All near Moscow traffic police cameras are out of order
According to "Gazety.Ru" none of the cameras installed in the Moscow traffic police "Arrow-ST" is not working. More than 100 systems brought down a mysterious virus that paralyzed the entire system on the night of 9th to 10th of January. In traffic police confirmed the collapse, but it is not called the causes of the incident. Experts believe an unprecedented failure - the restoration of all the cameras will take less than a month.
Serious problems encountered a few days ago with the complexes of automatic photo and video offense "Arrow-ST", "Gazeta.ru" has learned from several sources, including the Ministry of Transport of the Moscow region.
Available edition was a letter from the company "SMU-7", dedicated service "Shooter" in the Civil Code of the Moscow Region "Center of road safety of the Moscow region" (TSBDDMO), which states that almost all established in the suburbs complexes ended up being an unknown virus attack .
"Research has shown that weight off complexes fotovideofiksatsii" Arrow-ST "began in 0100 9 January 2014, and to 11.00 am data stopped coming with more than 90 points, working on the eve of January 8, 2014", - stated in the letter, signed by the CEO of Rezida Minnibajevo that on Monday have to get around Moscow officials. The document notes that by 10 January of the building has 110 out of 144 established in the Moscow region cameras.
"In fact, the situation is quite depressing. Currently, the region is not running any one set of fixation - said "Gazeta.ru" informed source familiar with the situation. - The virus itself brought down 120 systems, 24 more cameras and had not worked ».
It is worth noting that the camera "Arrow-ST" are the primary means of fixing traffic violations in the suburbs. These devices control the speed on all federal highways in the region.
After analyzing the situation, experts "SMU-7" found that the cameras were exposed to virus attack.
The letter reads in part:
"After in-depth diagnostics of temperature-controlled computer complex" Arrow-ST "was established:
- As a result of intentional hacking system was corrupted file system processing units and control systems "Arrow-ST", which makes it impossible to run the operating system Windows XP and specialized software systems;
- Damaged log files of the operating system; on the system disk C:
- Found foreign malicious batch file 222.bat, configured to automatically change the password of the operating system and run the executable file 1.exe;
- Change the password for access to the operating system as an administrator.
The reason for inoperability complexes is intentional breaking of the operating system by unknown persons ».
To rectify the situation and to stop "unlawful interference" in the work of photo and video authors of the document asked for CCU "TSOBDDMO».
Information about the failure of the Moscow region commit violations "Gazeta.ru" confirmed in the Moscow region traffic police.
"Stationary complexes photo and video at the moment for unknown reasons are in working order - said" Gazeta.ru "head of the Propaganda Department of Highway Safety UGIBDD MO Maria Solenova.
- We informed the owner cameras CCU "TSBDDMO" about the need to restore functionality of the cameras. Traffic control is carried out by means of mobile complexes commit traffic violations ».
Director General of the NGO "Prism", engaged in the development of alternative systems, Sergey Laskin calls the situation unprecedented and catastrophic.
"As far as I know, in fact, with all the facilities completely removed all the software - he told" Gazeta.ru ". - Where did this virus, it is not clear, but to correct the situation, it is necessary to restore each set individually. I know for certain that Andrei Morozov, who heads the actual structure, engaged in the production of "Shooter", and promotes these cameras on the market in the Ministry of Transport of the Moscow region, at an emergency meeting was given 10 days to remedy the situation. He agreed, but in time for this time is unrealistic.
Even if you work around the clock, it will take at least a month to recover something, but it is not the exact settings, very damp. We need to travel to each complex and manually configure it, it is very difficult and not a quick process ».
According to him, unknown hackers had to have extensive training. "After all, it was necessary to go in each set, and all there is to clean up. To crank out one night, had to work the whole group, and they had to have direct access to the private network traffic police, which manages these complexes with full administrator privileges, - he said. - It is important to take into account that part of the complex is connected through a closed network of mobile operators, and some - through fiber optic cable, that is, people have full access to the entire network, regardless of the connection method ».
Who could be behind these attacks in the Moscow chamber Laskin can only speculate: "It's hard to imagine what our competitors do have arranged such a collapse to get some extra money for the restoration of the system. But it is completely ruled out, I can not, because the system must somehow be restored, but will do so, of course, its manufacturer. Somehow all this is very similar to last year's situation when, in early January in the Moscow region camera suddenly struck virus. By coincidence, it happened immediately after the competition on their service won our company ».
At the official level to get a comment the Ministry of Transport of Moscow Region "Gazeta.ru" failed - phones to the press service department on Monday did not respond. In "SMU-7" for comment also failed. "Leave your number, if we have something to say, I'll call you back" - said "Gazeta.ru" head of the company and the author of the letter itself Rezida Minnibajevo. At the time of publication of the material from her comment was not followed. Andrey Morozov himself on Monday, was unavailable for comment.
