Incredible multicolored lakes of the Kelimutu volcano in Indonesia

Kelimutu is a famous volcano located on the territory of the national park of the same name in the center of the Indonesian island of Flores. Kelimutu last woke up in 1968, after which there were no signs of activity. At the top of the volcano, whose height is 1639 m, there is a real natural wonder - three crater lakes of different colors. They appeared as a result of the last eruption of Kelimutu, when small depressions formed in the magma, eventually filled with atmospheric precipitation. Unusual reservoirs, located relatively close to each other, tend to periodically change color from turquoise to green, red, brown or black.

According to modern scientific guesses, such changes in the color of lakes occur as a result of a chemical reaction that occurs between various minerals and gas. For example, a reddish tint gives reactions of iron with hydrogen sulfide, and a high concentration of hydrochloric and sulfuric acids causes a deep green color.

The inhabitants of the village of Moni, located almost at the foot of Kelimutu, have their own theory - they believe that the souls of their dead ancestors go to these lakes, and the change of color indicates that the souls living in the reservoirs are angry. Another version says that the change in color could be a signal of impending critical events in Indonesia.

Each lake has its own name, reflecting the legend associated with it. The westernmost of the lakes, located about 1.5 km from the other two, is called Tivu-Ata-Mbupu (“lake of old people”), in it, according to legend, the souls of those who have lived their lives with dignity and died of old age find shelter. It symbolizes the wisdom and knowledge of the elderly, which comes only with age.

Lake Tivu-Ata-Mbupu:

The name of the central lake – Tivu-Nua-Muri-Kooh-Thai – translates as “lake of boys and girls”, it leaves the innocent souls of those who died young. This lake is especially often changed color, they say, over the past twenty-six years, it has changed the color of its water twelve times.

Lake Tivu Nua Muri Kooh Thai:

Tiva Ata Polo, which means “enchanted lake”, or “lake of evil souls”, serves as an eternal home for the souls of villains.

Lake Tivu-Ata-Polo:

The last two bodies of water are located nearby, they are separated only by a thin wall of the crater, which, according to the beliefs of local residents, personifies the fine line between evil and good:

The color of the water of the three lakes is very unpredictable, so climbing to the top of the volcano, it is impossible to know exactly what color combinations will be this time. According to the latest data, now the lake of old people is painted black, although until recently it was green, the lake of boys and girls has a rich green color, and the lake of evil souls is brown. Only a few years ago they had white, turquoise and red colors. In November 2009, the waters of the lakes were painted black, turquoise and brown.

And already in July 2010, Tivu-Ata-Mbupu pleased the eye with a bottle-green color, Tivu-Nua-Muri-Kooh-Thai was painted in turquoise color, and Tivu-Ata-Polo had the color of green moss:

It is best to admire the amazing views of reservoirs from the top of Kelimutu, on which there is an observation deck, or rather a pyramid, called the “point of inspiration”. The most beautiful and saturated shades of the lake acquire at dawn and sunset, and in the late morning, when they are enveloped by thick fog, there is a fascinating atmosphere of mystery. It is best and safest to view water bodies from specially designated places, since volcanic stone is very slippery and it is extremely dangerous to walk along it, besides, pairs emanating from the lakes lead to fainting.

Kelimutu volcano lakes are one of the most interesting sights of Indonesia. Indonesians are very fond of this place, before the famous chameleon ponds were even depicted on the banknote of 5,000 rupees.

These lakes are only a small part of Kelimutu National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Several thousand tourists come to admire the unique natural objects of this area every year.
To get to the village of Moni, located a few kilometers from the foot of the volcano, you can from different cities, the nearest ones are Ende (51 km) and Maumeré (62 km). The journey from Moni to the volcano by car will take 30-40 minutes, and from the parking lot to the colored lakes only 20-30 minutes walk. You can stay in the village either at the locals or at any of the local hotels. The village has restaurants, small shops and a market where you can buy food, clothes and everything you need for everyday life.


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