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Mirrorless camera and computer power law

Boom compact system cameras, which broke out three years ago, surprised the hordes kropozerkalschikov who continued in every way to praise the benefits of your favorite systems and lovers of top compact cameras are ready to invest huge money in functionality cameras, hardly comparable to the most junior level DSLRs. It's no secret that mirrorless cameras have caused its appearance not only natural interest, but also a barrage of hate; before for "bezzerkalkami" in the English-speaking world has established abbreviation CSC (Compact System Cameras), most people refer to them only as EVIL (Electronic Viewfinder, Interchangeable Lens). Seriously, there was talk of a conspiracy corporations takeover market segments and even a world war declared owners of the huge full-boxes from the crowds rogue wanting to show off the professionalism, but are not willing to pay for the pleasure of photos need to carry huge trunks with hardware.

Gone deadlines happened predestined, and mirrorless cameras have taken the law-governed niche that and had to take the original - the place of film rangefinder. Retrodizayn and system management, focus on manipulative optics, typical for most modern mirrorless cameras (UPC), weights and dimensions, the nature of the use - all this testifies to return to the world of an entire segment of cameras designed equally to perform certain professional tasks and for very advanced, high-quality amateur photography. Compacts lower level gradually die off, giving way to smartphones and high-end compact camera for enthusiasts approached by the UPC on the characteristics and capabilities, primarily - on the physical size of the sensor. It's time to evaluate, without undue emotion, what processes are suddenly pushed mirrorless cameras on the market, where before there was only a dull war "against crop full frame" and no less graceless massacre «Canon vs. Nikon ». Where and why surfaced bezzerkalki?

The answer is simple: they have generated computer technology, the same Moore's Law, is fully applicable to all areas of computer life, including to digital photography. Once it became possible to create a hardware base for reliable operation with interchangeable lenses, without resorting to the location in the area of ​​the viewfinder mirror phase sensors - bezzerkalki cautiously stepped into the market, and then podnapryaglis and struck a telling blow kropnutyh SLR. Reflex, however, also did not remain in debt: Miniature Canon 100D and Nikon D3300 is only slightly more massive than their counterparts from the mirrorless Fujifilm, Olympus, Panasonic ... But the mirror in these cells is not more than a tribute to tradition, vestige, primarily from -this dark and small viewfinder; most of the work in these new SLR cameras take the screen, processor, sensors, focusing on the matrix. This "mirror" - no more than out marketing hype designed to "plant" a certain user on a system of optics and accessories. A decisive arguments are used, as in the mirrorless cameras, computer capabilities, serving as digital imaging and its postprocessing.
From this point of view and should be considered now the trend of modern kamerostroeniya.

Bezzerkalka as camera
Agreed in advance that, in speaking of mirrorless cameras in the context of this article, I am also referring to the initial model and DSLRs, and top-end compacts "enthusiast". This kind of "middle class" in public photographic technique; Many professionals in the West to remove or bezzerkalki kropnutyh camera and do not buzz. I read about fotoreportёre that bypasses in "hot spots" in two compact Olympus Camedia 8080, and I must admit that this solution has its advantages. Anyone who ever happen in Pattaya during the Songkran Festival, or in the Pamir Mountains in the late spring, when melt water in half with snow bear here and there in three pounds of rocks on the slopes, probably thought about changing his pretentious carcass with the great and terrible telezumom 16- 400 / 1.2 on something easier. For those who for the first time confronted with the classification of cameras (such as are found in this hub?), Here is my explanation.

So, traditionally, the camera now are:

Compacts entry level (point-and-shoot) - flat "Soap" with a tiny sensor and a dark lens. Quality as a smartphone, and even nastier, plus almost zero functional.

ultrazoom (bridge cameras) - similar in appearance to the SLR "Soap" with an enormous range of focal lengths from the wide-angle-to astronomically terrible approximation to prepoganeyshem on the optical quality of the lens. Small sensor and lack of useful settings complement the picture. However, in this segment, there are pleasant, although very expensive exceptions.

The top compacts (enthusiast-level cameras) - Cameras with manual settings, non-replaceable good lens and a relatively large sensor (there's even a "full-frame" format sensor as that of film frame). This is already a serious tool for everyday shooting.

Bezzerkalki (system cameras) - in fact, the same camera for the enthusiast, but with the ability to put interchangeable lenses and, almost always, the flash or camera light. Occupy, as I wrote above, place a foil rangefinder era in the coffers and the pockets of amateur photographers and professional photographers. It is the fastest growing class of cameras.

