Sink as the water meter

Firm sanitary equipment Roca produces device Intelligent Drain, which counts every drop of water flowing down. It is installed under the sink, and the top displays like the moisture display. In our time, when water becomes more expensive every year, such a device is indispensable. It will help to reduce water consumption and therefore to save on our utility bills.

Here is an interesting statistics about how we use water:
- per minute from the tap poured about 6 gallons of water.
- if a person takes a bath, spends 100-150 liters of water, and if confined to the shower - only 30-80 liters.
- if washing dishes constantly from the faucet pouring water is spent from 20 to 70 liters. But if to stop her when soaping hands, spent less than half.
- when brushing your teeth, it is better to use a glass of water, because otherwise 3 minutes is lost 18-20 liters.
- if you have a garden which you love and which need to be watered in the summer, you should have the capacity, where it will collect rainwater and then use it.
Source: /users/1
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