur (the Russian border with Azerbaijan), Atrek (Turkmenistan).

In the Caspian Sea registered 101 species of fish, it is for the majority of the world's sturgeon stocks and freshwater fish such as roach, carp, pike.

The biggest danger for the Caspian Sea are related to water pollution due to the extraction and transportation of oil on the continental shelf of pollutants from the Volga and other rivers flowing into the Caspian Sea, the vital functions of the coastal cities, as well as flooding of individual objects in connection with an increase in the level of the Caspian Sea .

Lake Baikal - the largest freshwater lake Evrazii.Samoe deepest lake in the world. The depth of the lake 1642 meters.

Water reserves in Baikal giant - 23 615 39 cu km (about 19% of world's reserves of fresh water lake - all freshwater lakes in the world contains 123 thousand. Cu km of water). By volume of water reserves Baikal ranks second among the world's lakes, second only to the Caspian Sea.

The Baikal flow 336 rivers and streams.

In winter Baikal freezes over completely, except for a small area of 15-20 km length located in the source of the Angara.

Lake Baikal is home to 2,630 species and varieties of plants and animals.

Ladoga and Onega lakes - the largest in Europe.

The Lake Ladoga carry their water major rivers Svir, Volkhov Vuoksa and several dozen medium-sized rivers, and more than a hundred small ones. It flows out of the lake one Neva.

On Lake Ladoga - the abundance of islands, whose number exceeds 650.

Onega Lake - one of the largest freshwater bodies in Europe. Its area is about 10,000 square kilometers, the length of up to 248 kilometers, a width of 80 kilometers. The average depth of the lake 30 meters.

The lake is famous for its huge number of islands, especially in the northern part. Their total number reaches 1369.

Lake Elton - one of the most interesting natural sites in the Volgograd region. Salt Lake enormous size, comparable only to that of the Israeli Dead Sea, lies the middle of the steppe ...

Eltonskoe lake is the largest and richest of all the world famous salt lakes. The thickness of the layer of salt is still not precisely defined. But the most important thing in Elton - its healing properties. Once there was even a museum of crutches left behind: the people who came here on crutches, in a month or two back home, leaving the crutches at the local motels.

It has long been observed that the end of the summer, the lake surface is painted in a mysterious purple-golden color.

Lotus Lake. In Russia, the lotuses grow only in two places - in the Astrakhan region and the Far East. Lake Lotus (or goose) - a unique body of water all summer carpeted rare pink flowers. This lake is located on one of the most beautiful islands of the Bay of Peter the Great.

About the lake tell marvelous legend. If earlier in his place was a valley where the village was located. In the middle of the village stood well. Once out of the well started to pour the water that flooded the village. This is believed to have broken the water of Lake Baikal, which connects Goose huge underground channel. It is said here, even shipwrecks, sunken in the lake, are. And the endemic cisco found in Lotus Lake.