Entry-level SLR camera (entry-level DSLRs) - the same as bezzerkalki, but with a mirror. (Yes, I remember that a samurai without a sword around like a samurai sword, only without the sword. Here is exactly the same case. Moreover, all modern digital cameras made by Japanese drawings!) They can usually put the lenses from the past , of film camera models from the same company that caused a lot of their relative popularity. These SLR cameras can not be considered for the reason that the main advantage of SLRs - actually, the viewfinder - completely killed small and dark image preview window (pentazerkalom) with little increase in the eye cup, transforming the image in the viewfinder of the tunnel.

Professional SLR camera (top-level DSLRs) - usually have a large sensor (full frame, FF, equivalent to the size of film 24x36 mm) and a bunch of additional features that are useful to the professional. They can, in the presence of lenses and attachments, remove everything from the decay antineutron metagalaxy before the explosion, from the armpits to the foxes dying mother in law and from the wedding before the uprising, inclusive. For this they are like, especially those who do not need 95% of the functions available in these cells.

«Lake». B> Produced by "Panasonic", inheriting all the typical strengths and weaknesses of the firm. This classic rangefinder camera (SLR is and worth the price of just over one million rubles). Provided in a separate class, because otherwise accumulated on her owners are very offended. Discuss it, I will not, because not own and did not use it, and take pictures with "watering cans", the vision of the network, I did not hit the technical quality.

Such is, or is about to outline map of the modern world of photographic equipment, forcing involved tremble in holy ecstasy. Sacrament ready to rush into battle to defend favorite brand or class of photographic equipment at the first sign of criticism.

I walk over to the case of the classification of a little easier.

Any modern camera - a computer.

Therefore, consider the properties of the digital camera you need from the same point of view from which we regard desktops, laptops, smart phones and other gadgets digital era - in terms of computing power, algorithms, and the quality of the hardware, not least given by the novelty of the technology.

Bezzerkalka as computer
Digital image appears in the camera, broadcast or transmitted in archive print as a stream of computer data. Who is better, faster, more efficiently process the stream, providing for this, the most compact, easy to use, a variety of interfaces - and the winner of the race in digital images. In this class now bezzerkalki modern, fast, mobile DSLRs. And the comparison with traditional DSLRs bezzerkalok - is, in fact, a comparison with the traditional notebook of desktop computers. Desktops have always been, are and will be more powerful, but notebooks - practical, comfortable, mobile. From the end of the 2000s the world has experienced a boom Notebook: their computing power and resources was finally sufficient for most user tasks. And with mirrorless cameras was exactly the same. As soon as Moore's Law has allowed bezzerkalki do with characteristics not inferior SLR cameras - they were made, and they have won their place in the sun.

Table 1. Comparison of different types of cells in terms of consumer properties

Who is investing in their cameras best algorithms maintain good hardware, and he wins. Example - experience Fujifilm, the only currently camera manufacturer that can supply not nauseating and not spoiled, "artistic effects" results when working in JPEG, as well as Sony, whose popularity in fotomire rests on three pillars - the optics from Minolta, optics from Carl Zeiss and normal set of high-quality algorithms for image processing intrachamber.

So it seems to me more legitimate division cameras not on formal photographic parameters and conditionally taken by generations, reflecting the impact of computer and electronic technology on the lives of ordinary users. There is a certain analogy with the development of life on Earth; evolutionary path of digital cameras look like this:

Proterozoic (1990). B> Experience with proteryany film, and the cost of digital cameras is not for the average user. Sometimes in prints of this era is a digital footprint, but most people are photographed on Membrane point-and-shoot soap dish with plastic lenses and horrible prints on quality color images (but with a mandatory time and date stamp) in the lab around the corner.

Problemozoy (2000-2005). B> buy a decent digital camera in this era has become possible for the advanced amateur and even the ordinary, but the picture quality and processing capabilities are a problem. As a precursor of future bezzerkalok, during this period there are several experimental series of compact cameras with excellent characteristics. Later, they die out, unable to compete with the monsters of the next era - merzozoya.

Merzozoy (2003-2010). B> With the release of Canon 300D and the Nikon D50 in the world of amateur starts kropozerkalok boom. The quality of images and the ergonomics of their despicable enough, hence the name of the entire era. Like the kings of the digital nature, in this period dominated by the giant full-format camera at the cost of many thousands of green presidents; dinozavrostroeniya crown is the great issue of "pyadvachka", which became the object of a cult.