Proof: www.gazeta.ru/auto/2014/01/13_a_5845877.shtml

Serious problems encountered a few days ago with the complexes of automatic photo and video offense "Arrow-ST", "Gazeta.ru" has learned from several sources, including the Ministry of Transport of the Moscow region.
Available edition was a letter from the company "SMU-7", dedicated service "Shooter" in the Civil Code of the Moscow Region "Center of road safety of the Moscow region" (TSBDDMO), which states that almost all established in the suburbs complexes ended up being an unknown virus attack .
"Research has shown that weight off complexes fotovideofiksatsii" Arrow-ST "began in 0100 9 January 2014, and to 11.00 am data stopped coming with more than 90 points, working on the eve of January 8, 2014", - stated in the letter, signed by the CEO of Rezida Minnibajevo that on Monday have to get around Moscow officials. The document notes that by 10 January of the building has 110 out of 144 established in the Moscow region cameras.
"In fact, the situation is quite depressing. Currently, the region is not running any one set of fixation - said "Gazeta.ru" informed source familiar with the situation. - The virus itself brought down 120 systems, 24 more cameras and had not worked ».
It is worth noting that the camera "Arrow-ST" are the primary means of fixing traffic violations in the suburbs. These devices control the speed on all federal highways in the region.
After analyzing the situation, experts "SMU-7" found that the cameras were exposed to virus attack.
The letter reads in part:
"After in-depth diagnostics of temperature-controlled computer complex" Arrow-ST "was established:
- As a result of intentional hacking system was corrupted file system processing units and control systems "Arrow-ST", which makes it impossible to run the operating system Windows XP and specialized software systems;
- Damaged log files of the operating system; on the system disk C:
- Found foreign malicious batch file 222.bat, configured to automatically change the password of the operating system and run the executable file 1.exe;
- Change the password for access to the operating system as an administrator.
The reason for inoperability complexes is intentional breaking of the operating system by unknown persons ».
To rectify the situation and to stop "unlawful interference" in the work of photo and video authors of the document asked for CCU "TSOBDDMO».
Information about the failure of the Moscow region commit violations "Gazeta.ru" confirmed in the Moscow region traffic police.
"Stationary complexes photo and video at the moment for unknown reasons are in working order - said" Gazeta.ru "head of the Propaganda Department of Highway Safety UGIBDD MO Maria Solenova.
- We informed the owner cameras CCU "TSBDDMO" about the need to restore functionality of the cameras. Traffic control is carried out by means of mobile complexes commit traffic violations ».
Director General of the NGO "Prism", engaged in the development of alternative systems, Sergey Laskin calls the situation unprecedented and catastrophic.
"As far as I know, in fact, with all the facilities completely removed all the software - he told" Gazeta.ru ". - Where did this virus, it is not clear, but to correct the situation, it is necessary to restore each set individually. I know for certain that Andrei Morozov, who heads the actual structure, engaged in the production of "Shooter", and promotes these cameras on the market in the Ministry of Transport of the Moscow region, at an emergency meeting was given 10 days to remedy the situation. He agreed, but in time for this time is unrealistic.
Even if you work around the clock, it will take at least a month to recover something, but it is not the exact settings, very damp. We need to travel to each complex and manually configure it, it is very difficult and not a quick process ».
According to him, unknown hackers had to have extensive training. "After all, it was necessary to go in each set, and all there is to clean up. To crank out one night, had to work the whole group, and they had to have direct access to the private network traffic police, which manages these complexes with full administrator privileges, - he said. - It is important to take into account that part of the complex is connected through a closed network of mobile operators, and some - through fiber optic cable, that is, people have full access to the entire network, regardless of the connection method ».
Who could be behind these attacks in the Moscow chamber Laskin can only speculate: "It's hard to imagine what our competitors do have arranged such a collapse to get some extra money for the restoration of the system. But it is completely ruled out, I can not, because the system must somehow be restored, but will do so, of course, its manufacturer. Somehow all this is very similar to last year's situation when, in early January in the Moscow region camera suddenly struck virus. By coincidence, it happened immediately after the competition on their service won our company ».
At the official level to get a comment the Ministry of Transport of Moscow Region "Gazeta.ru" failed - phones to the press service department on Monday did not respond. In "SMU-7" for comment also failed. "Leave your number, if we have something to say, I'll call you back" - said "Gazeta.ru" head of the company and the author of the letter itself Rezida Minnibajevo. At the time of publication of the material from her comment was not followed. Andrey Morozov himself on Monday, was unavailable for comment.
Proof: www.gazeta.ru/auto/2014/01/13_a_5845877.shtml