Satellites of the Solar System

suggest you learn some interesting and informative facts about the satellites of the planets of the solar system.

1. Ganymede - a great companion. It is the largest moon of Jupiter, not only, but also of the solar system as a whole. He is so great. What it has its own magnetic field.

2. Miranda - ugly satellite. It is considered the ugly duckling of the solar system. It seems as if someone molded pieces of the satellite and sent him spinning around Uranus. Miranda has the most spectacular scenery in the solar system: the ridges and valleys form a whimsical crown and canyons, some of which is 12 times deeper than the Grand Canyon. For example, if one of them to throw a stone, it falls only after 10 minutes.

3. Callisto - a satellite with the largest number of craters. Unlike other celestial bodies Callisto has no geological activity, which makes its surface is not protected. Therefore, the satellite looks like a very "beaten."

4. Dactyl - satellite asteroid. It is the smallest moon in the Solar System, as its width is just one mile. In the photo you can see the satellite of Ida and Dactyl - a small dot on the right. The uniqueness of this satellite is that it does not revolve around the planet, and around the asteroid. Previously, scientists believed that asteroids are small in order to have companions, but as you can see, they oshibalis.

5. Epimetheus and Janus - satellites, narrowly escaped a collision. Both satellites revolve around Saturn in the same orbit. Perhaps they were once a single satellite. What is remarkable: every 4 years, when there comes the moment of collision, they change places.

6. Enceladus - the carrier ring. It is an inner satellite of Saturn, which represents almost 100% of light. The surface of Enceladus is filled with geysers that spew into space particles of ice and dust, forming a ring "E" of Saturn.

7. Triton - from ice volcanoes. It is the largest moon of Neptune. He is also the only satellite of the solar system that rotates in the opposite direction from the rotation of the planet aside. The volcanoes on Triton are active, but they do not emit lava and water and ammonia, which freezes on the surface.

8. Europe - with large oceans. This moon of Jupiter has the flat surface in the solar system. The fact is that the satellite is a solid ocean covered with ice. Water is 2-3 times greater than in the world.

9. Io - volcanic hell. This satellite is similar to Mordor in "The Lord of the Rings." Almost the entire surface of the satellite, which rotates around Jupiter, is covered with volcanoes eruption which occurs very frequently. Io no crater as lava fills the surface, thus aligning its seeds.

10. Titan - a home away from home. This is perhaps the strangest moon of the solar system. It only has an atmosphere which is several times thicker than in the world. What was under the opaque clouds, it remained unknown for many years. Underlying Titan atmosphere is nitrogen as on earth, but it also contains other gases, such as methane. If the methane on Titan is large, then the satellite can go methane rain. The presence of large bright spot on the surface of said satellite that may be on the surface of the sea liquid, which structure may include methane. It should be noted that Titan - it is the most appropriate body to search for heavenly life.
Source: www.bugaga.ru/interesting/1146733348-top-10-strannyh-sputnikov-solnechnoy-sistemy.html