Kayfozoy (2010 - today). B> imperceptibly crept stealthily Panasonic did a great thing, releasing his G1 - the first sane bezzerkalku with modern characteristics. In this case, the contribution was huge Olympus, even before that time implement its E-series SLR LiveView normal and good compact optics. Subsequently, Olympus supports Panasonic, releasing a revolutionary design Olympus Pen E-P1. From this moment bezzerkalki multiply like mushrooms, junior SLR inherit them in functionality, and shoot for the amateur photographer gets a real buzz. The quality of images is improved, too, so that can compete with mirrored dinosaurs of the previous era. We live now in this happy time - a time of carefree celebration users and mirrorless cameras!

From this perspective, the ultra-fancy Canon 5D Mk III or reportёrsky Nikon D4s, despite the excellent performance, refer to the dinosaurs; as Moore's law will allow them to create an adequate replacement, houses the pocket, it will be done immediately. Conversely, every step Fujifilm to further increase the size and price of their cameras immediately cut the ground from under these excellent in all respects cameras, translating them into a segment where they have to compete for quite different ecological niche!

Oh yeah, there remains optics, and in general - all that is called "physical characteristics" and pronounce grandly: "Where are you going to go away from the laws of physics? Physics can not be fooled! ". It does not need to cheat. It should be used. Computer means digital imaging know how to use the physics very well!

Optics, sensor and impact of postprocessing
Optics not escape from anywhere; without any good lens, even the best algorithm for obtaining and processing of the image will not create the right image, which is expected intuitively from the photo. Huge park proven lens is an important advantage of large DSLRs. On the other hand, mirrorless cameras here and give their older counterparts odds: a short working distance and no need to constantly open aperture allow you to use them on all possible kinds of old and new lenses from any cameras, SLR, rangefinder and the PTO, as well as photographic enlargers, binoculars, telescopes and riflescopes. On a typical modern bezzerkalku can put anything you like, from the "Petzval" in a brass frame, on which make daguerreotypes praprababushek to sverhmodernovogo Canon 85 / 1.2 second version.

But it's best to put on bezzerkalku lenses specifically designed for this bezzerkalki. Why? Yes, because the lens - also a computer! Any modern lens is equipped with a processor, algorithms that are optimized to work in conjunction with the camera. What it does, any owner will tell you the system Micro 4/3, Olympus has put on the camera lens is great company Panasonic (theoretically, fully compatible with Olympus as part of the standard Micro 4/3). Image of 'rides' because processing algorithms - different.
Moreover, the sensor - is also primarily computer. The physical size of the sensor, which was so well read forums amateurs chasing is important, no doubt. But no less important and postprocessing algorithms used after removing the camera image sensor. A simple example: exactly the same 16-megapixel sensor, which stands on a number of models of Nikon, Pentax, Sony, Nikon only had constant problems with the "carrot" - unnatural yellow-orange skin Europeoids. Example of more complex - no third-party converter RAW-files, except, perhaps, RPP, did not give a normal picture for a long time in image processing with X-Trans sensor from Fujifilm. Even the built-in JPEG compression chamber algorithms given in the end the best quality and detail than the powerful post-processing used "non-native" software.

Undoubtedly, the built in camera algorithmic means often criticized and tasteful. Criticized for poor JPEG, for aggressive denoising, compression and processing for RAW images, just removed from the sensor. This criticism is largely true, but we must not forget the fact that the creators of the cameras tend to get as a perfect tool for making pictures - not the machine for technical tests and pipeline materials for creative craftsmen! Algorithms, both built-in and the level of post-processing will continue to evolve. The newest theme - backup images obtained from the camera directly into the network services. And from this function, just think, gates noses, as well, backup chamber JPEG, Photoshop has not licked and numerous plug-ins! Bad word to say about photoshop, I note only that the processed images require them to maintain the original copy; And then it is useful to make a backup beforehand!

Modern mirrorless camera with joined them top-end compacts "enthusiast" and the entry-level DSLRs, become the testing ground on which tweaked and perfected the fastest future technologies related to digital imaging. So do not turn up his nose at the "amateur" models; instead stands interested not only the physical and optical characteristics of the new cameras, but the nomenclature they use computational tools, generation of processors, provided auto mode, creative settings, additional functions. In particular, these parameters, continuous shutter speed, quality and format of the video, the maximum operating values ​​ISO, etc., even if you do not need them, it makes sense to always evaluate.