30 laws of life

Murphy's Law and its 29 "brother." "If something bad can happen, it happens," - the law Murphy, Russian foreign counterparts, "Murphy's Law" is perhaps the most known pattern of life, the effect of which each of us had to experience for yourself. But if all this is over, life would be dull and uninteresting.
The law, by the power of the mind and the sense of humor of scientists and engineers who can detect the slightest relationship between phenomena, has acquired a variety of effects and variations. We are in the Website have chosen the most ironic of them and share them with you.
Neighboring queue always moves faster.
(Observation Ettore)
If nothing else helps, read, finally, the instructions!
(Axiom Kahn and Orbena) need to start searching from the wrong place.
(The search) is never enough time to do the work as it should, but the fact that its remake, now located.
(Law Meskimena) solutions to complex tasks are assigned to the lazy employee - he will find an easier way.
(Law Hleyda) For those who love sausage and respect the law, do not see how to do both.
(Sausage principle) Teamwork is very important. It allows you to put the blame on the other.
(Eighth rule Fingeyla) you will always be missed either of time or money.
(Corollary Lerman) The first 90% of the work takes 10% of the time, and the last 10% - the remaining 90% of the time.
(Rights for the project) has come the need to knock on wood - discover that the world is made of aluminum and plastic.
(Law Flagg) All work is easy to the person who does not have to do it.
(Law Holt) who can - do. Who can not - teach. Supplement students who can not teach - teach, how to teach.
(Law of George Bernard Shaw) Any order that can be misunderstood, misunderstood.
(Army axiom) People agree to do the work of any complexity, when the need for it has disappeared.
(Law of voluntary work Zimergi) expert - anyone who is not from our city.
(Rule of Mars) experience grows directly proportional to loss of equipment.
(Postulate Horner) never fails to do one thing.
(Law Hardin) have very interesting exhibits there is no name plate.
(Law zoos and museums Jones) No talent can not overcome the addiction to detail.
(Eighth Law Levy) A man with one watch knows for sure what time it is. A person who has a few hours, nothing is sure.
(Law Segal) What you store long enough, you can throw away. Once you throw something, you need it.
(Rule interdependence Richard) Lost is always in the last pocket.
(Buba law) can not properly identify in advance which side of the sandwich anointed with oil.
(Law waywardness of nature) about corruption in government has always been reported in the past tense.
(Watergate principle) most benevolent usually those furthest from solving problems.
(Principle Alin) Among economists the real world is often considered a special case.
(Observation Hongrena) For every action there is an equal and opposite criticism.
(Postulate Harrissona) Who pays less than all, more than any complains.
(Law of professional practice Drew) All great discoveries are made by mistake.
(Law Yang) What would you no matter what happens, all this has already happened to someone from your acquaintances, but it was even worse.
(Law Meader)
Murphy's Law in advertising
5 myths about life as taught in universities
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